英语吧 关注:1,551,964贴子:11,416,977



This Is Our End
I still remember
The day we first met
You were running in the rain
and your hair was wet.
I ran up to u
Staring at u with my curious eyes,
We talked so much, it was nice.
And you told me, you want to be in a place,
Where there's no grief and no lies.
We became closer,
As days go by.
We share everything with each other,
I used to believe, you will be mine.
But things didn't turn out as I thought,
Remember all those promises and the vows?
You are gone,
I'm feeling down,
Have to force myself to stay strong.
Now I know it was just a lie,
Why bother to pretend it was fine?
That day u gently stroked my hair,
Now I have a wound that can't be repaired.
I still remember,
The day we first met.
You were running in the rain,
And your hair was wet.
I ran up to you,
Staring at you with my curious eyes,
We talked so much, it was nice,
And you told me, you want to be in a place,
Where there's no grief and no lies.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-03-29 16:07回复
    Ballad: Flight MH370
    It occurred on March the 8th, 1:20am,
    A plane took off, but never land.
    Families, governments and their friends,
    All expected the search to expand.
    Search and rescue teams came in a hurry,
    Everyone was turning desperate.
    They came from 26 countries,
    Told the families not to worry.
    There were hypotheses, there were theories,
    But nothing could explain the anomalies,
    Nobody knows what has happened,
    Everyone was asking, why so sudden.
    Tick tock goes the clock,
    They searched for the small black box.
    It might have some discoveries,
    That will help to solve the mysteries.
    153 Chinese, 6 Australians, 50 Malaysians,
    5 Indians, 7 Indonesians, 3 Americans,
    Their fate was tied with the missing plane,
    Fear and grief surged through their veins.
    All we can do is stand and pray,
    Hope the sadness will fade away.
    Just because the plane is not on ground,
    Does not mean it can't be found.
    Farewell, my loved ones,
    I will never forget the time when we had fun.
    Do not forget to stay strong,
    Even if I'm not around.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-03-29 16:08

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-03-29 16:09

        4楼2015-03-29 17:43
          Pretty good actually (especially the first one)

          5楼2015-03-29 17:44
            OMG how old are you?12?you look so cool!

            来自Android客户端6楼2015-03-29 23:18

              IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端7楼2015-03-29 23:21

                来自Android客户端8楼2015-03-29 23:44
                  I Miss You
                  There's a photo of me and you,
                  Hanging on the wall.
                  Every time I look at it,
                  I linger in the memories I still recall.
                  In the past years,
                  We had so much fun,
                  I have always regarded you,
                  As one of my best friends.
                  We seem to be drifting away
                  From each other,
                  All this time I thought,
                  We will reunite in one way or another.
                  Turns out that I've been wrong,
                  I haven't heard from you for so long.
                  I know we both have things to get on,
                  But it feels odd when you are not around.
                  Once you said you will be by my side,
                  Now I can't help thinking that you have lied.
                  What have you been doing?
                  And where are you now?
                  I miss you, i miss the time
                  When we cared for each other all the way through.
                  I miss you, and I miss the time
                  When I braided your hair, and you braided mine too.

                  来自iPhone客户端10楼2015-04-01 17:35

                    来自iPhone客户端11楼2015-04-02 13:45
                      The poems are really good.How did you learn English so well?

                      IP属地:江苏12楼2015-04-02 14:02
                        i donot know what you said

                        来自Android客户端13楼2015-04-02 14:04
                          So cool ~

                          来自Android客户端14楼2015-04-02 15:28
                            You are so smart,and I like what you write ,fighting~

                            来自Android客户端15楼2015-04-02 15:32
                              Wow,that's beautiful

                              IP属地:福建16楼2015-04-02 20:15