François: could you please introduce yourself and tell us what you did before Black Mask 2?
Andy: My name is Andy On, I was born in 1977, May 11, I'm a taurus. Before Black Mask 2, I was actually bar tending in Rhode Island at this local trendy restaurant. And I have been working there for about 4 months, and one day and one day out of the blue one of my customers told me, it's a quote which goes: "You should go and do movies". At this time I was pretty flattered, and I thought about it. I said "Why not, let's go and try it". At that time, my boss was a prick you know, he was not a very nice person, so I left the job and I came to Asia.
F: How did you get involved in Black Mask 2?
A: Everything happened so fast. All I can say is that I was very very lucky. I was at the right place at the right time. What happened was before I met with Chinastar, they were already planning to film Black Mask 2. And the guy they were originally going to use, I guess he didn't have time, or he was too busy. So when I met with Chinastar, they saw me and they said "this guy looks like Black Mask". So I was very fortunate to get this job actually.
F: Wasn't it difficult to replace Jet Li ? You know, no Jet Li, Andy On, "who is this guy" ? People had high expectations about you.
A: You know I realized that after the movie. Ever since I was young, I was more a Jackie Chan fan. When I was growing up in the States, there was not that many asian people, so I cannot watch chinese movies that much. All I knew was Jackie Chan. So when they told me I have to do Black Mask 2, they said the original one was Jet Li. All I knew was that he was a super super kung-fu star. So of course I was like a little bit nervous. But Jet Li has been learning kung-fu since he was young. And when I was young, the only way I would learn kung-fu is by watching Jackie Chan's movies. So I'm pretty sure people had a high expectation, but I hope I fullfilled it. I mean I don't think anyone can be as good as Jet Li.
François: could you please introduce yourself and tell us what you did before Black Mask 2?
Andy: My name is Andy On, I was born in 1977, May 11, I'm a taurus. Before Black Mask 2, I was actually bar tending in Rhode Island at this local trendy restaurant. And I have been working there for about 4 months, and one day and one day out of the blue one of my customers told me, it's a quote which goes: "You should go and do movies". At this time I was pretty flattered, and I thought about it. I said "Why not, let's go and try it". At that time, my boss was a prick you know, he was not a very nice person, so I left the job and I came to Asia.
F: How did you get involved in Black Mask 2?
A: Everything happened so fast. All I can say is that I was very very lucky. I was at the right place at the right time. What happened was before I met with Chinastar, they were already planning to film Black Mask 2. And the guy they were originally going to use, I guess he didn't have time, or he was too busy. So when I met with Chinastar, they saw me and they said "this guy looks like Black Mask". So I was very fortunate to get this job actually.
F: Wasn't it difficult to replace Jet Li ? You know, no Jet Li, Andy On, "who is this guy" ? People had high expectations about you.
A: You know I realized that after the movie. Ever since I was young, I was more a Jackie Chan fan. When I was growing up in the States, there was not that many asian people, so I cannot watch chinese movies that much. All I knew was Jackie Chan. So when they told me I have to do Black Mask 2, they said the original one was Jet Li. All I knew was that he was a super super kung-fu star. So of course I was like a little bit nervous. But Jet Li has been learning kung-fu since he was young. And when I was young, the only way I would learn kung-fu is by watching Jackie Chan's movies. So I'm pretty sure people had a high expectation, but I hope I fullfilled it. I mean I don't think anyone can be as good as Jet Li.