Today's edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS beginswithtwo tragedies involving school violence.
There are seven schools in Danvers,Massachusetts.
Yesterday, officials closed all of them.
That happened after the body of ColleenRitzer, a math teacher at Danvers High School wasfound in the woods behind theschool.
A 14-year old has been charged with themurder.
Students describe Ritzer as anexcellentteacher who wanted to help anyone in any way she could.
The school said Danvers will feel thisloss for many years.
The news from Massachusetts came two daysafter a shooting at a middle school in Nevada.
Authorities say a 12- year old wounded twostudents and shot and killed a teacher before killinghimself.
Police officials say the teacher, MikeLandsberry, appeared to be trying to stop the incidentwhen he was shot.
They described what he did as heroic,walking toward the shooter and giving other students thechance to get away.
Many of your schools have plans fordealing with violence.
You might have practiced lockdown drills.
Stories like this aren't easy to talkabout, if you do want to talk about school violence, there is apost on our blogfor you to do that.
Students 13 and older can go tocnnstudentnews.com.
Teachers, we've also included questions intoday's daily curriculum to help you address toughtopics like this in yourclassrooms.
Is this legit?
The U.S. Surgeon General runs the Healthand Human Services Department.
Nope, not true.
The Surgeon General is in the department,but it's run by the Health and Human ServicesSecretary.
That position is part of the president'scabinet.
Right now, it's filled by KathleenSebelius, she was nominated by President Obama andconfirmed by the U.S. Senate,
but now Secretary Sebelius is facing sometough criticism.
As the head of the HHS Department, shehelps create and implement the president's healthpolicies.
That includes the Affordable Care Act,also known as Obamacare.
In Monday show, we talked about some ofthe problems with the Obamacare website, CNNasked Secretary Sebelius about theplans to get it fixed.
What can we tell people, because I meanthere is-there is a bit of a loss of confidence in this, soif you say asquickly as possible, that meant October 1st.
Well, what we can tell you, is that itisn't where it needs to be.
We are three weeks into a 26th week openenrollment period.
People are enrolling every day.
Not as many as we would like, not at thevolume we would like and we will keep working on ituntil it is working asefficiently as possible.
The president's legacy is part of thiswhole issue as well.
I mean has it been tarnished by what hashappened.
I think that what we need to do is-is seethe enrollment figures at the end of March of 2014.
That's when open enrollment ends, and whatI know from what we are seeing in not only statesthat are run by the federalwebsite, but states around the country,
is that the interest is huge, that peopleare eager to have this affordable product and that theproduct is there.
Insurance companies have to compete forone another, for people's business, for the first time.
It's time for the "Shoutout."
Which of these organizations was foundedalmost immediately after World War II ended?
Is it the Red Cross?
League of Nations, Organization ofPetroleum Exploring Countries or the United Nations?
You've got three seconds, go!
The United Nations was established themonth after World War II ended in 1945.
That's your answer and that's your"Shoutout."
Today's edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS beginswithtwo tragedies involving school violence.
There are seven schools in Danvers,Massachusetts.
Yesterday, officials closed all of them.
That happened after the body of ColleenRitzer, a math teacher at Danvers High School wasfound in the woods behind theschool.
A 14-year old has been charged with themurder.
Students describe Ritzer as anexcellentteacher who wanted to help anyone in any way she could.
The school said Danvers will feel thisloss for many years.
The news from Massachusetts came two daysafter a shooting at a middle school in Nevada.
Authorities say a 12- year old wounded twostudents and shot and killed a teacher before killinghimself.
Police officials say the teacher, MikeLandsberry, appeared to be trying to stop the incidentwhen he was shot.
They described what he did as heroic,walking toward the shooter and giving other students thechance to get away.
Many of your schools have plans fordealing with violence.
You might have practiced lockdown drills.
Stories like this aren't easy to talkabout, if you do want to talk about school violence, there is apost on our blogfor you to do that.
Students 13 and older can go tocnnstudentnews.com.
Teachers, we've also included questions intoday's daily curriculum to help you address toughtopics like this in yourclassrooms.
Is this legit?
The U.S. Surgeon General runs the Healthand Human Services Department.
Nope, not true.
The Surgeon General is in the department,but it's run by the Health and Human ServicesSecretary.
That position is part of the president'scabinet.
Right now, it's filled by KathleenSebelius, she was nominated by President Obama andconfirmed by the U.S. Senate,
but now Secretary Sebelius is facing sometough criticism.
As the head of the HHS Department, shehelps create and implement the president's healthpolicies.
That includes the Affordable Care Act,also known as Obamacare.
In Monday show, we talked about some ofthe problems with the Obamacare website, CNNasked Secretary Sebelius about theplans to get it fixed.
What can we tell people, because I meanthere is-there is a bit of a loss of confidence in this, soif you say asquickly as possible, that meant October 1st.
Well, what we can tell you, is that itisn't where it needs to be.
We are three weeks into a 26th week openenrollment period.
People are enrolling every day.
Not as many as we would like, not at thevolume we would like and we will keep working on ituntil it is working asefficiently as possible.
The president's legacy is part of thiswhole issue as well.
I mean has it been tarnished by what hashappened.
I think that what we need to do is-is seethe enrollment figures at the end of March of 2014.
That's when open enrollment ends, and whatI know from what we are seeing in not only statesthat are run by the federalwebsite, but states around the country,
is that the interest is huge, that peopleare eager to have this affordable product and that theproduct is there.
Insurance companies have to compete forone another, for people's business, for the first time.
It's time for the "Shoutout."
Which of these organizations was foundedalmost immediately after World War II ended?
Is it the Red Cross?
League of Nations, Organization ofPetroleum Exploring Countries or the United Nations?
You've got three seconds, go!
The United Nations was established themonth after World War II ended in 1945.
That's your answer and that's your"Shoutout."