The Bullet解锁方法:
Bullet Kin with red capes will rarely replace regular Bullet Kin. These special Bullet Kin wander aimlessly and do not attack. If the player stays in a room alone with the special Bullet Kin and does not kill it, it will disappear after a short time. After this occurs five times, The Bullet will be unlocked.
大致翻译:在少数情况下,穿戴红色披肩的Bullet Kin会取代Bullet Kin出现在房间中。这种特殊的Bullet Kin会漫无目的地闲逛,并且不会攻击玩家。如果玩家与这种特殊的Bullet Kin待在房间中并且不杀死它,它过一会就会消失,这样重复五次后,就可以解锁The Bullet.

The Robot解锁方法:
Bring the Busted Television to the blacksmith in the Forge.
大致翻译:把破电视(Busted Television)带给铁匠铺的铁匠。