Fans welcome for Germany
Friday, 17 August 2007.
England fans are preparing the warmest of welcomes for their German counterparts ahead of next week's friendly at Wembley, the scene of England's greatest football triumph.
Tuesday will see members of englandfans, the official England supporters club, take on a team comprised of the actors from the hit film "Miracle of Bern", which recounts Germany's World Cup triumph in 1954.
星期二我们将会看到英格兰粉丝团的成员们(英格兰官方球迷俱乐部)呈上的一只由参演当红电影"Miracle of Bern"的男演员们组成的队伍,为大家讲述德国队在1954年世界杯上取得的胜利。
Bert Trautmann, the German goalkeeper who achieved iconic status with Manchester City for his heroics in the 1956 FA Cup Final, will be a special guest.
Bert Trautmann,那位曾因1956足总杯决赛而成为曼城队偶像的德国守门员,就将会是一位特别的客人。
On matchday, England fans will adapt their traditional Raise the Flag pre-match ritual, with 20,000 cards forming the word "Danke fur 2006", which means "thank you for 2006" in German.
在比赛那天,英格兰球迷将改变他们传统的赛前典礼(挥舞旗帜),而是用两万张卡片构成一句"Danke fur 2006",意思是“感谢你们。为那在德国度过的2006之夏”。
Representatives of both groups of fans will exchange shirts before the game.
Mark Perryman, co-ordinator for the London branch of englandfans, said: "We wanted to return the the fantastic friendship shown by the German people towards the 350,000 England fans who travelled to last year's World Cup.
Mark Perryman(英格兰粉丝团伦敦分团协调人{瀑布汗})说:“我们只想回报这份德国人民展现给350000位前来德国世界杯的英格兰球迷的伟大的友谊。”
For many England supporters, the Germans are our new best friends, and we want to build on those new links. Of course we still badly want England to win, but it's a healthy football rivalry."
Friday, 17 August 2007.
England fans are preparing the warmest of welcomes for their German counterparts ahead of next week's friendly at Wembley, the scene of England's greatest football triumph.
Tuesday will see members of englandfans, the official England supporters club, take on a team comprised of the actors from the hit film "Miracle of Bern", which recounts Germany's World Cup triumph in 1954.
星期二我们将会看到英格兰粉丝团的成员们(英格兰官方球迷俱乐部)呈上的一只由参演当红电影"Miracle of Bern"的男演员们组成的队伍,为大家讲述德国队在1954年世界杯上取得的胜利。
Bert Trautmann, the German goalkeeper who achieved iconic status with Manchester City for his heroics in the 1956 FA Cup Final, will be a special guest.
Bert Trautmann,那位曾因1956足总杯决赛而成为曼城队偶像的德国守门员,就将会是一位特别的客人。
On matchday, England fans will adapt their traditional Raise the Flag pre-match ritual, with 20,000 cards forming the word "Danke fur 2006", which means "thank you for 2006" in German.
在比赛那天,英格兰球迷将改变他们传统的赛前典礼(挥舞旗帜),而是用两万张卡片构成一句"Danke fur 2006",意思是“感谢你们。为那在德国度过的2006之夏”。
Representatives of both groups of fans will exchange shirts before the game.
Mark Perryman, co-ordinator for the London branch of englandfans, said: "We wanted to return the the fantastic friendship shown by the German people towards the 350,000 England fans who travelled to last year's World Cup.
Mark Perryman(英格兰粉丝团伦敦分团协调人{瀑布汗})说:“我们只想回报这份德国人民展现给350000位前来德国世界杯的英格兰球迷的伟大的友谊。”
For many England supporters, the Germans are our new best friends, and we want to build on those new links. Of course we still badly want England to win, but it's a healthy football rivalry."