在电影预告片音乐界和Two Steps From Hell齐名的配乐团队—Audiomachine,于2012年3月下旬发售了他们第一张公众专辑(public album)—Chronicle.专辑精选了28首他们之前为众多大片预告片创作的最有代表性的音乐。专辑音乐史诗感满点,各种气势磅礴、极富感情的新古典音乐足以让你热血沸腾。
专辑开场就是09年全球现象级大片《阿凡达》最终剧场版预告片的音乐,不少人应该很熟悉吧;一曲Breath and Life和《饥饿游戏》《雨果》等众多大片的预告片的完美搭配令众多乐迷神魂颠倒,清新的吉他和动情的交响奇妙地融合在一起;另外还有Reaching(《国王的演讲》)、Redemption(《危险方法》)、Black Cauldron(《锅匠》)等,在完美契合预告片的同时,又很贴和最终电影配乐,实属难得。
by DonZeal
What a pity that I heard this commerical music group very recently. I am always a big fan of Two Steps From Hell, in these months, I heard many fantastic trailer music, such as Cosmopolis, Prometheus and Tinker Tailor, they*re so amazing, but I didn*t find their names in TSFH*s list. Finally, after searching these names in Google last month, I knew this group and fell in love with them immediately when I read their credit list, I can*t believe that they did the music of theatrical trailer of Avatar, which make me miss it desperately for years. And many other masterpieces, just awesome.
Audiomachine now is absolutely one of the two most powerful trailer music groups, the biggest competitor of Two Steps From Hell. Maybe the latter has a better publicity(maybe for they are owned by Hans Zimmer*s company) and more public productions(even the two members of TSFH have many their own solo productions), but Audiomachine really can make distinctive epic tunes that do not lose to them. They*re very promising.
01.Guardians At The Gate
03.Akkadian Empire
04.House Of Cards
05.11 Days In Hell
07.Veni Vidi Vici
08.Breath And Life
11.Beyond Good And Evil
12.Lost Empire
13.Sands Of Time
14.Black Cauldron
15.Lost Generation
16.Hell*s Battalion
17.Red Warrior
19.Legions Of Doom
20.Road To Glory
21.Army Of Kings
22.Lost Raiders
23.Battle Of The Kings
24.Path To Freedom
26.Blood And Glory
27.The Messenger
28.Hymn Of The Rising
在电影预告片音乐界和Two Steps From Hell齐名的配乐团队—Audiomachine,于2012年3月下旬发售了他们第一张公众专辑(public album)—Chronicle.专辑精选了28首他们之前为众多大片预告片创作的最有代表性的音乐。专辑音乐史诗感满点,各种气势磅礴、极富感情的新古典音乐足以让你热血沸腾。
专辑开场就是09年全球现象级大片《阿凡达》最终剧场版预告片的音乐,不少人应该很熟悉吧;一曲Breath and Life和《饥饿游戏》《雨果》等众多大片的预告片的完美搭配令众多乐迷神魂颠倒,清新的吉他和动情的交响奇妙地融合在一起;另外还有Reaching(《国王的演讲》)、Redemption(《危险方法》)、Black Cauldron(《锅匠》)等,在完美契合预告片的同时,又很贴和最终电影配乐,实属难得。
by DonZeal
What a pity that I heard this commerical music group very recently. I am always a big fan of Two Steps From Hell, in these months, I heard many fantastic trailer music, such as Cosmopolis, Prometheus and Tinker Tailor, they*re so amazing, but I didn*t find their names in TSFH*s list. Finally, after searching these names in Google last month, I knew this group and fell in love with them immediately when I read their credit list, I can*t believe that they did the music of theatrical trailer of Avatar, which make me miss it desperately for years. And many other masterpieces, just awesome.
Audiomachine now is absolutely one of the two most powerful trailer music groups, the biggest competitor of Two Steps From Hell. Maybe the latter has a better publicity(maybe for they are owned by Hans Zimmer*s company) and more public productions(even the two members of TSFH have many their own solo productions), but Audiomachine really can make distinctive epic tunes that do not lose to them. They*re very promising.
01.Guardians At The Gate
03.Akkadian Empire
04.House Of Cards
05.11 Days In Hell
07.Veni Vidi Vici
08.Breath And Life
11.Beyond Good And Evil
12.Lost Empire
13.Sands Of Time
14.Black Cauldron
15.Lost Generation
16.Hell*s Battalion
17.Red Warrior
19.Legions Of Doom
20.Road To Glory
21.Army Of Kings
22.Lost Raiders
23.Battle Of The Kings
24.Path To Freedom
26.Blood And Glory
27.The Messenger
28.Hymn Of The Rising