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  Trade bills tend to pit the president, who must weigh up the impact of any deal on America’s economy and its standing in the world, against the House, where members are more concerned with the risk of job losses in their districts.
  词汇突破:1.weigh up 考虑
  2.standing 地位
  3.the House 众议院(白宫是 the White House)
  4.Pit sb against sb :使…竞争;与…相对
  例句:The managers want to pit the champion against John.
  Freedom is pitted against slavery; lightness against the dark.
  5. Trade bills 贸易协定
  6. tend to : 通常,往往,常常
  例句: It tends to get very cold here in the winter.
  确定主干:Trade bills tend to pit the president against the House.
  Pit这个词的用法,是在之前苹果公司和FBI的句子中出现过的,自己去翻看你的笔记!今天的这个句子不为别的,就是为了考察你是否还记得我之前讲过的内容! 你以为我每天坚持就是为了坚持而坚持啊?我比谁都理性,在该动脑子的时候,我绝对不会动感情!每日一句,都是我理性选择的结果,都是重要的考点!我要的是你们都考上!到那个时候你怎么去宣泄你的情绪都没有问题! 我继续陪你!(这就是彩蛋!)
  切分成分:1.who must weigh up the impact of any deal on America’s economy and its standing in the world 定语从句
  2.where members are more concerned with the risk of job losses in their districts. 定语从句
  独立成句: 将两个从句独立成句;
  1.The president must weigh up the impact of any deal on America’s economy and its standing in the world.
  Note:Impact of A on B and C
  到底是 impact of A on B 和C
  还是: impact of A on (B and C)
  2. Members (of the House) are more concerned with the risk of job losses in their districts.
  参考译文: 贸易协定通常会使总统和众议院对立起来。因为,总统必须考量任何交易对于美国的经济和其世界地位的影响,而众议院的成员更关心自己选区的失业风险。

1楼2016-04-14 23:30回复