------Optimus Prime:Whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them as my soul. Defend this family, Autobots, as they have you. Defend.All they can be.There are mysteries to the universe we will never mand to solve.But who we are,and why we are here, are not among them.Those answers, we carry inside. I am Optimus Prime, and these messages to my creators: Leave the planet alone, because I'm coming, for you!

------Optimus Prime:Whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them as my soul. Defend this family, Autobots, as they have you. Defend.All they can be.There are mysteries to the universe we will never mand to solve.But who we are,and why we are here, are not among them.Those answers, we carry inside. I am Optimus Prime, and these messages to my creators: Leave the planet alone, because I'm coming, for you!