How is it to be done? I have some practical advice for you in this struggle , which is one of the great battles of life. Take some time every day — every day — to examine what you have been doing in the light of feeling, rather than of intelligence . It may be before you fall asleep at night; it may be while you are walking to your work; it may be at any time when you can withdraw your attention from external matters: that is the time to ask yourself — What do I really feel about all this? Not, what should I truly feel about it? You must be honest with yourself, because self -deception is one of the commonest roads to Acedia .
Now it may happen that you will find that you are committed to some course of action which you do not like — which you may positively hate . And yet, for good reasons, it may be necessary to continue with it. We all have to do things we detest, at one time or another, because we are not free to consult our own wishes only. But if you know the truth, you are protected from Acedia.
Nor is it only the detestable things that should be carefully examined. You must look clearly at the things which make your life happy and enviable, and you must give yourself up to a grateful contemplation of them. Never take such things for granted. I have seen many a promising marriage shrivel and dry up because one or both of the parties to it assumed that happiness was something that came by right, and could never be diminished. Consciously summoning up, and consciously enjoying, the good things that life brings us is a way of preserving them. It is not in their nature to last forever; they will change, and if you cherish them gratefully, the change is much more likely to be a change for the better than if you accept them as gifts which a grateful providence has showered upon you as a recognition of your magnanimity in condescending to inhabit the earth .