Bucky :Don't do anything stupid until I get back .别干傻事,等我回来。 Cap :How can I ?You're taking all the stupid with you .我怎么会,你把傻气都带走了.
Bucky :You're a punk .你个混球
Cap :Jerk.Careful .Don't win the war til I get there .你才混球.小心点,等我到了再打赢战争
Bucky :Don't do anything stupid until I get back .别干傻事,等我回来。 Cap :How can I ?You're taking all the stupid with you .我怎么会,你把傻气都带走了.
Bucky :You're a punk .你个混球
Cap :Jerk.Careful .Don't win the war til I get there .你才混球.小心点,等我到了再打赢战争