这是吉林市送花江中学的贴吧. The bar from the Songhua River in Jilin city middle school. 都是一二届三班的学生. These people are from the thirteenth session of class three. 其他人请不要停留. Other people don't stay here. 你可以在这里骂人,但请自重. Here you can scold,but please control yourself. 你可以在这里吵架,但请克制. Here you can quarrel,but please hold yourself. 但是你不可以在这里打架. But you can't fight in here. 我的意思是你可以在这里畅所欲言. I mean you can speak freely. 但是不要像其他两位一样乱水. Don't talk nonsense. 祝你玩的愉快. I wish you enjoy yourself.