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The Simple Industrial Revolution


The Simple Industrial Revolution——
HandicraftIndustry Which Used Energy as Power
Author:Lin Lin
IndustrialRevolution thus boiled down to the discovery of making use of energy rather than the farther development of handicraft industry. Energy-poweredindustry can be called modern industry to distinguish from the former handicraftindustry which is also the characteristic of themodern society.
This is the great development of energy-poweredindustry which distinguishes from handicraft industry. The use of energy is thekey of the industrial revolution. Industrial revolution refers to thetransformation of industry which emphasizes revolution rather than industrial.So it makes no sense to emphasize the agriculture priority of Chinese feudalsociety (namely Chinese former Centralized absolute monarchy and government officialssociety) because this is the way agricultural society should be.
Therewon’t be modern industry on the premise of using energy as power. The problemis not with our system, neither in one or several dynasties, nor subjectiveinitiative of the monarch and our wishes. We aren’t lacking of skillfulcraftsmen, especially inChina.We haven’t doneanything wrongor falling behind. Our old civilizationreally has its natural extraordinary vitality.
Now, these craftsmen and their works areresearchedas an subject about art rather thanabout industry.Modern industry inevitably and specificallyrefers to the production that driven by energy.
Through observation by Karl Marx about the capitalist development,we blame with regret that Chinese late feudal society(namely Chinese former Centralized absolutemonarchy and government officials society)havearisen Capitalism rudiment or do not developthe national industry and commerce is not correct.Becausethe so-called “Capitalism rudiment” or modern commerce and industry startswith the discovery of energy-powered modern industry, soit makes no sense to overemphasize that China can’t develop modernindustry or capitalism because the ethical industry and commerce haven’t beendeveloped in the traditional agricultural society. Actually, they (the modernindustry and developing capitalism) are originally the samething. That’s will be elaborated later.
It is the usage of energy as power let handicraft and industrydevelop rapidly, understanding this point will inspire us develop better, andresearch and understand the industrial revolution inBritain well. We neither fall behind nor doing something wrong which just dueto the natural conditions, because the industrial revolutiondestined to be initiated.Understandingthis will benefit us to choose a way to develop well and toimpel theChina'srenaissance!
The industrial revolutioninBritainbegan with Arkwright’s invention of hydraulic spinning machine and Cartwright’sinvention of hydraulic weaving machine (they all use water as power), and thenJames Watt invented coal-fired steam engine. It was justa simple discovery of using energy in industrial production, butlater a series of changes were caused by this discovery.
So it makes no sense to overemphasize Chinese ethical industry andcommerce don’t develop well or there is no Capitalism rudiment in the Chineselate feudal society (namely Chinese former Centralized absolute monarchy andgovernment officials society) as the Capitalism rudiment germinated after theindustrial revolution (also means after“the modem industry that used energy as power”).Capitalismrudiment germinated inChinabut didn’t develop to the “new industry which use energy as power ”. which wasreally unimagined.
Chinese late feudal society has done nothingwrong on emphasizing the development of agriculture, and limiting thedevelopment of industry and commerce. That is what the agricultural communityneeds to do to promote the productivity.
There won’t be theso-called capitalism rudiment on the premise of energy-powered modern industry.Understanding this point will let us know how the capitalism developing and whythe bourgeois revolution breaking out.
The Capitalismdeveloped after the break-out of industrial revolution. The development ofCapitalism and the revolution of bourgeois are all the derivation andcontinuity of industrial revolution.
The development ofCapitalism will make use of all the resources to develop emerging modern industry(namely the industry used energy as power) which is the key character in theprocess of capitalism development. Since the modern industry is really moreprofitable than before, understanding people’s excitement about pursuing profitwill understand the cruelty and the reasons workers working hard of Capitalismdevelop in its early period (Because the energy-powered modern industry haven’tshaped to system, but the excitement of pursuing profit will expedite theprocess)
The excitement ofpursuing profit put all the countries dragged into the mire of energy-poweredmodern industrial countries.
Karl Marx observedthe features of western capitalist countries at this period keenly and made hisunique understanding and judgment.
"Once there isappropriate profit, capital becomes bold; if there is 10% profits, capital willbe used everywhere, 20% profits, it becomes aggressive; 50% profits it begin totake risks; in order to pursue for 100% profits, it dares to trample all humanlaws; if there is 300% profits, it dares to commit any crimes including therisk of being hanged.”
This passagedescribes people’s excitement about the huge profits brought by the discoveryof “energy-powered modern industry”, and they are the people contributing tothe industrialization of mankind. It is the huge profits brought greatexcitement to them which also leading to the outbreak of the French Revolution.“The Declaration of Human Rights"is also about influence of people’s impact by the pursuit to this huge profit.
The outbreak of thebourgeois revolution really risked the danger of decapitation and offending allhuman laws. That can be called big change brought by small discovery("energy-powered modern industry ").
In china,in along period that from the founding of thePeople's Republic of China to the end ofthe Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, just because people believedMax’s theory and understood the development trend of world economy fromindustrial revolution to the capitalism development in a totally opposite waywhich leading the state and people into beggary.
Today, no mattereconomic activities or economic studies in the world-wide are all closelyassociated with this discovery (energy-powered modern industry). The so-calledeconomics and economists all just elaborate the common economic sense under themodern industrial system.
The industry that using energy as power made it possible tocreate better toolswhich also promoted the development ofscience and technology, agriculture and even culture.Therefore, usage of energy in industry after the industrial revolutionis "the first productivity".
So, there is no (what Marx called) surplus value, evenif, it is also from fossil oil rather than from the workers.
The industrial revolution inBritaindiscovered using energy inindustrial production whichwasher characteristic contribution to human beings. Yet the old civilization ofChinahad her unique charm,they were all partsof the human civilization.We can’t escape from each other which just the development of human being.
The openingceremonyof London Olympic Games was wonderfuland these are some thoughts of mineafter the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Thank you for your reading!

1楼2014-02-25 15:17回复

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