List 2
affidavit(a written statement madeunder oath)
affiliate(to join/to connect orassociate), filialàdissociate
affirm, infirmary, affirmativeàrecant,abjure, gainsay, naysay
affix(to stick; attach/to add writing/prefix or suffix)
afflict(to cause persistent pain orsuffering), conflict, infliction
affluent, confluence, superfluousàneedy,impecunious, indigent
affront, effrontery, confront
agglomerate, conglomerate
aggrandize(to praise highly),grandeur, grandiloquentàdisparage
aggregate(to gather into a whole/tototal; sum), gregarious, egregious
aggression, aggressive, aggressor,egress, progress, transgress
aggrieve, grievous
agile(able to move quickly andeasily), agility
agnostic, diagnostic, ignorance
agog(in a state of eageranticipation or excitement)
agreeable(pleasing/ ready to agree)àirritable
agrarian, agronomy, agronomist
airborne, airtight
alacrity(cheerful readiness/promptness in response)àhesitance,reluctance, recalcitrance, dilatoriness
alcove(a recessed section of aroom), recess, niche
alias(an assumed name; pseudonym)
alibi(formalstatement that a person was in another place at the time of a crime/excuse ofany kind)
alimentary(of or relating tonourishment or nutrition), ailment
allay(to relieve; reduce theintensity), alley, alloy, allyàaggravate,intensify
allege(to state without proof),alleged, allegation
allegiance(loyalty or devotion to acause or a person)
alleviate(to lighten or relieve),levityàexacerbate
allude(to refer in an indirectway), allusive, allusion, ludicrous, elude
altruism, altruist, altruisticàegoism,egocentric
ambidextrous, dexterous
ambivalent(having simultaneous andcontradictory attitudes or feelings toward sb. or sth.)
amble, ample, ramble, ambulance,preamble
ameliorate(to improve)àaggravate,deteriorate
amenable(willing; submissive)àinimical,recalcitrant, obdurate, ossified
amenity(sth. that conduces tocomfort, convenience, or enjoyment)
amiable, amicable, amity
amnesia, amnesty
amorphous, metamorphose,morphology, amorphousness
amortize, immortal, mortality,mortgage
ample, amplitude(the quality ofbeing ample)àmeagerness
anachronistic(an error inchronology)
anagram(word made by arranging theletters of another word)
anaerobic(of, relating to, or beingactivity in which the body incurs an oxygen debt)
analgesia, analgesic, neuralgia,nostalgia
analogy, analogue, epilogue,prologue
anarchy(absence ofgovernment/political disorder), anarchic, hierarchy
anathema(one that is cursed/ aformal ecclesiastical ban; curse)
anatomy, anatomical
ancillary(subordinate, auxiliary/aid)
anemia, anemic
anguish(great suffering; distress),agony
angular(thin and bony/ havingangles), angularity
anhydrous(free from water)
animate(alive; having life/ to givelife to), animated, animation, magnanimous, unanimous
animosity(a feeling of strongdislike or hatred), animus
annals(a record of events arrangedin yearly sequence)
annexation(act of combining)
annihilate(to destroy completely;demolish)
annotate, annotated, annotation,connotation, notorious
annul(to invalidate/ to cancel;abolish), nullify
anomaly(deviation from commonrule/sth. anomalous), anomalous
anonymity, anonymous
anorexia(an eating disorder oraversion to food)
antagonize(to arousehostility/hostility; show opposition), antagonist, antagonistic, antagonismàplacate,propitiate, mollify
antediluvian(of the time before theBiblical Flood/ old fashioned, or primitive)
anterior(earlier/previous),superior, inferior, interior, exterior, ensuing
anthem(a religious choral song/asong of praise)
affidavit(a written statement madeunder oath)
affiliate(to join/to connect orassociate), filialàdissociate
affirm, infirmary, affirmativeàrecant,abjure, gainsay, naysay
affix(to stick; attach/to add writing/prefix or suffix)
afflict(to cause persistent pain orsuffering), conflict, infliction
affluent, confluence, superfluousàneedy,impecunious, indigent
affront, effrontery, confront
agglomerate, conglomerate
aggrandize(to praise highly),grandeur, grandiloquentàdisparage
aggregate(to gather into a whole/tototal; sum), gregarious, egregious
aggression, aggressive, aggressor,egress, progress, transgress
aggrieve, grievous
agile(able to move quickly andeasily), agility
agnostic, diagnostic, ignorance
agog(in a state of eageranticipation or excitement)
agreeable(pleasing/ ready to agree)àirritable
agrarian, agronomy, agronomist
airborne, airtight
alacrity(cheerful readiness/promptness in response)àhesitance,reluctance, recalcitrance, dilatoriness
alcove(a recessed section of aroom), recess, niche
alias(an assumed name; pseudonym)
alibi(formalstatement that a person was in another place at the time of a crime/excuse ofany kind)
alimentary(of or relating tonourishment or nutrition), ailment
allay(to relieve; reduce theintensity), alley, alloy, allyàaggravate,intensify
allege(to state without proof),alleged, allegation
allegiance(loyalty or devotion to acause or a person)
alleviate(to lighten or relieve),levityàexacerbate
allude(to refer in an indirectway), allusive, allusion, ludicrous, elude
altruism, altruist, altruisticàegoism,egocentric
ambidextrous, dexterous
ambivalent(having simultaneous andcontradictory attitudes or feelings toward sb. or sth.)
amble, ample, ramble, ambulance,preamble
ameliorate(to improve)àaggravate,deteriorate
amenable(willing; submissive)àinimical,recalcitrant, obdurate, ossified
amenity(sth. that conduces tocomfort, convenience, or enjoyment)
amiable, amicable, amity
amnesia, amnesty
amorphous, metamorphose,morphology, amorphousness
amortize, immortal, mortality,mortgage
ample, amplitude(the quality ofbeing ample)àmeagerness
anachronistic(an error inchronology)
anagram(word made by arranging theletters of another word)
anaerobic(of, relating to, or beingactivity in which the body incurs an oxygen debt)
analgesia, analgesic, neuralgia,nostalgia
analogy, analogue, epilogue,prologue
anarchy(absence ofgovernment/political disorder), anarchic, hierarchy
anathema(one that is cursed/ aformal ecclesiastical ban; curse)
anatomy, anatomical
ancillary(subordinate, auxiliary/aid)
anemia, anemic
anguish(great suffering; distress),agony
angular(thin and bony/ havingangles), angularity
anhydrous(free from water)
animate(alive; having life/ to givelife to), animated, animation, magnanimous, unanimous
animosity(a feeling of strongdislike or hatred), animus
annals(a record of events arrangedin yearly sequence)
annexation(act of combining)
annihilate(to destroy completely;demolish)
annotate, annotated, annotation,connotation, notorious
annul(to invalidate/ to cancel;abolish), nullify
anomaly(deviation from commonrule/sth. anomalous), anomalous
anonymity, anonymous
anorexia(an eating disorder oraversion to food)
antagonize(to arousehostility/hostility; show opposition), antagonist, antagonistic, antagonismàplacate,propitiate, mollify
antediluvian(of the time before theBiblical Flood/ old fashioned, or primitive)
anterior(earlier/previous),superior, inferior, interior, exterior, ensuing
anthem(a religious choral song/asong of praise)