In fact, we are all descended from astronomers. Our survival depended on knowing how to read the stars, in order to predict the coming of the winter and the migration of the wild herds.
The best thing we had going for us was our intelligence, especially our gift for pattern recognition, sharped over eons of evolution. the one who were good at spotting prey and predator, telling poisonous plants from the nourishing ones, they had better chance to live and reproduce. They survived and passed on those genes for pattern recognition with its obvious advantages. Cultures all over the planet looked up at the same stars and found different pictures there. We used this gift for recognizing patterns in nature to read the calendar in the sky.
The message written in the stars told our forefathers and mothers when to camp and when to move on; when the migratory herds and when the rains and the cold would come. And when they would cease for a time. When they observed the direct connection between the motions of the stars and the seasonal cycles of life on Earth, they concluded naturally, that what happened up there, must be directed at us down here.
————— 摘自Spacetime Odyssey