Dear Customer,
We are contacting you to notify you that we have found your Need for Speed World account, to be in violation of our Terms of Service.
As per our Terms of Service you may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:
Promote, encourage or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats and/or distribution of counterfeit software and/or virtual currency/items.
Due to the above we have permanently blocked your access to Need for Speed World.
Account closure is reserved for the most serious breaches of our Terms of Service, but can also be applied in cases where an account has accumulated a number of violations over a period of time.
Should you wish to review our Terms of Service they can be found here:
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
EA Terms of Service
Note: If you feel you have received this suspension in error, please contact us atAccountdisputes@EA.com
Dear Customer,
We are contacting you to notify you that we have found your Need for Speed World account, to be in violation of our Terms of Service.
As per our Terms of Service you may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:
Promote, encourage or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats and/or distribution of counterfeit software and/or virtual currency/items.
Due to the above we have permanently blocked your access to Need for Speed World.
Account closure is reserved for the most serious breaches of our Terms of Service, but can also be applied in cases where an account has accumulated a number of violations over a period of time.
Should you wish to review our Terms of Service they can be found here:
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
EA Terms of Service
Note: If you feel you have received this suspension in error, please contact us atAccountdisputes@EA.com