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1楼2013-08-28 07:30回复
    Carta A
    Un Amigo (A Letter to a Friend) by Andrés
    feel a little nervous about writing this, Bojan, because I believe this is the
    first time that a friend has asked me to write a prologue for a book about their
    life experiences at Barca. I hope, anyway, that these lines serve to truly
    express my sentiments.
    The truth is that I consider you to be one of my
    greatest friends; from the beginning, when we met, I think we both realized that
    we had a connection. Also, you must remember that this friendship was
    accentuated by an unpleasant incident that I had to live through and that has
    served the purpose of getting to know myself better, but even more in getting to
    know you, and where you have shown me of your grandeur as a person through hard
    times. All I can do is give you thanks because just by talking to you anyone
    realizes what a great person you are. The good times I have spent with you: the
    laughs, the talks and all that we have talked about over a variety of topics.
    The dressing room, the trips, the hostels…allowed us to enjoy personal time in
    which we have been able to take and use to grow our friendship in getting to
    know each other better and be able to enjoy those great and positive
    With only 21 years of age, and only recently turned 21 at that, we
    have been together 4 seasons on the first team of Barcelona. It’s incredible. On
    one side you recognize how fast everything went, how fast time flies. They have
    been seasons of vertigo. Reaching the first team isn’t easy, and at your young
    age it’s even harder. You don’t even get a preseason to warm up to, kid, you
    Now we’re in distinctly different teams but we’re still close. You
    already know that you can always count on me, in fact a week doesn’t pass by in
    which we don’t know what’s going on in each other’s life. But don’t fear
    distance because I’ll still wait for you to continue our sprints or basketball
    ladders…do you remember?
    Certainly, I have to be fair and remember that I
    still owe you one for the two tickets that you gave me for the final of the
    Champions in Rome. I asked you for them at the game against Bayern and you gave
    them to me with the condition that I score at the Stamford Bridge against
    Chelsea. And I scored! How could I forget that goal, right? The same way you
    won’t forget that at the celebration of the goal I reminded you that you owed me
    two tickets, you should have seen your face! In fact, just as I had told you, I
    scored the goal for those two tickets.
    Footballistically, I just want to wish
    you the best, that you play like you know how to, and you play calm and with
    something else, goals that you have scored all your life, keep doing them! You
    are a great striker, you know how to determine plays well, and I’ve been able to
    see that up close when we’ve played together. Memories come to mind of certain
    games, plays, but I feel that as a great striker you remember very well the goal
    that you scored against Osasuna at the Camp Nou and who assisted you too, right?
    That is why you are a special player, empowered by a goal. Seeing you practice,
    play and score well, I think that by being patient but consistent you will have
    your prize and enjoy the stability of a team.
    At Roma you will definitely
    have occasions to show your quality. The truth is that, as you know, we at
    Barcelona have become followers of Roma and will watch what will happen. It will
    be difficult making time during such a tight season but we’ll see if there will
    be a day in which I can escape and visit the city. With what you have told me, I
    really want to. Your job now is to learn Italian and get to know the
    I have the conviction that this time together, spent day to day,
    I have been able to become close to you and help you, cheering you on at all
    times. Go hard!
    You are great, my friend!
    Andrés Iniesta

    2楼2013-08-28 07:31