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【小论文】Love for a King



1楼2014-04-04 11:59回复

    3楼2014-04-04 12:03
      What makes Thranduil popular in China? If your answer is simply a fair face, you know nothing about beauty. No beauty exists in a body without soul. It is the resplendent spirit that arouses firein your mind, stirring you even though it is remote, beyond your reach in alife time. Or you will see nothing but a chaos in Guernica and morbidity in Self-Portraitwith Bandaged Ear (though you don’t have to like them your have to admit they are great). In likely manner, without a mighty soul nobody is fair enough to be LOVED. Will you fall in love with a inflatable doll and feel satisfied? I surely won’t. (Though a guy in PushingDaisies does, but in fact he loves the doll because he gave it a soul himself:D)
      An impressive face surely is a bonus point,which I won’t deny. But in any artworks appearance serves to mold a character rather than simply makes it attractive, and if it does, it’s supposed to be so. Of course you can still argue that theHobbit is a movie thus naturally tends to attract audience to make profit. Butwhy Thranduil? Why a controversial character without much exaggeration in the originals? If you like the movie and deem PJ as qualified (if not, no need tovote), then you’ll admit there must be some reasons that he molded such animpressive character: greediness or granduer or arrogance, no matter which you found in Thranduil, the king is never easy to ignore.
      Now before you decide whether you like himor not, let’s make clear his image first. Mostly images in the film though, for in the original Thorin is unbearable and in case of further quarrel I’ll glorify him in later discussion. What’s more, it’s stupid to deem the viewers who haven’t read the origins as less able when comprehending characters for Tolkein’s works are great doesn’t mean that they are the only great. And asuccessive ought to be able to unfold what it needs to unfold by itself.
      Thranduilis a king of old. Since anciet time he has walked on the middle-earth and seen much. Though he wasn’t claimed as one of the elf sages directly in the books his ability is of no doubt. He is a legendary warrior, officially. In most dangerous condition he was hit by his father’s death and had to take the burden of the whole kingdom which just suffered grievous pain. Without the help of any ring or much aid (at that time other elves suffered a lot, too that they couldn’t help much), he guided the Mirkwood into prosper in following years even though they faced the threaten of dark art several times. Even after the unmaking ofthe one ring, his kingdom survives merrily in middle-earth while elves in Imladrisand Los Lorien couldn’t keep their power anymore and sailed west. This is a cursory approvement of his meirit. As for his character, considering the lack of direct description of him, it will be unrolled by inferred by analyzing characters around him to make it clear.
      First let’s look at Greenleaf who is closest to him. No matter in books or in movies,Legolas is more of a great warrior and an easy-going friend than a grave pince.He is even less arrogant than Boromir which is apparent if you put the their words together. The most interesting thing is when never he spoke in the journey, he seemed to be more optimistic than others, even humorous untimely sometimes.What kind of father, especially a father who has spent thousands of years withhis son, can have a son like this? A greedy, eccentric, conceited and stupid king who cares about nothing but his jewels? Certainly not. Some may argue that Legolas is in bad relationship with his father that Thranduil is different from him. I don’t think Legolas is really angry with his father which will be discussed later and even though they are different, he is still shaped by his father.
      Second,Thranduil’s people. As we know from the Hobbit, wood evles are less wise but more dangerous. Unless Noldors they know nothing about metallurgy or founding or mining. Even Legolas didn’t have a strong bow when taking the perilous journey. According to Bilbo usually they donothing but hunting and merrymaking. Besides, they are kind people that they gaveprisoners too much freedom and lost Gollum. They are valiant and born to behappy but you can’t expect them to achieve much without a great leader, theonly elven king left in middle-earth. You must have heeded that though woodelves are not good at any production still they have jems to decorate theirclothes while Thranduil’s treasure is not as great as other old kings. Can you still blame him for his greediness? And his people respect him more than fear him for they dare to steal his wine.
      And then there comes Thorin. I’m not going to discuss who was wrong for I haven’t fingure out the truth myself and nobody can convince me till now. Just look at what happened when Thorin met Thranduil in Mirkwood. The dwarlves were shouting nothing but “we’re starving” and refused to give any answer as if they had the right to ask for a banquet without telling the host what they were after. An unexpected guest like this wouldn’t be welcomed even in Imladris and Mirkwood were in much more dangerous condition than the last Homely House that they were supposed to be more alert. And when asked face to face (literally, haha :D), Thorin still refused to be polite and answered the question. This might not be a big problem but concerning manner because both of them know his intention. Then Thranduil proposed a contract. It was a generous offer, for it was “a king to another”. And what king Thorin was at that time? He had only 12 followers (Bilbo was an employer rather than follower) and a city occupied by Smaug while Thranduil had been a great king for thousands of years. The veiled meaning of Thranduil’sword was “I’ll help you to be a real king if you agree with my suggestion” for if Thorin just went to his destination like he planned (if he had a plan) he would end up in nothing but a pile of ash without enormous accident, which didhappened but wasn’t his contribution and the contract would fail. But Thorin just refused rudely. Maybe he did have his reason to be annoyed and right and duty to regain Erebor’s glory,but at least his rudeness proved that Thranduil wasn’t a brutal king for he did nothing but put him into prison. And as we knew from Gollum, prisoners in Mirkwood didn’t suffuer much and for dwarves dungeon was not a bad place. What’s more, “great store of goods he (Thranduil) sent ahead by water” to aid the LakeTown after the disaster caused by Thorin’s recklessness.
      Some may argue that he shouldn’t have shut up his kingdom and should be responsible for the world’s fate. But I don’t think it’s a good idea for elves to fight against dragon just for retake some gold. Dragon is not an enemy that can be overthrow by number and elves are never superior in number. Their long and merry lives are beyond the measure of any gold. It is possible that Greenleaf disagreed with his father because he thought they should shoulder the world’s fate. But isthat right? Mr. Tolkein might not agree because he didn’t think it was great heroes that could save the world. As Gandolf said in the movie, “Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk thar keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.”
      As for Aragon, though he was Thranduil’s competitor this round, I’m not going to belittle him. In fact I like him pretty much. He is a considerate man with enough practice and experience and equal to a king. I choose Thranduil rather than him only out of my own appetite.
      I’m not ask you to vote for Thranduil because it’s your freedom to choose anyone and the great kind doesn’t need more praise (we do it for ourselves rather than him). I just hate it that some defame him because of their own stupid.

      4楼2014-04-04 12:11

        5楼2014-04-04 12:18

          6楼2014-04-04 12:41
            @玻璃鱼眼 在评论里,刚才我自己看到了……现在网又截瘫了刷不出评论区

            7楼2014-04-04 13:12

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                9楼2014-04-04 13:34

                  IP属地:辽宁10楼2014-04-04 13:39
                    卧槽果然有很多错误包括失踪的空格和I'm not ask ...

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