History: Zhiju was derived from Quju.Zhiju was available to both men and women in the Western Han dynasty(the earlyHan dynasty,B.C.202—A.D.9). However, it was informal which could not take on asformal attire. At that time, Liang Dang Ku was very prevalent. If Zhiju wastaken on, pants would be exposed, which was regarded as impolite. Later on,with the improvement of underclothes(the appearance of pants with crotch),Zhiju became a fashion, a major mode of Shenyi since the Eastern Handynasty(the later Han dynasty A.D.25—A.D.220).
Zhiju was archaeological called “Zhijurobe”, because the robe’s name had not be recorded officially. It’s just named by archaeologistswho discovered two types of robe in “the Han dynasty and the Warring states”which were called “Quju robe” and “Zhiju robe” respectively.
However, garment maker did not consultmuch unearthed objects when they first started to make it. Instead, theyreferred to the Book of Rites and later added records in Song and Ming dynasty.Therefore, the garment made by now is far away from the one in history.
The pattern of Zhijuis changeable due to different garment maker in different time. They aredifferent in details and any other aspects. Zhiju now, is probably acombination of Shenyi in each period and dynasty.