APA: What is your perspective on Asian-American roles in Hollywood now?
LC: I think it's a very exciting time right now. There's a lot of Asian-American directors who are very talented and are beginning to break though, and I think a lot of them are conscious of the lack of good roles for Asian-American actors, so I think they're responsibly casting Asian-American actors in those roles, and that's exciting. Also, this year during pilot season, the roles that I was going up for that were specifically Asian are getting a lot better. But, you know, I still turn on the TV and see some horrible stuff now and then, so that saddens me. But I do think it's slowly getting better.
APA: As an actor, when you're going for roles, are you mostly going for roles specifically written for Asian-Americans or ones that aren't?
LC: I'd say about 60% of the time I'm going for roles that are not, roles that are open ethnicity. The times where I am going in for something that is specifically Asian, I'd say most of the time, it isn't for what I consider to be a stereotyped role. I think they're thinking Asian in terms of diversity for show, for the project. But in general, lately, I haven't come across anything that I had to put my foot down and say, "Absolutely no, I won't do this." Which is something I did a few years ago. But that's not to say it's not out there.
APA: But at least that's optimistic, that it's changing.
LC: Yeah. But at the same time, there's been so many times where I've been so close to something, and it's always been me and three other white girls. And it's like here's what we really want, but if you want something different, here's Lynn Chen. So it's still a barrier.
APA: What do you do in your free time when you're not working?
LC: I watch a lot of movies, and I take my dog out for walks -- like three hour walks sometimes. And I'm obsessed with video games, so I play a lot of video games.
APA: That's fun. What else can we expect coming up from you?
LC: I have a few projects I'm working on. I've been writing a couple of scripts and writing some music. And, also I've been prepping for the Saving Face junkets.
APA: We're looking forward to seeing it. Thank you so much for your time.
LC: Thank you.
Saving Face opens the VC Film Fest 2005 in Los Angeles on April 28, and opens nationwide May 2005.
Date Posted: 4/14/2005