龙在沙滩被虾戏,虎落平阳被犬欺. 得势狸猫凶似虎,落配凤凰不如鸡. 虎伏深山听风啸,龙卧浅滩等海潮. 海到尽头天做岸,山登绝顶我为峰. 如日东山能在起,大鹏展翅恨天低。 谁无虎落平阳日,待我风山再起时. 有朝一日龙得水,必令长江水倒流. 有朝一日凤囬巢,必让长城永不倒. 有朝一日虎归山,必要血染半边天. 有朝一日东山起,凤是凤来鸡是鸡. 有朝一日狮入林,我要气吼山河震. 有朝一日游地府,我让地府底朝天. 有朝一日游天边,众神跪在我身边. 有朝一日凤翔天,我要天下尽我鸣. 有朝一日我出头,我要天下唯我尊. And to you right now are more satisfied, so I stay here is no reason --我是可爱的小尾巴
http://v.ku6.com/show/Z2lK7GWOv-mB3R8kGwI5Gw...html 看看这个吧 When others blindly pursue the truth. Remember, everything is empty. When the thoughts of others are bound by the law and morality. Remember, everything is permitted. We put his ideas into the darkness has to serve the book, we are assassins. -我是可爱的小尾巴