Q. Did you feel the best of youwas still to come on grass here?
RAFAEL NADAL: Still tocome? I won twice, played three finals.
豆:还是来这儿?我两次夺冠,三次亚军。【记者节操呢(╯▔皿▔)╯不能因为近三年温网战绩低迷就这样怀疑五进决赛的豆子好么= =求明年打脸】
Q. No, in this tournament did youfeel that you were getting better?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I felt that Iwas playing well. I played a few great sets, a few fantastic moments.
The problem is always the same,no? The year that I won in 2010, I was losing two sets to one in secondand third round against Petzschner and Robin Haase.
I was able to win that kind ofmatch. I had the chance to convert one of that opportunities. That's something that didn't happen today. That's why in that year I wasable to arrive to quarterfinals.
Normally on grass the thing is firstweek when you compete against some players, the things are not verylogical. The surface creates the opportunity to that players that theycan play very aggressive and they can see a real chance to win playing that style,no, something on the other surfaces you cannot play that crazy, way, no?
When you arrive to quarterfinals,semifinals, and you play against the best players, the things become againlogical, no? At the end, the top players want to play with control. The top players want to play normal way. They don't want to play crazyaggressive. They play normal.
Is true that that makes me the things alittle bit more less difficult for me.
豆:不,我觉得我打得还好。我有几盘打得很棒,也有很多令人赞叹的时刻。 问题总是一样的,不是吗?2010我赢的那年,在第二轮和第三轮对阵
Petzschner 和Robin Haase时我都各输了两盘。
当你进入QF, SF, 当你对阵那些最佳球员,事情再次变得合乎逻辑,不是吗?最后,顶级球员倾向于打得比较有控制【收敛?节制?反正就是不鸡血啦。】顶尖球员倾向于用正常的方式。他们不想打得太疯狂进攻。他们打得正常些。