ella1d4ever吧 关注:3贴子:131

life mocks me


“Are you dressed?” Liam asked, poking his head into his best friend’s room.
Of course, Zayn didn’t reply, nor was he dressed. Instead, he was sitting in front of a blank easel, spinning a paintbrush through a bowl aimlessly.
He didn’t even seem to see Liam there, lost in his own little world.
There was music on in the background and Zayn hummed along, thinking about what to paint next.
He had been stuck at a crossroads as of late, unable to fully finish any painting he started.
It was as if he had lost inspiration, or rather, lacked a muse that provided the inspiration and creativity needed to paint.
He was frustrated, to say the least.
Sighing, he knew that he needed to go out into the world to find the inspiration he was missing, but leaving his room took a lot of extra effort that he wasn’t sure he had.
“Zayn?” Liam asked again, turning off the music and this time Zayn took notice of Liam (more like that lack of music brought his attention to his best friend).
“Hey Li. What’s up?”
Zayn was still only half paying attention to Liam, more focused on how he would find something to paint, and he didn’t realize anything was wrong until Liam failed to reply.
Turning around, he noticed that Liam was dressed up a little more nicely than usual, and then, he remembered-
“Oh shit! We’re going out tonight at-“ Zayn looked at his clock, “-right now. I’m sorry, I lost track of time. Let me just put some clothes on and then we can go. Five minutes. I promise.”
Zayn stood from his chair, depositing the paintbrush and bowl on his table and spun around the room a couple times, flailing about and somehow dressing himself quickly until he looked a little more presentable.
Liam couldn’t help but laugh at the dark-haired lad who was currently running around the room because Zayn looked a little ridiculous, running around as if the house were burning down and he needed to grab his most prized possessions.
“Okay, I’m ready,” Zayn came to a halt right in front of Liam, panting a little and blinking slowly as he tried to calm himself.
Liam smiled, impressed by Zayn’s quick change (the other lad was known for moving very slowly), and looked the dark-haired lad up and down.
“You, uh, got a little,” Liam gestured to the tip of Zayn’s blonde-streaked quaff, “paint there, Zee.”
Zayn blinked slowly before turning to the mirror to see that he did, indeed, have some blue paint in his hair.
He thought about going to wash it out, but decided against it.
“I’m ready,” he said with certainty.
“You aren’t going to wash it out?” Liam questioned, surprised that Zayn was even thinking about leaving the paint in his hair.
“Maybe it’ll help me find my inspiration.”
“We’ll have two 151 Bombs, please,” a familiar voice floated over the current of voices and loud music, and Niall knew exactly who stood on the other side of the counter without even looking up.
He continued to mix the drink he was currently making and only once he slid it over the tabletop with a sultry smile did he turn and address his friends.
“You and Tommo planning to get smashed tonight, Styles?” he asked with raised eyebrows, questioning his curly-haired friend’s drink choice.
He gave them the drink anyway, splitting a Redbull into two cups and pouring two shot of rum.
Harry and Louis looked at each other with smirks and without counting aloud simultaneously dropped the shot into the cup and downed the mixture.
“Just because we’re starting with 151 Bombs certainly does not mean we’re going to get smashed tonight, Nialler,” Louis scolded with a disapproving look as he shook his head.
Harry nodded along, his face straight, and Niall just let out a loud laugh.
“Every time you start with 151 Bombs you get smashed,” he replied.
“This is true,” Louis acknowledged, sending Harry into a fit of ‘manly giggles’ as he would put it.
Niall slid along the counter, helping other costumers and leaving his friends with a second drink.
He worked as a bartender at one of the most popular bars at New York University, where Harry, Louis, and him were all seniors.
Tonight, like most others, was busy, the room bustling with people and music pumping throughout the place.
It was a good job, paid well, and although it wasn’t exactly what he wanted to be doing, Niall needed the money, and sometimes you had to do what you had to do.
So, Niall did his job and (in his opinion) he did it damn well.
He wasn’t trying to brag when he said he could make the best mixed drink one had ever tried.
He was just confident.
There were certain things he knew, like the fact that he was a little baby-faced and probably only ‘cute’ on a girl’s rating scale.
He also knew that he wasn’t as tall as some, nor as ripped as his older brother.
He knew he came off as a bit of a cocky douche, but he wanted to come off that way because he also knew other things about himself.
He knew he was much smarter than anyone would assume from the first impression.
He knew he could get about 95% of the guys he wanted with the right words and the right touches, and he might even be able to get a part of the other 5%.
He knew that he worked harder than the majority of people he knew and he also knew that he had better values than a lot when it came to work ethic, helping others, and succeeding.
He was just confident, and yeah, it often came off as being cocky, but that was his intention, in a way, because that would be his impression to most people, and the people who mattered would see that there was more to him than his initial image.
The crowd at the bar finally slowed a bit, so Niall sauntered over to where Louis and Harry were standing and he let out a sigh as he leaned against the counter.
“Nialler! Can we have ‘nother 151 Bum,” Louis slurred, looking at Harry with mischief in his eyes.
The feather-haired lad leaned into his taller companion, resting his head on Harry’s shoulder before turning his wide, glassy gaze to Niall, who looked on with amusement.
“Another?” Niall asked, taking in the state of his one friend, who, compared to Harry, seemed to be feeling the intoxication created by the alcohol very intensely. “I think you need a break, Lou.”
Louis shook his head, not even bothering to try asking again and giving up completely.
“When is your break?” Harry asked, pulling out his phone to glance at the time.
“Already had it,” Niall replied, taking the order of a couple to Harry and Louis’ right.
He didn’t look over at Harry, already knowing that his friend would be giving him ‘the look’.
The one that told him to stop working so hard and to just relax for once.
After he delivered the couple their drinks he turned back to his friends.
“So, any good prospects?”

1楼2014-02-13 11:55回复
    “How’s the painting going?” Liam asked, holding the door open for Zayn before following him into the bar.
    It was crowded, as usual, and as juniors they were able to pick out a handful of people they knew.
    Zayn sighed, “Not good. No inspiration.”
    Liam knew his best friend had been having trouble with his art, which is why he wanted to take him out, figuring that there might be something in the outside world that would help him find his passion once more.
    “Well, maybe some alcohol will give you some inspiration. Remember that one time, freshman year I think, when we got totally wasted and you disappeared for about an hour before coming into the living room all like ‘Liam, Liam, I just made a million dollar painting’ and I thought you were kidding, but then, it ended up being your best painting ever? At least that year,” Liam rambled as they made their way to the counter of the bar, reminiscing on their younger university years.
    Zayn laughed, remembering the exact painting and memory to which Liam was referring.
    It really was his best painting, so maybe Liam was right.
    As they reached the bar, Zayn noticed two seniors, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, talking to the bartender, Niall Horan.
    They were sort of an infamous trio, known for being assholes.
    The thing that always confused Zayn, though, was that some people thought they were complete dicks, and others spoke extremely highly of the three.
    Zayn hadn’t really come into contact with any of them, so he didn’t exactly know what to believe.
    “Who you going to choose tonight, Nialler?” Louis was saying when him and Liam sat down to their left, and Zayn assumed they could only be talking about one thing.
    His suspicions were confirmed when the blonde smirked and replied, “Hottest guy I see tonight…I’ll tell you by the end of my shift.”
    Zayn didn’t have a chance to think about how superficial their conversation was because Niall had turned to him and Liam and asked them what they wanted to drink.
    Liam answered quickly, and by the time Niall had given them their drinks he was already looking away from the bar.
    Zayn followed his best friend’s gaze and knew what Liam was going to ask.
    “Go ahead, Li,” Zayn murmured with a smile, happy that Liam was happy.
    See, Liam had been sort of dating this girl for a while, and although he denied it, the lad was infatuated, so even though this was supposed to be a ‘guy’s night out’ Zayn knew it wouldn’t really be.
    It didn’t bother him, though, as he turned back to his drink, away from the main part of the room.
    “Already ditched by your date?” a voice questioned, and Zayn turned to the source, only to be met with piercing cerulean eyes.
    “S’not my date,” he replied, and he wasn’t quite able to look away from the color of Niall Horan’s eyes, thinking that maybe this was why guy after guy fell under the blonde’s spell.
    Niall wiped the counter with raised eyebrows.
    “I like the blue in your hair,” he remarked, not commenting on Zayn’s response. “You just going to sit here by yourself all night, then?”
    Zayn wasn’t sure what to respond because on one hand, Niall seemed like a questionable character, especially if he took into account the conversation the blonde had with his friends, but on the other hand, he was taking the time to talk to Zayn, as well as notice little things about his appearance and actions.
    “Yeah, that’s the plan,” Zayn nodded.
    Zayn thought about the question for a moment.
    “Looking for inspiration,” he answered honestly, surprising himself with his own answer.
    He wasn’t often too open with strangers, not quite trusting them or himself around them.
    Niall didn’t seem surprised by the answer, though, as he studied Zayn with a careful gaze.
    It was almost as if the blonde was picking him apart, looking at his flaws and perfections, but for some reason, Zayn didn’t mind.
    “Sometimes you have to stop looking for inspiration to be inspired. It might be a little thing that inspires you, like running into someone on the streets, or it might be something bigger. Close your eyes and look at what you see without seeing anything,” Niall spoke clearly and gave Zayn a nod before sliding down the counter to mix someone else a drink, leaving Zayn shocked because, wow, who knew that Niall Horan could be so deep.
    Zayn and Liam stayed until Niall’s shift ended, and Zayn didn’t talk to the blonde lad anymore, but he watched as Niall left, noting that he left alone with Harry and Louis.
    When he got back to his room that night and sat down in front of his easel, Zayn looked at the blank sheet of paper and thought about what Niall had advised him.
    He closed his eyes and found that maybe seeing without seeing really did work because in the darkness of his eyelids Zayn found inspiration in the image of blonde hair and blue eyes.

    2楼2014-02-13 11:56
      “Shit,” Zayn muttered under his breath, glancing at the silver watch hanging loosely from his wrist. He was in desperate need of a smoke, but still had two minutes left before his break. He was seeing a purple haze of nicotine craving and could barely stand still for more than a second.
      He worked at a coffee shop located nearish/on campus and while it paid absolute shit, had shit hours, and was an over all shitty job, Zayn needed the extra cash.
      The thing was he also needed a cigarette.
      Thirty seconds before his break ‘officially’ began, he decided to just fuck it and with a nod toward his coworker, Dan, he exited the side door that led into a little alleyway.
      Kicking one foot against the wall, Zayn quickly lit up a fag and inhaled, hating the way the smoke felt so good inside his lungs.
      He closed his eyes and tried to dispel any stray thoughts and instead imagine what he would paint as soon as he arrived home.
      This week’s class assignment had been to choose a color and do something with it.
      The prompt was broad, unspecific, and gave very little direction.
      He hadn’t know at all, so he just began trying to find the perfect shade by mixing and twirling different shades of blue all together on the page.
      He didn’t quite get it right yet.
      “Hazza, slow down!”
      The shout pulled him from his state of Zen, and Zayn immediately turned his head to look out the alleyway, catching the tail end of wild curls and a frazzled looking Louis Tomlinson speed walking after them.
      It shouldn’t have been much of an actual event or even anything, but seeing Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles again (although he saw them everywhere) sparked his interest.
      Perhaps it was because their reputation, but more likely it was because of their ‘Third Musketeer’.
      Zayn definitely could not deny that Niall Horan had sparked his interest, not because he was cute or because his eyes were cerulean pools that one could drown in, but because of what he said to Zayn that night at the bar. It had stuck- and inspired him- and he really hadn’t expected that from the cocky Niall ‘Whore’-an.
      “Zayn, what the hell are you doing? You’re break ended five minutes ago!” Dan yelled, sticking his head out of the side door to glare at Zayn.
      He quickly stubbed out his cigarette, immediately wishing for another, and slowly made his way into the coffee shop with a muttered, “Sorry.”
      Dan rolled his eyes, replying, “Whatever. My shift’s over anyway. You good to lock up? It’s been really quiet.”
      Zayn nodded, not expecting a busy night, after all, it was Saturday evening and people had better things to do at ten p.m. than getting coffee. Although, in New York, he couldn’t quite say that was true and it almost wouldn’t surprise him if the shop were busy as ever.
      However, two hours later, as the clock grew closer to midnight, Zayn was falling asleep at the counter when the bell chimed, indicating that a costumer had entered and startling him into an upright position.
      He was met with blonde hair and blue eyes and none other than Niall Horan, the mysterious enigma himself.
      “No, I just got off work. Yeah, I’ll stop by this week when I get a chance,” the blonde was saying into his phone, the expression on his face a mix between adoration and annoyance.
      Must be a parent conversation, Zayn thought briefly.
      Niall looked up and their eyes locked, a small smile coming across Niall’s face as he took sight of Zayn.
      “Hey, I gotta go. I’ll see you later this week, kay? Love you. Bye,” Niall hung up the phone and slid it into his back pocket, sidling up to the counter, still looking at Zayn. He didn’t say anything at first and began looking at the menu instead, humming slightly under his breath to some random song that Zayn could only half-imagine.
      Zayn wasn’t about to break the silence, so he began tapping his fingers against the counter in time to Niall’s humming, creating a little beat to go with the soft melody, while he sketched a random doodle on a napkin.
      He wasn’t really paying attention and didn’t quite know how long he stood there drawing for, but at some point he realized that Niall had stopped whistling and was just standing there watching him.
      “Oh, uhm, sorry,” Zayn blushed, although it was hard to see under his dark skin. “What can I get you tonight?”
      Niall paused before answering to look back up at the menu, “Can I get a tall mocha frapp?”
      Zayn looked at him, wondering if he heard right because what the fuck? Why in the hell would Niall ask for a tall mocha fap? They were a coffee shop, not some sort of masturbation service…
      “Sorry, one more time?” Zayn asked, and he couldn’t help but blush even darker, heating up from his ears to the high bones of his cheeks.
      Niall gave him a look as if he were going insane- which, yeah, he kind of was- but the blonde lad smiled anyway and let out a low chuckle.
      “Can I have a tall mocha Frappuccino?”
      And oh.

      3楼2014-02-13 11:58
        Zayn coughed, “Oh.”
        Niall was still looking at him, though, so he didn’t really have time to process his dirty-minded mistake. He grabbed a cup, wrote the order down, and just as he was about to write Niall’s name, the blonde spoke.
        “My name’s Niall.”
        Zayn had already started on the ‘N’ at that point but he nodded anyway, as if to say ‘I know’.
        “You knew that already, though, didn’t you?”
        Zayn laughed because there it was, the cocky personality everyone talked about. He was surprised that Niall hadn’t tried flirting, yet, because according to lots of people (mainly Liam) Niall was known to flirt with just about anyone.
        “Sure,” he replied with an eyebrow raised, moving to the coffee machines and getting the ingredients together quickly. He decided that he was in great need of some caffeine as well, at least if he was going to last through his shift, which ended at 1:30, so he made another cup of coffee along with Niall’s Frappuccino.
        “You’re Zayn,” Niall said confidently when he brought the cold drink back to the counter.
        He was definitely surprised because he wasn’t expecting Niall to really remember him, much less know his name. Sure, they went to the same university, but Niall was a year older, and well, didn’t seem like the type to know who random art students like him were.
        “You know my name,” Zayn commented, and he couldn’t help but letting a little bit of the surprise he was feeling into the words.
        Liam was going to have a field day teasing him about this entire encounter that was for sure.
        Niall was chuckling, low in his throat, and it pulled him out of his dread for talking to Liam.
        “Nametag, Malik,” Niall smiled, not unkindly, and nodded at the workers nametag that hung out Zayn’s itchy black collared shirt, and wow, that was embarrassing.
        He really didn’t know how to react to that and felt extremely foolish for even thinking that the older lad might actually know who he was.
        He felt his face flush again, and this time was almost positive that Niall would be able to see his blush.
        “Oh,” he muttered, hiding behind his cup of coffee by taking a large gulp.
        They stood in silence for a minute or so, and Niall just kind of watched him, gauging Zayn’s embarrassed reaction.
        “How much?” Niall broke the silence, lifting up his half-gone drink.

        4楼2014-02-13 11:59
          Zayn vaguely wondered why the bloke was drinking a cold drink at about midnight, but didn’t feel as if it were his place to ask and he just shook his head.
          “S’on the house.”
          Niall murmured a small thanks and sauntered over to the nearest table, sitting down and patting the seat next to him, as if he knew Zayn would still be watching.
          Zayn didn’t move, though, unsure as to what Niall was silently asking, and he just continued to look until Niall tore his gaze from the window back to where Zayn was standing behind the counter.
          “Well, are you going to keep me company, Malik?”
          And that seemed to be his thing, addressing people by their last name, because Zayn could recall Niall doing the same thing with Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. It was kind of weird because it felt almost too informal and casual, but he rather liked the way Niall mispronounced his last name, putting too much emphasis on the ‘a’ and not enough on the ‘i’.
          He came around the corner anyway, figuring that he may as well pass the time talking to Niall rather than just standing at the counter for the rest of his shift. It wasn’t like many customers were coming in regardless.
          “So, did you find your inspiration?” Niall asked as soon as Zayn sat down, and once more, Zayn was startled and taken aback by the blonde because he didn’t think Niall would have remembered that conversation.
          And it was weird because after that they continued to talk until Zayn’s shift was over and he didn’t even mention that it was time to lock up, instead allowing Niall to talk and himself to tell the blonde things that he hadn’t even told Liam yet.
          It was like they just kind of clicked, which sounded extremely cliché and totally tacky, but was just the truth of the matter.
          Zayn wasn’t sure if it were Niall or if it was just because it was late and he was tired, but he didn’t even realize how long they talked or what they even talked about, but he knew it mattered and that he didn’t want to stop.
          Around 3:30 and after two more cups of coffee each, Niall looked at his phone, checking the time, and sighed softly.
          “Damn, it’s late,” he muttered. “I gotta go get some sleep, but hey, let me get your number. It was great talking tonight.”
          Zayn nodded in agreement, inputting the digits of his number into Niall’s phone and sending himself a text with Niall’s name so that he’d have the blonde’s number as well.
          Niall stood and Zayn followed suit, unsure how to say goodbye to this stranger to whom he felt so connected.
          The blonde didn’t seem to hesitate though, pulling Zayn into a short hug and walking to the door.
          “I’m glad we talked tonight, you’re a really cool bloke, Zayn Malik, junior, studying art with a focus in painting.”
          And with that Niall was gone, slipping back onto the streets of New York as smoothly as he had come, leaving Zayn to wonder if Niall had really known his name just from his nametag because never once had he mentioned that he was a junior, nor did he tell Niall his focus of study.

          5楼2014-02-13 11:59
            It was unnatural, looking that pretty all the damn time.
            Realizing Zayn probably wasn’t going to speak up any time soon, Louis replied, “Yeah, he can’t even draw stick figures. What a shame, Haz. You were supposed to draw a portrait of me naked, like in the Titanic.”
            Zayn hid a laugh under a cough, bringing his hand to cover his mouth.
            Harry had gone back to staring at Zayn’s incomplete sketch, his emerald eyes clouded by some emotion that Zayn couldn’t quite place. It was almost like a fondness, and as Harry reached a long, pale finger out to trace a part of the sketch, Zayn understood why.
            Harry had pressed his pointer finger to the part where him and Louis were, their figures slightly lined and not quite finished, but very clearly laughing and looking at each other lovingly.
            “You captured it perfectly,” the curly-haired lad murmured, and for a second, it almost seemed as if his low voice had caught in his throat, but then, Harry pulled his hand back and looked at Louis, resolve flashing over his face. “I’ll draw you naked one day, Tommo. Just need a little more practice.”
            “You can practice on me any day, young Harold,” Louis cheekily retorted, reaching over to pinch Harry’s cheek, leaving it even pinker than before.
            Zayn wasn’t even sure why they were sitting there with him because he was that loner art kid and only ever hung out with Liam, but he decided it wasn’t too bad, this whole making friends or acquaintances thing and maybe he should work on it a bit more.
            He continued to sketch, enjoying Harry and Louis’ playful banter and occasionally letting out a snort of laughter when they said something particularly ridiculous. They didn’t seem to mind his quietness, which was nice, and allowed him to simply sketch and listen and laugh at their antics.
            He occasionally slipped in a comment here or there, usually something along the lines of “I thought it was only me who did that,” and it made him happy when Harry or Louis would laugh or nudge his shoulder with a smile, telling him that it definitely was not only him who did whatever they were talking about.
            Before long, he looked at his watch and realized he had ten minutes before class, so he tore the sketch out of his notebook and slid the book into his bag.
            “Here, you can keep this,” he murmured, pressing the sketch into Harry’s empty hand, and yeah, he saw how Harry looked a little shocked but then smiled when he saw that Zayn had highlighted him and Louis on the page.
            “Thanks,” Harry replied softly, and when he looked to his other side, Zayn saw that Louis was looking at him just as fondly as the curly-haired boy did, and he wondered what was going on there, but figured it wasn’t his place to ask.
            “I’ve got to go to class,” Zayn announced, wondering the pair even cared, but then, Louis whined a little, whimpering about how he was soothing to be around and why did he have to leave.
            It was odd, how Louis seemed to actually care and then Harry was agreeing with the sentiment, so he decided to go out on a limb and he pulled his pencil out from where it was perched on his ear and scribbled his digits on the back of the sketch.
            “Call me sometime,” he said with a smile, and Louis pulled him in for a hug.
            “With the way Niall speaks of you, I don’t think we could deny that offer, Malik.”

            7楼2014-02-13 12:00
              Zayn walked into his art class completely unfocused because what in the world had Niall said about him?
              There were times when he just really didn’t want to see a specified person, but ended up seeing them anyway, or maybe he saw them because he didn’t want to see them.
              In any case, this was one of those moments when he wished he could hide in a hole or maybe have waited five more minutes after class or maybe have gone to the bathroom, but hadn’t, and therefore, ended up wondering if Fate hated him.
              See, there was this guy, right, and he had been texting him a little over the summer. They talked a lot, actually, so he couldn’t really say ‘a little bit’ and when school started, Zayn couldn’t deny that he had been a little excited to see if something would happen out of the little relationship.
              Josh was a year older, super cute, and really funny.
              Zayn felt comfortable talking to him and had even thought things could possibly go somewhere once school began, but then, Josh stopped replying to his texts mid conversation and didn’t really make any effort to keep their friendship going. The few times they had run into each other around campus, Josh had been friendly, smiling and saying hi and giving him a hug, but it hadn’t been anything more than that.
              Hadn’t been more than friendly and acquaintances.
              So, as Zayn walked from his last lecture of the day, heading toward the bus stop so that he could go back to his apartment, he kind of wanted to hide when he saw Josh and some other guy because he just wasn’t in the mood to deal with the awkwardness he felt around the older lad.
              But because life seemed to have some vendetta against him, Josh happened to stop right at the bus stop and then, turn around to look right at him.
              He definitely couldn’t hide then.
              “Hey!” Josh greeted warmly, and Zayn smiled, accepting the offered hug with one arm. “This is Sandy, my boyfriend.”
              And, oh.
              Zayn nodded and reached a hand out to give the other lad a handshake, sinking into himself even more because wow, he hadn’t even really had feelings for Josh and he felt a little like dying inside.
              But then, he heard a familiar voice, one that had stuck in his head ever since a certain night working the coffee shop, and he spotted the bright blonde locks he had come to recognize anywhere.
              He wasn’t sure what was worse, seeing Josh with Sandy, or seeing Niall with some girl, a hand on the small of her back but closer to her arse.
              After a moment, he decided that seeing Niall like that was certainly worse and he really didn’t like the sinking feeling deep in his stomach.
              It wasn’t even as if he and Niall were anything so he shouldn’t be disappointed in any way.
              If anything, Niall was just a close friend, and yeah, the blonde had no sense of boundaries and whenever they had hung out, Niall had been cuddly and flirty in a confusing sort of way that Zayn just chalked up to excessive friendliness.
              He didn’t think Niall wanted anything and shit, he didn’t want anything because Niall was a bit of a wild card, intense and charismatic in a way Zayn couldn’t quite copy or even follow and he didn’t know if he would ever be able to do so.
              However, Niall could understand him and give him advice unlike any other person he had ever met, so naturally, Zayn felt connected to him.
              It was hard to tell, though, if Niall felt the same way, or if the blonde just could connect with a lot of people on that same level.

              8楼2014-02-13 12:00
                Zayn decided, as Niall’s hand slipped lower on the girl’s bum, that it didn’t matter anyway because they were just friends and he really didn’t want anything from Niall.
                The blonde, as lovable and amazing as he was, just wasn’t for Zayn.
                And if making this decision made it a little easier for him to spend time with the blonde, well, then, he would stick with it.
                “Zayner,” Niall cried out, pulling Zayn into his side and running a hand against the curve of the dark-haired lad’s waist. Zayn slid into Niall’s side naturally, comfortable with the position as it was one in which he often found himself when with the blonde.
                “Malik, this is my friend Sean and this is Stan,” Niall introduced, pointing to the two guys with whom he was standing.
                Zayn wasn’t sure which one was Sean and which one was Stan, but he’d figure that out later.
                Niall continued, pulling him tighter, “Sean, Stan, this is Zayn Malik. He’s one of my best friends here. He’s awesome; amazing.”
                Hearing Niall talk him up like that made his cheeks flush, and he hid his face against Niall’s jumper, not knowing how to respond.
                He was already a little out of his element being here, in this foreign house, but when Louis texted him, inviting him and Liam to the party with promises of a good time and a possible naked Niall, well, he was going to say yes regardless of whether or not he felt comfortable.
                With Niall holding him close though, he was feeling nice and warm and was definitely glad he had come, especially when Niall turned all his focus onto him.
                “Wanna get out of here?”
                Zayn nodded, and followed Niall out of the house, sending a quick text to Liam, who had been preoccupied with his girl last time Zayn had seen him.
                Niall tugged him down the street before pulling keys out of his pocket and stopping at the front door of another house. He opened the door softly and pulled Zayn inside, flicking on lights as they went.
                And, the weird thing was, that as much as Zayn wondered if Niall was planning on trying to hook up with him or something, when they ended up just talking all night, cuddled on the couch, he was glad that Niall trusted him enough to consider him one of his best mates and that when he was having one of those nights (the ones where he just wanted to talk and chill and not go absolutely crazy) the blonde wanted to talk to him and not anyone else.

                9楼2014-02-13 12:00
                  It was one of those casual days, the ones where no one wanted to do anything and everyone ended up at one apartment just relaxing and watching the tellie or something, which was exactly what Zayn, Liam, and Niall were doing.
                  Niall had wanted to watch some footie game and was slumped against their couch with a bag of crisps, yelling occasionally when a player on his team would do something wrong.
                  Liam was just as invested in the game, and much to Niall’s dismay, was rooting for the rival team, which provided much banter between the two lads.
                  When Niall asked Zayn for which team he was rooting, Zayn had blurted on Niall’s team, and Liam shot him a glare/questioning look, to which Zayn just shrugged.
                  Anyway, with Niall and Liam focused completely on the game, Zayn was allowed to watch Niall all he wanted, following the blonde’s every movement, from him reaching into the bag to grab a crisp to the way he would lick his fingers after eating a couple.
                  It was kind of sickeningly adorable, but he didn’t even realize he was doing it, so instead of watching the game he was just really caught up in watching Niall.
                  That is, until it was a commercial break and Liam was clearing his throat, giving Zayn a pointed look that he didn’t understand because it wasn’t like he was doing anything, right?
                  Zayn got up to get a drink, “Do you guys want anything?”
                  “Pepsi, please,” he got from Niall and Liam stood, too, even though Zayn was already standing and going to get drinks.
                  “I’ll come, I want something from the fridge,” Liam said, which didn’t make sense because Zayn lived there too and could have easily gotten whatever Liam needed, but sometimes his best friend did things like this and he found out quickly that it was better just not to ask questions.
                  They traipsed to the kitchen and once they were standing on the tile of the kitchen Liam finally spoke.
                  “Quit being so obvious,” he hissed quietly, opening the fridge and rummaging around for a little while before triumphantly producing a slice of American cheese.
                  “Obvious about what?” Zayn questioned because really, what the hell was Liam talking about?
                  “You know what.”
                  “No, I really don’t.”
                  “You’re giving him the eyes.”
                  “The eyes? What are you-“
                  “So, I’ve found the perfect guy,” Niall announces out of the blue, and Zayn and Liam’s gaze snap right to Niall, both of them startling a little because when did Niall appear in the kitchen, and then, Liam’s eyes were wide, hoping that the blonde hadn’t heard any of their conversation.
                  Zayn’s dark eyes growing darker as he heard what Niall had to say and…perfect guy?

                  10楼2014-02-13 12:01
                    And then he met Liam’s gaze again and Liam was giving him the sympathetic eyes, all wide and ‘I’m sorrys’ but Zayn still didn’t understand the big deal because it wasn’t like he liked Niall or anything, they were just friends, why would he care?
                    Seriously, having Niall introduce him as ‘my best mate’ was one of the best feelings ever, and he didn’t need anything more.
                    Although, it didn’t stop him from wondering how this other guy was so ‘perfect’ because was anyone ever perfect? And what made that guy more perfect than him?
                    And then, Liam was asking the question going through the forefront of his thoughts.
                    “What makes a guy perfect, Nialler?”
                    Liam spoke in a friendly way, as if he had no ulterior motives for asking, but was still watching Zayn for some kind of reaction.
                    Niall, however, seemed oblivious to any unspoken interaction between Zayn and Liam and continued with the conversation.
                    “Well, they have to be at least 5’ 9”, dark hair, good pores, nice eyes, nice lips, well-dressed, smart, intelligent, funny, and I like the artsy type, you know like dancers and musicians and such? Need to be able to keep a conversation, especially post sex, like pillow talk? You learn the most about someone from pillow talk,” Niall finally concluded, and uh, wow, those were a lot of requirements.
                    How in the world was anyone supposed to meet all of those things?
                    Liam was just as shocked as Zayn, his mouth hanging open like a fish while he just stared at the blonde lad.
                    Zayn tried to be a little subtler with his surprise, just kind of looking at Niall and nodding as he would any other day when the blonde was telling a story or something of the like.
                    “Damn…” he muttered, but neither Niall nor Liam heard, so he stood there processing Niall’s words and feeling really insignificant because yeah, he was good friends with Niall, but if he was friend-zoned then that meant he wasn’t ‘perfect’ enough and didn’t fit the blonde’s requirements, right?
                    And even if he didn’t want Niall like that it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t have liked it if Niall wanted him because yeah, he would have liked it if Niall thought he was at least attractive.
                    But, he didn’t voice any of these thoughts; instead, he just went quiet and waited for Niall to continue because really, when did Niall not keep talking when he got on a subject like this?
                    “Anyway, you should meet him! His name is Josh and he’s awesome, like everything I would want in a guy,” Niall gushed and Zayn couldn’t help but smile when the blonde smiled like that.
                    Liam handed Niall his Pepsi and then nodded toward the room they had been occupying before, “Back to the game?”
                    If Zayn just closed his eyes for the rest of the game, well, no one asked him why.

                    11楼2014-02-13 12:01
                      “Louis said you guys were going paintballing tomorrow,” Niall pouted against Zayn’s neck, lips jutting out so far that they pressed into Zayn’s skin a little bit. They were on Zayn’s bed, cuddling, and doing something that was suspiciously like pillow talk, not that Zayn would ever acknowledge that he had that thought.
                      The game was over though, and Liam had to do some homework, leaving Niall and Zayn up to their own devices.
                      Zayn couldn’t say no when Niall plopped on his bed and asked for a cuddle.
                      It was confusing, the different moods and sides of Niall Horan, because sometimes he seemed so self-sufficient and almost uncaring, but other times he had this soft, teddy-bear like side.
                      “Yeah, Lou figured that I should be good at it because I paint so much. Typical Tommo logic,” Zayn laughed, thinking about his conversation with Louis and how Harry just nodded along to whatever the feather-haired lad said, which often wasn’t anything actually logical. “I figure I’ll suck at it.”
                      Niall was quiet for a second and then only sounds in the room were the rhythm of their conjoined heart beats and the fall and rise of their breathing, not quite one, but creating patterns together.
                      Zayn liked the blonde like this, quiet and thinking, opposed to the loud, boisterous, cocky Niall that came out at parties and just with other people in general.
                      He wondered if Josh had seen this side of Niall, or if Josh had talked to Niall like Zayn had.
                      Niall’s arms tightened around his waist, “Tommo is going to steal you from me.”
                      The blonde’s voice was jocular, but strained, tight, as if he wasn’t really joking like he wanted Zayn to believe, and Zayn wondered if Niall was being serious or not because it was really hard to tell and he didn’t understand how Niall would ever believe that he’d ditch him for Louis.
                      “S’not going to happen, Horan. You’re stuck with me,” Zayn murmured, and he felt oddly content with that statement.
                      It was as if everything was kind of in its right place. The sheets seemed softer, lighter against his skin, and his pillow seemed squishier, more comfortable as it supported his neck.
                      The lights of his room, which were often too bright, seemed softer, splaying across the walls just enough so that they could see, but not enough to hurt the eyes.
                      And, if having Niall close like that wasn’t contentment and comfort than nothing was because Zayn felt as if he could lie there forever and that wasn’t often a feeling he felt with his friends, which was weird, but nice because he had looked for that type of thing, or spark, or connection, or whatever else he could call it.
                      And it was a connection; it was like he and Niall had maybe been soul mates in a past life, and were meeting up again, still soul mates and just finding one another after wandering for a long time of not being together.
                      “Good,” Niall replied, his eye lashes fluttering. “I’ll make sure to tell Tommo you’re mine.”

                      12楼2014-02-13 12:01
                        Niall was bored.
                        Like mind-bogglingly bored, which was weird and unusual (well, not that unusual) and he didn’t want to be bored, especially here, with Josh, who he really liked, but he found his mind wandering and he wondered if it was normal to be this bored so early in a relationship.
                        He wasn’t like this before.
                        He used to be able to keep someone in his attention span long enough to be hooked on them, and it often happened quite fast, the falling for someone thing, but now, it was like he couldn’t even jump, as if his emotions were just static and stasis, stuck in one place.
                        The problem was that this place was no where near being able to keep someone in his life for longer than two minutes and apparently Josh had fallen under this category.
                        The thing that sucked though was how perfect Josh was.
                        He was sweet and cute and had nice skin and had a body to die for, but for some reason, Niall was just so bored.
                        He found himself wishing he was at Zayn and Liam’s apartment, watching footie or drinking cuppas or snuggling or something, and he wasn’t sure what appalled him more, being bored with Josh or wanting to snuggle and drink cuppas with Zayn.
                        All in all, he wasn’t quite right in the head, that was for sure, because he didn’t do those things (the snuggling, and cuppa drinking, and not going out, and overall being boring), but there was something kind of soothing about Zayn and Liam’s presences, something that took his mind of his worries and let him relax for once.
                        “…and then, this other girl was like throwing up and crying and, like, hitting her boyfriend, and- Nialler? You okay?” Josh finally realized that Niall wasn’t paying him the slightest attention, halting his story in the middle, and turning to really look at the blonde lad.
                        Niall fidgeted a little under Josh’s gaze, but he made up his mind in that moment and pushed his shoulders back with a little resolve, knowing what he had to do and how he would come across.
                        “Yeah, I’m fine. Look, Josh, I gotta run,” Niall frowned a little, and he knew how Josh would take it. The other lad would think he was sad because they had to part and yaddayaddayadda Niall would miss him a lot, which was actually far from the case, and Niall wanted to make sure Josh knew that.
                        “Oh, okay, well, I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Or do you want to sleep over tonight? My roommate will be out,” Josh wiggled his eyebrows impressively (Niall had never been able to do that), and smirked dirtily, making Niall wish he wanted Josh as much as Josh wanted him.
                        He kind of hated himself for what he was about to do, but it was for the best.
                        “About that…I think it would be better if we didn’t do this anymore,” Niall stated softly, using his calming voice, the one he used to soothe his mother when she was having a rough day.
                        Josh didn’t seem to understand, his face confused, and he asked, “Do what?”
                        Niall wasn’t phased though, he was used to this part, being the heart breaker.
                        They all got over it after a little while anyway.
                        “Us,” he said simply. “You’re a great guy, but I just don’t think we’ll work out.”
                        And that was it.

                        13楼2014-02-13 12:02
                          He had ended his short-lived relationship with Josh, who was currently sitting there staring at him as if he had gone absolutely bonkers, and yes, he knew he was a total wanker and a twat, but he finally felt more like himself after he said it.
                          “We’re over? Just like that? You’re kidding me.”
                          And, no he wasn’t kidding, and he told Josh as much, wishing they could part on better terms and that the beautiful boy in front of him wasn’t looking at him with hateful eyes, but he was used to this, the end always happened in a similar way, with either anger or sadness, and he supposed he didn’t expect anything else.
                          Maybe he was heartless, or maybe he was just tired, but he felt very little remorse or sadness as he looked Josh in the eyes one more time.
                          “Goodbye Josh.”
                          “Let’s go out tonight,” Niall demanded into his phone, ignoring Louis’ chirpy hello and simply telling his best friend what he wanted to do straight up. It was more of an order than a question or offer.
                          He had made it back to his flat and after a lengthy conversation with his mother (who was stressed and needed help of the monetary sorts) he just needed a drink.
                          Not to mention that Josh had shown up at his front door, close to tears, and Niall had to deal with that, too.
                          “Go out tonight, Nialler? I thought you had a date with Josh?” Harry piped in and of course Harry was there, when wasn’t Harry with Louis.
                          “Am I on speaker?” he asked suspiciously, not really caring, but still a little put out of sorts by everything and needing to get mad about something, even if it was something small like being on speaker.
                          He heard a pause and a whisper, but then, Louis was talking again.
                          “There, I just left Hazza and Zayn, so what’s up with you, Nee? You seem off.”
                          Of course Louis would be the one who noticed, Louis had been with him through everything, and while it was nice knowing that he had someone who cared, he didn’t quite feeling like sharing his feelings at that moment, so he decided on the short version of the day’s events.
                          “Broke it off with Josh and my mum needed more money,” Niall said, short and to the point before demanding, “Now, can we go out tonight or not?”
                          He could hear Louis sigh on the other end and imagined the feather haired lad sitting there with his eyebrows pinched together and thumb and pointer finger massaging the sides of his nose.
                          He knew what Louis was going to ask next and he didn’t want to answer it.
                          “Zayn is with you?”
                          Louis didn’t answer for a moment, but Niall thought he heard a crash in the distance, so maybe he just got distracted.
                          “Yeah, we went paintballing today remember?”
                          And, right, Niall did remember.
                          Harry and Louis had been all set to take Zayn two weeks ago, but then event after event had occurred and stopped it from happening until, well, until today, apparently.
                          Niall went quiet, feeling heaviness seep over his body, and he wished Louis would just distract him and say yes to going out because he just needed a good lay, something to distress himself, and he figured that even if the lads said no, he would go out by himself regardless.
                          “We’ll go out tonight,” Louis agreed, breaking the silence. “But-“

                          14楼2014-02-13 12:02
                            And of course there would be a but because it was Louis and Louis knew him well enough by this point to know something was up, not that Niall himself even knew quite what was up.
                            “Nialler, this one lasted less than two weeks and you seemed to really like Josh. What happened?”
                            And that was it, the million dollar question.
                            The question Niall asked himself every single day because he really had no idea what was happening anymore and it confused him beyond belief.
                            “I was bored,” he replied, and it was the only answer he could think of in that moment.
                            Louis sighed again,” Come over whenever you want.”
                            See, Niall had always kind of believed, deep down, that life was like a fairy tale.
                            He could just see it, when he was younger, how he would get the Prince and have his happy-ever-after, and he had this deep gut feeling that it would just happen one day. That his Prince would come strolling into his life and whisk him away.
                            Brad was first and yeah, he whisked Niall away, and then left him, just like Niall left Josh earlier.
                            Evan was the second and from the moment they met Niall thought he was the one.
                            And then, came Kevin.
                            And Kyle.
                            And George.
                            And Phillip.
                            Until it was just a big long list ofBradEvanKevinKyleGeorgePhillipFranciscoDavidMilesJakeJulianZeke that never ended.
                            So he started ending things, being the one to give the heartbreak, opposed to receive it.
                            As if saying, here, there’s no fairy tale ending.
                            Here, take it, this is life.
                            Now, he knew, this wasn’t fiction, this wasn’t Hollywood, this wasn’t a fairytale where he’d get his happy ending just like that.
                            Life just didn’t work like that.
                            However, life did like to shove things in his face, like how Louis and Harry were perfect for each other and were well on their way to finding their own happily ever after, that is, if they ever admitted it to each other.
                            It also continuously reminded him that there are couples every where, happy, adorable, couples, who kissed and cuddled and loved.
                            It reminded him that there were good families, ones that supported each other and didn’t rely on each other only for money.
                            And finally, it reminded him that there are perfect people alive- Zayn- but that they were well out of reach and that he shouldn’t ruin beauty, even if he really wanted to.
                            And all of the reasons stated above were why he was well on his way from being blissfully buzzed/drunk to the point of haziness and not caring.
                            See, people like Louis and Harry, they drank to feel good, to feel the buzz under their skin and the haze of red on their cheeks and to feel each other with that extra sense of electricity.
                            Niall, however, he drank to forget; to forget school, to forget work, to forget the money he needed to make to send home to his mother, to forget their divorce, to forget how he didn’t quite live up to standards that he wanted to…he drank to erase these things and many more.

                            15楼2014-02-13 12:02
                              And it was quite a nice feeling, the haziness of the alcohol.
                              “Nialler, how’s it going, buddy?” Louis slid on his left side and Harry on his right with Zayn sidling up behind them, giving Niall some undecipherable look like he always did.
                              Niall felt good.
                              In fact, he felt great.
                              And he said as much.
                              “Feeling great, huh?” Harry cried, and he threw Louis an inconspicuous look, but Niall didn’t care at all, he had found his mark for the night in the shape of a tall, leggy brunette.
                              Niall could have sworn he had seen her around, but wasn’t sure where exactly, and from the moment he had set his eyes on her upon entering the club he knew she was the one for the night.
                              She was predatory, all tight muscles and feline movements, prideful and erect, her eyes tight and fiercely piercing.
                              She was exactly what he needed.
                              “Lads,” he said quietly, although not as quietly as he thought, pulling Louis and Harry close to his head and reaching over to tug Zayn in as well. “See her, that one, yes her.”
                              He eyed the girl again, enjoying the way she stared right back, her dress clingy and curly hair hanging in long ringlets.
                              With a dramatic pause, he sighed heavily and smirked.
                              “She’s my mark,” he said decidedly, smiling broader and never taking his eyes off of the brunette.
                              Harry laughed aloud, barking and shook his own brunette curls out.
                              “Oh no, man, you do know-“
                              Louis cut him off though with a wink over the blonde’s head.
                              “Go for it, Nialler,” Louis encouraged, squeezing Niall’s side tightly, and he felt it, the confidence and the sureness of getting laid that night and being single and free of commitment and it was fucking glorious, all of it.
                              He pushed away from the lads with that same confidence, shooting a smile to his friends over his shoulder as he swaggered toward the girl, or woman, rather, Niall decided as he got closer.
                              However, he missed Harry hiss, “You aren’t going to tell him?” and Zayn ask, “Tell him what?” before Louis answered with, “Just wait.”
                              Up close, the girl was even more attractive, her skin glowing without the use of heavy foundation and hair looking natural, not as if she had spent hours curling it to make it look as it did.
                              “Hey babe,” Niall smiled, using his dimples to what he hoped to be his advantage as he leaned against the wall she was standing next to.
                              He figured it was seductive, as it had always worked before, with girls, or guys, falling right under his spell.
                              This one, however, didn’t quite do as expected, only looking him up and down with a glint in her eyes.
                              “I’m Eleanor,” she announced, holding out a dainty hand and waiting for him to shake it expectantly.
                              Niall was confused.
                              Why was she wanting to shake his hand?
                              He used his seductive smile.
                              “And I am Danielle,” another hand joined Eleanor’s so that dark skin contrasted with pale, and wow, he was confident about getting laid that night, but now there were two?
                              He grabbed both of their hands together, his hand engulfing both of theirs.
                              “Her girlfriend,” the tan girl added as an afterthought, a lean arm going to wrap around Eleanor’s waist protectively. “Paws off, tiger, she’s mine.”
                              And, wow.
                              “What?” He spluttered, coughing on nothing but air as he tried to understand what was occurring right in front of him, or rather, around him.
                              This day just wouldn’t end.

                              16楼2014-02-13 12:02