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Top New Annuals for 2015


2015 is the year for new annuals. Here is a colorful collection of what you can pot up this spring!
By Doug Jimerson and Karen Weir-Jimerson

Everything's coming up annuals in 2015. We found 50 new annuals hitting the market this year we just had to share with you

IP属地:湖北1楼2015-03-08 23:13回复

    IP属地:山东来自Android客户端2楼2015-03-08 23:13

      Caladium 'Artful Heartfire'
      Give your porch or patio a tropical makeover with 'Artful Heartfire' caladium. Its large red-and-green leaves make a bold statement in beds or containers. Sun- and shade-tolerant, 'Artful Heartfire' also works well as an indoor houseplant.
      Name: Caladium 'Artful Heartfire'
      Growing Conditions: sun or shade
      Size: 15-20 inches tall, 10-14 inches wide
      Grow it with: begonia
      Image: Proven Winners

      IP属地:湖北3楼2015-03-08 23:13

        Coleus 'Seaweed'
        One of the newest members of the Under the Sea collection, 'Seaweed' has finely divided chartreuse-and-black foliage that looks like something you'd see on a underwater trip in the Caribbean. It's a great plant for mixed containers.
        Name: Coleus 'Under the Sea'
        Growing Conditions: shade, partial sun
        Size: 15-20 inches tall and wide
        Grow it with: other coleus
        Image: Hort Couture

        IP属地:湖北4楼2015-03-08 23:14

          Euphorbia 'Glitz'
          Endless clouds of small, pretty white flowers cover 'Glitz' euphorbia all summer long. It makes a great filler plant in mixed containers, hanging baskets, or en masse along a garden path. 'Glitz' euphorbia is an easy-care sun worshipper that tolerates heat and drought.
          Name: Euphorbia graminea 'Glitz'
          Growing Conditions: full sun
          Size: 10-14 inches tall, 12-18 inches wide
          Grow it with: geranium
          Image: Ball

          IP属地:湖北5楼2015-03-08 23:16

            Angelonia 'Pinstripe Pink'
            Wearing showy, two-tone pink-and-white flowers, 'Pinstripe Pink' angelonia is a stylish newcomer that you should watch for. 'Pinstripe Pink' has a trailing habit, so it's ideal for window boxes and hanging baskets.
            Name: Angelonia 'Pinstripe Pink'
            Growing Conditions: full sun
            Size: 10-14 inches tall, 8-10 inches wide
            Grow it with: calibrachoa
            Image: Hort Couture

            IP属地:湖北6楼2015-03-08 23:16

              Petunia Easy Wave 'Burgundy Velour'
              If you're a fan of Wave petunias, you're in for a treat. Easy Wave 'Burgundy Velour' has the same free-blooming vigor as other members of the family, but this newbie has rich, velvety burgundy flowers all summer long. Use it in containers or flower borders.
              Name: Petunia Easy Wave 'Burgundy Velour'
              Growing Conditions: full sun
              Size: 6-12 inches tall, 30-39 inches wide
              Grow it with: euphorbia
              Image: Ball

              IP属地:湖北7楼2015-03-08 23:19

                Dahlia 'Nick Senior'
                The huge, dinner-plate-size blooms of 'Nick Senior' dahlia provide a welcome blast of color in the late summer border. Its vibrant red blooms with white-tip petals also make terrific cut flowers for indoor bouquets. 'Nick Senior' is a tall dahlia and requires staking in windy locations.
                Name: Dahlia 'Nick Senior'
                Growing Conditions: full sun
                Size: 3-4 feet tall and wide
                Grow it with: cannas
                Image: Longfield Gardens

                IP属地:湖北8楼2015-03-08 23:20

                  Gomphrena 'Pink Zazzle'
                  We stopped in our tracks the first time we saw 'Pink Zazzle' gomphrena. Its big, bright, petal-packed blooms explode with color all summer long. The flowers are also highly attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. 'Pink Zazzle' forms a compact mound that excels in beds, borders, or containers.
                  Name: Gomphrena 'Pink Zazzle'
                  Growing Conditions: full sun, partial sun
                  Size: 8-16 inches tall and wide
                  Plant it with: dusty miller
                  Image: Proven Winners

                  IP属地:湖北9楼2015-03-08 23:20

                    Caladium 'Red Bellied Tree Frog'
                    We'd grow this new caladium for the name alone! 'Red Bellied Tree Frog' is a tropical, sun-tolerant variety that shoots up large, red, heart-shape foliage with dark green edges. Like the tree frog it's named for, the leaves have a reflective sheen that makes the colors even more vivid.
                    Name: Caladium 'Red Bellied Tree Frog'
                    Growing Conditions: partial sun
                    Size: 12-24 inches tall and wide
                    Plant it with: ornamental sweet potato

                    IP属地:湖北10楼2015-03-08 23:21

                      Coleus Marquee 'Blonde Bombshell'
                      Sun- and shade-tolerant, Marquee 'Blonde Bombshell' coleus works anywhere you need a dose of bright color. This easy-care newbie is covered in slender chartreuse leaves with rich red veining. Unlike old-fashioned coleus varieties, Marquee 'Blonde Bombshell' doesn't require pinching to keep it dense and compact.
                      Name: Coleus Marquee 'Blonde Bombshell'
                      Growing Conditions: full sun, partial shade
                      Size: 18-24 inches tall, 16-18 inches wide
                      Plant it with: begonia
                      Image: Ball

                      IP属地:湖北11楼2015-03-08 23:22

                        Petunia 'Little Black Dress'
                        Perfect for any situation 'Little Black Dress' petunia makes a bold fashion statement whether you grow it in containers or in a border. It's clothed in velvety black flowers all summer long that won't fade when the summer sun beats down. The weather-resistant flowers also hold their own after heavy rains.
                        Name: Petunia 'Little Black Dress'
                        Growing Conditions: full sun
                        Size: 20-30 inches tall, 20-36 inches wide
                        Plant it with: euphorbia
                        Image: Hort Couture

                        IP属地:湖北12楼2015-03-08 23:23

                          Cuphea 'Vermillionaire'
                          Lure colorful hummingbirds to your garden with 'Vermillionaire' cuphea. Commonly called firecracker plant, this new cuphea creates an explosion of flowers all summer long. It thrives in hot, sunny locations and grows well in containers or in the flower border. In warmer regions 'Vermillionaire' cuphea is perennial in nature.
                          Name: Cuphea 'Vermillionaire'
                          Growing Conditions: full sun
                          Size: 18-28 inches tall, 12-24 inches wide
                          Plant it with: annual salvia
                          Image: Proven Winners

                          IP属地:湖北14楼2015-03-08 23:23

                            Petunia 'Trilogy Red'
                            After proving itself in trial gardens across the country, 'Trilogy Red' petunia was honored with an All-America Selections award for 2015. The compact, dome-shape plants are smothered in upward-facing, vibrant, red flowers from spring to fall. 'Trilogy Red' is also heat-tolerant, so it's a good choice for southern gardeners.
                            Name: Petunia 'Trilogy Red'
                            Growing Conditions: full sun
                            Size: 10-24 inches tall, 18-20 inches wide
                            Plant it with: dusty miller

                            IP属地:湖北15楼2015-03-08 23:24

                              Salvia 'Summer Jewel White'
                              Enjoy an avalanche of dazzling white flowers this summer with 'Summer Jewel White' salvia. The nectar-filled blooms of this 2015 All-America Selections winner will also attract colorful bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to your garden. 'Summer Jewel White' makes an extraordinary bedding plant for sunny spots.
                              Name: Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel White'
                              Growing Conditions: full sun
                              Size: 10-24 inches tall, 10-15 inches wide
                              Plant it with: red or blue salvia

                              IP属地:湖北16楼2015-03-08 23:24