I have loved a girl. I imagined she must be a thoughtful and insightful girl because of the soft handwriting when I found the notes penciled in the margin. I wrote her a letter introducing myself and inviting her to correspond, but the next day I was shipped overseas to serve in World WarⅡ. As we learn about each other more thoroughly, I wanted to get a photo of her's photos but she refused me. She let me get at Grand Central Station, New York. If I wanted to see her. She told me she would wear the red rose on her lapel, and I can recognize her by it. I got at the station and waited for some time. I found a pretty girl suddenly. She was so beautiful that I tried to close myself to her. However, she didn't wear a red rose. I was disappointed to see Hollis Manyrel who well past 40 and wasn't beautiful, but I still invited her to have a dinner. To my surprise, she said she knew nothing and told me the beautiful girl was waiting for me in the big restaurant across the street.