Pandaria, her hills of gold 潘达利亚,群山环绕 In dark and mournful times of old 黑暗时代,悠远古老 Did once a hopeless horror hold 绝望肆虐,恐怖笼罩 When from her sacred veil did spring 锦绣圣谷,雷电呼号 With storm and flash, a monstrous thing 天地齐暗,催生恶兆 His name Lei-Shen, the Thunder King 其名雷神,雷电之王 His thunder moved across the land 电闪雷鸣,大地枯槁 And none who dared and fought could stand 神力无穷,逆行无道 Against the iron tyrant’s hand 暴君铁腕,无人可逃 A palace grand, a walled domain 宫阙雄城,矗立云霄 Such mighty works born of his reign 王权威严,八方来朝 Built by slaves, their hearts in chains 可叹劳奴,披枷带镣 But seasons change and tyrant’s die 岁月侵耗,暴君难逃 His fury spent in times gone by 沧海桑田,云散烟消 The thunder slept beneath Kun Lai 雷电沉睡,昆莱山坳 Zandalari Troll: Secure the remains, brothers 赞达拉巨魔:“守住遗骸,兄弟们!” By Zandalari hands he has been taken 赞达拉之血,为他祝祷 By Zandalari voice he has awakened 赞达拉之声,将他感召 Gather heroes, sound the drums 英雄们,聆听号角 The Thunder King comes 雷电之王即将来到 The Thunder King comes 雷电之王即将来到