7. You can cook potato waffles in the toaster (This is an incredible latke-like breakfast food and one of Britain's greatest inventions.) 你可以在烤面包机里烤土豆华夫饼(这是一种极为美妙的早餐食物,也是英国最伟大的发明之一。)
10. Get measured for your bras. Supporting the girl and wearing the right size will make your clothes hang better! 为了你的bra测一下胸围。支持女孩,穿上合身的bra会让你的衣服被撑得更好看。
12. Be happy when your friends become friends. Rather than worrying that you're going to be left out, embrace the things unfold and you'll end up with an amazing group of people around you. 当你的朋友们成为朋友时要开心。与其担心你会被排除在外,不如敞开地拥抱这些事情,最后你会有一群令人惊叹的人在你周围。