英语构词吧 关注:2贴子:26
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1楼2015-05-04 09:55回复
    List 2
    affidavit(a written statement madeunder oath)
    affiliate(to join/to connect orassociate), filialàdissociate
    affirm, infirmary, affirmativeàrecant,abjure, gainsay, naysay
    affix(to stick; attach/to add sth.in writing/prefix or suffix)
    afflict(to cause persistent pain orsuffering), conflict, infliction
    affluent, confluence, superfluousàneedy,impecunious, indigent
    affront, effrontery, confront
    agglomerate, conglomerate
    aggrandize(to praise highly),grandeur, grandiloquentàdisparage
    aggregate(to gather into a whole/tototal; sum), gregarious, egregious
    aggression, aggressive, aggressor,egress, progress, transgress
    aggrieve, grievous
    agile(able to move quickly andeasily), agility
    agnostic, diagnostic, ignorance
    agog(in a state of eageranticipation or excitement)
    agreeable(pleasing/ ready to agree)àirritable
    agrarian, agronomy, agronomist
    airborne, airtight
    alacrity(cheerful readiness/promptness in response)àhesitance,reluctance, recalcitrance, dilatoriness
    alcove(a recessed section of aroom), recess, niche
    alias(an assumed name; pseudonym)
    alibi(formalstatement that a person was in another place at the time of a crime/excuse ofany kind)
    alimentary(of or relating tonourishment or nutrition), ailment
    allay(to relieve; reduce theintensity), alley, alloy, allyàaggravate,intensify
    allege(to state without proof),alleged, allegation
    allegiance(loyalty or devotion to acause or a person)
    alleviate(to lighten or relieve),levityàexacerbate
    allude(to refer in an indirectway), allusive, allusion, ludicrous, elude
    altruism, altruist, altruisticàegoism,egocentric
    ambidextrous, dexterous
    ambivalent(having simultaneous andcontradictory attitudes or feelings toward sb. or sth.)
    amble, ample, ramble, ambulance,preamble
    ameliorate(to improve)àaggravate,deteriorate
    amenable(willing; submissive)àinimical,recalcitrant, obdurate, ossified
    amenity(sth. that conduces tocomfort, convenience, or enjoyment)
    amiable, amicable, amity
    amnesia, amnesty
    amorphous, metamorphose,morphology, amorphousness
    amortize, immortal, mortality,mortgage
    ample, amplitude(the quality ofbeing ample)àmeagerness
    anachronistic(an error inchronology)
    anagram(word made by arranging theletters of another word)
    anaerobic(of, relating to, or beingactivity in which the body incurs an oxygen debt)
    analgesia, analgesic, neuralgia,nostalgia
    analogy, analogue, epilogue,prologue
    anarchy(absence ofgovernment/political disorder), anarchic, hierarchy
    anathema(one that is cursed/ aformal ecclesiastical ban; curse)
    anatomy, anatomical
    ancillary(subordinate, auxiliary/aid)
    anemia, anemic
    anguish(great suffering; distress),agony
    angular(thin and bony/ havingangles), angularity
    anhydrous(free from water)
    animate(alive; having life/ to givelife to), animated, animation, magnanimous, unanimous
    animosity(a feeling of strongdislike or hatred), animus
    annals(a record of events arrangedin yearly sequence)
    annexation(act of combining)
    annihilate(to destroy completely;demolish)
    annotate, annotated, annotation,connotation, notorious
    annul(to invalidate/ to cancel;abolish), nullify
    anomaly(deviation from commonrule/sth. anomalous), anomalous
    anonymity, anonymous
    anorexia(an eating disorder oraversion to food)
    antagonize(to arousehostility/hostility; show opposition), antagonist, antagonistic, antagonismàplacate,propitiate, mollify
    antediluvian(of the time before theBiblical Flood/ old fashioned, or primitive)
    anterior(earlier/previous),superior, inferior, interior, exterior, ensuing
    anthem(a religious choral song/asong of praise)

    2楼2015-05-04 09:56
      List 3
      anthology(a collection of poems,stories or songs), anthesis, chrysanthemum
      antic(fantastic and queer),antique, antics, attic
      antiseptic, septic, aseptic,contaminated
      antithesis(a contrast oropposition), anthesis, thesis, hypothesis, antithetic
      anvil(a steel block)
      aorta(the main artery of the body)
      aphorism, adage, fable, maxim,aphoristic
      aplomb(complete and confidentcomposure)
      apocalyptic(prophetic), apocalypse,inconsequential
      apoplectic(of, relating to, orcausing stroke/furious), apoplexyàcalm
      apostasy(an abandoning of what onehas believed in)àfidelity;apostate(a person guilty of apostasy; renegade)
      apostrophe, strophe, catastrophe
      apothecary(one who prepares andsells drugs)
      appall(to fill with horror ordismay; shock)àembolden,nerve, encourage
      apparel(clothing; garments; attire)
      appellation(a name or title;designation)
      appetite, appetizer(things eaten tostimulate the appetite), appetizing
      apposite(appropriate, apt,relevant), oppositeàirrelevant,extraneous
      appraise(to assess the value orquality), appraisal
      apprehend(to capture or arrest/ toanticipate with anxiety; dread), apprehension, apprehensive, prehensile,comprehensive
      apprise(to inform or notify)
      approbation(commendation / officialapproval) àopprobrium, condemnation, castigation
      appropriate(to set money aside fora specific use/to take improperly/fitting)
      apron(a protective skirt worn overone’s clothing)
      apropos(seasonable(y)/withreference to; regarding)
      arbiter(arbitrator; a person fullyqualified to judge or decide), arbitrary, arbitrate, arbitration, arbitrator
      arboreal(of or like a tree),arboretum
      arcane(mysterious, hidden or secret)
      archaeology, architecture
      archetype(the original pattern;prototype/a perfect example)
      archipelago(a group or chain ofmany islands)
      archive(a place where public recordor document are kept)
      arctic(bitterly cold)àtorrid
      ardent(intensely enthusiastic ordevoted; passionate), arduous, ardor
      argot(slang; speech spoken by onlya small group of people)
      aristocracy(the people of thehighest social class esp. from noble families/government in which power is heldby the nobility)
      armada(a fleet of warships), armor,armory(place where arms and armor are kept), armistice(a temporary stopping ofwarfare; a truce)
      aroma(a pleasant, often spicy odor;fragrance)
      arresting(catching the attention)
      arrhythmic(lacking rhythm orregularity)
      arrogant, abrogate, interrogate
      arrogate(to claim or seize withoutjustification)
      arsenal(place where weapons andammunition are stored), armory
      arson(the crime of purposelysetting fire)
      artery(a vessel that carries bloodfrom the heart to the rest of the body)
      arthritis(an inflammation of thejoints), arthropod
      artifice(skill or ingenuity/a slytrick)
      artistry(skill of an artist),artless
      ascendancy(supremacy, domination)
      ascetic(self-denying/anyone wholives with strict self-decipline), asceticismàsybarite,voluptuary, indulgence, libertine
      ascribe(to consider sth. to becaused by), conscribe, scripture
      asperity(rigor,severity/harshness), exasperate
      aspersion(disparaging remark;slander), intersperse, disperse
      asphyxiate(to suffocate)
      aspiration(strong desire orambition), aspire, conspire, respiration, aspirant
      assail(to attack with arguments/toassault), assault(a sudden attack/a violent attack)
      assay(to analyze for one or morespecific components; testing for quality)
      assemble, resemble, dissemble
      assent, dissent, resent
      assertive(expressing or tending toexpress strong opinions or claims)
      assiduous(diligent,preserving/attentive), insidious, assiduity, remiss, desultory, preside
      assimilate(to absorb andincorporate), simulate, stimulate, similarity
      associate(partner, colleague)
      assuageàintensify,inflame, harrow
      assume(to take on duties orresponsibilities), resume, consume, assumption(the act of taking possession ofsth.)
      asterisk(a mark like a star used todraw attention), asteroid(a small planet)
      asthma(an illness involvingdifficulty in breathing)
      astray(off the right path or way)
      astringent(styptic/pucker/anastringent substance)
      astrolabe(a compact instrument usedto observe and calculate the position of celestial bodies before the inventionof the sextant), astrology(primitive astronomy), astronomical(ofastronomy/enormously or inconceivably large or great)
      asunder(apart or separate/intopieces)
      asylum(refuge; shelter)
      asymmetric(having sides that arenot alike)
      atonal(marked by avoidance oftraditional musical tonality), monotone, tonetics
      atrocious(very evil or cruel;brutal; outrageous), appalling, horrible, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly,grisly, gruesome, grewsome, hideous, horrendous, horrid, horrific, horrifying,lurid, macabre, monstrous, nightmare, nightmarish, shocking, terrible, terrific
      atrophy(decrease in size or wastingaway of a body part or tissue), trophy

      3楼2015-05-04 09:56
        List 4
        attune(toput into correct and harmonious tune)
        audible(capableof being heard clearly), auditory, audition, auditorium
        auspices(approvaland support), auspice, conspicuous, suspicious
        authentic(genuine;real/legally attested)àbogus, apocryphal
        authoritarian,authoritative, authority, authorize
        autocrat,dictator, democracy, aristocracy, autocracy
        auxiliary,supplementary,subordinate, additional
        avarice,acquisitiveness, greed, avariciousness, avidity, avidness, covetousness,cupidity, graspingness, greediness, mercenariness, rapaciousness, rapacity
        aver(tostate positively; affirm), averse(not willing or inclined; opposed),aversion(an intense dislike; loathing)àaffinity, court,penchant, propensity
        avert(toward off; prevent/to turn away), divert, introvert
        aviary,aviation, aviatrix, apiary(a place where bees are kept)
        awning(arooflike structure)
        axiom(maxim/anestablished principle), axiomatic, axis, axle(a bar connecting two oppositewheels)
        backhanded(indirect;roundabout/using or made with a backhand)
        badger(totorment; nag)
        badinage(playfulteasing), banter
        bail(securitygiven for the release of a prisoner on bail/to release under bail)
        bait(lure;enticement/to tease/provoke a reaction)àdisarm
        bale(alarge bundle/disaster/evil), baleful(harmful; deadly; sinister)
        balk(thick,roughly squared wooden beam/ be reluctant to tackle sth. because it isdifficult)
        ballad(asong or poem that tells a story in short stanzas)
        ballast(anything heavy carried in a ship to give stability)
        ballot(theact, process, or method of voting)
        bane(thecause of distress, death or ruin)
        banish(tosend sb. out of the country as a punishment)
        banter,barter, batter
        barb(abiting or pointedly critical remark or comment), barbed
        barbarous(uncultured;crude/cruel; brutal), barbarity
        barge(alarge boat usu. flat bottomed)
        bark(cryof a dog/the outside covering of trees)
        barrage(1.a dam placed in a watercourse to increase the depth of water or to divert itinto a channel for navigation or irritation/2. artillery fire laid on a lineclose to friendly troops to screen and protect them; a vigorous or rapidoutpouring or projection of many things at once/3. to cause(someone) to receivea great amount of something: to direct a barrage of questions, comments, etc.,at(someone))
        barricade(toobstruct; shut in/any barrier or obstruction), barrier
        base(devoidof high values or ethics), baseness, ignoble, contemptible, currish,despicable, detestable, dirty, dishonorable, execrable, ignominious, mean,nasty, paltry, snide, sordid ,vile , wretchedàsublime, virtuous,noble, high-minded, honorable, lofty, venerable, virtuous
        bask(towarm oneself pleasantly in the sunlight)
        baste,taste, paste, caste
        bathetic(characterizedby bathos) baton(truncheon)
        battalion(aconsiderable body of troops organized to act together)
        bawdy(dealingwith sex in a way that is meant to be funny/ bawdry), indecent, obscene, lewd,blue, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, foul, gross, gutter, impure, lascivious,locker-room, nasty, pornographic, porny, profane, raunchy, ribald, smutty,stag, trashy, unprintable, vulgar, wanton, X-ratedàclean, decent,G-rated, wholesome, decorous
        beacon(asignal light for warning or guiding)
        bedlam(asituation of noisy uproar and confusion)
        begrudge(togive with ill-will or reluctance)
        behoove(tobe right or necessary to)
        belabor(tospend too much time or effort on / to beat severely)
        beleaguer(tobesiege by encircling/to harass)
        belie(todisguise or misrepresent/to prove false)àaver, affirm
        bellicose(eagerto fight; warlike; belligerent)
        belligerence(thestate of being at war/an aggressive attitude, atmosphere)
        bellwether(onethat serves as a leader or as a leading indicator of future trends)
        benediction(blessing/aninvocation of divine blessing), valediction, malediction
        benefactor(aperson who has given financial help; patron), beneficent, beneficiary,benison(blessing; benediction)
        benign(goodnatured; kindly)àmalign
        bent(natureskill at sth.)àineptitude
        bereft(deprivedor robbed of the possession or use of sth./lacking sth. needed or expected)
        besmirch(sully,soil), befoul, begrime, bemire, blacken, daub, foul àhonor
        betroth(tobecome engaged to marry), trothless

        8楼2015-05-04 10:03