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In 1961 Jaguar revealed the E-type.It was quite simplythe most knee-tremblingly gorgeous car the world had ever seen.Even Enzo Ferrari,widelylauded as one of the grumpiest men in the history of motoring described it asthe most beautiful car in the world.
1961年,捷豹发布了E-type。简而言之,史上最让人跪舔的佳丽。即使是Enzo Ferrari,以车史最暴脾气人士而为人称道的人,也赞其为世界最美车型
And then,having created the most jaw-dropping sports caron the planet,Jaguar sort of…..forget how to.For about half acentury.Sure,there were fast Jaguars,and there were pretty Jaguars,but nonetruly recaptured the spirit and the style of the original E-type

But then,in 2013,after years of teasing andhint-dropping jaguar unleashed the F-type,a two-seat,RWD cabrio that invokedall of its predecessor’s 60s cool,a masterpiece of design culminating in one ofthe best backsides in automobile history.But under the F-type’s sleek exteriorlurks a truly hairy-chested sports car.And on a slippery British road on aslippery British winter’s night,it isn’t a car for faint-hearted.It’s an oldschool hot rod of a drive,the F-type,ready to bite if you show I t theslightest sign of disrespect.Unlike,say,Porsche Cayman,which is always on yourside,the F-type will happily spit you into a roadside ditch if you treat itwithout sufficient deference.
然而,2013年,在挑逗和暗示了多年后,捷豹发布了F-type,一台招回祖先60年代风华之魂的双座后驱敞篷跑车,一袭汽车设计美学巅峰的背影。但F-type利落的身形下潜藏着一台‘胸毛满满’的♂跑车。而在英式冬雨夜的滑溜路面上,这不是心脏病人的专车。这是老派的Hot Rod之风,F-type已经准备好在你略有一丝不敬时反咬一口。这就不像与你双栖双飞的Cayman,如果你不真心待她,她就愉快地把你甩进路边沟

The engines are decidedly hirsute too.Though thesupercharged V6 is perhaps the sweetest drive in the line-up,the range topping500HP V8 is the most addictive,not so much for its extra pace as the insanesoundscape that emerges from its quad exhausts:a mix of Saving Private Ryangunshots barrage and the ripping metallic shrek of a buzz-saw slicing through amains gas pipe.
引擎也是典型的‘毛发旺盛’区域。尽管机械增压的V6是最美妙的选择,但是顶配的500HP V8才是最诱人的:排气管的声浪就像《拯救大兵瑞恩》的枪林弹雨混搭圆锯削铁如泥的声响

It’s a long way from perfect,the F-type.With a sparetyre on board,ther’s about enough bootspace for a travel toothbrush,a pair ofsocks and,well,that’s about it.But,hey,it’s beautiful and British,and franklywhat more do you need?

1楼2016-02-14 04:05回复

    2楼2016-02-14 04:06
      出自《TG DREAM CAR:THE HOT 100》

      3楼2016-02-14 04:06

        IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端4楼2016-03-19 10:18

          来自Android客户端5楼2016-03-20 14:33

            IP属地:四川来自Android客户端6楼2016-04-06 16:10