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1楼2016-07-11 09:26回复
    TITLE: My Name Is An
    I wonder if on that Monday, it was the only thought in her brain, that the only score she could give, was the same as the blood type of her veins.
    -- A+

    2楼2016-07-11 09:27
      "My name is An."
      The sentence that came out from her mouth was a simple subject-verb noun sentence. Unlike other students, or girls, she was extremely quiet.
      I sat besides her during the community meeting of the entire ninth grade in our homeroom while our teacher warned us not to fail.
      I am probably the only person who had noticed her existence, I thought; but I was right.
      I was a new student and she wasn't.
      Compare to her, I, who had been an introvert in my old school was "talkative".
      She was strange that she always ended the conversation in one sentence.
      I don't know what I am writing.
      Perhaps it is because I cannot find a sentence or even an adjective to describe her.

      3楼2016-07-11 09:30
        "Excuse me,"
        "you ignore me."
        A familiar sound came from the corner of the classroom when our literature teacher was going to begin talking about the rules.
        We all turned around.
        "Oh, you are here? Sorry I didn't see you." The teacher as surprised and he picked up the list again, "So... Who are you?"
        "My name is An."
        We would never know how many times this repetitive simple sentence had came out form her before.
        She was always the one whom most of people ignored.
        Fortunately, I had the same exact schedule as she had. Same history, same Math, same literature, same science, same free period... same lunch time.
        She was reading all the times. No matter where,in the hallway, in the classrooms, on the stairs, everywhere.
        I never saw her playing games on her phone, even texting liked other students did. Wait... Did she have a phone?

        4楼2016-07-11 09:31
          "Amy, what score did you get for the last test?"
          "Humph, 25 out of 30."
          "Oh god, you are so good."
          Amy, that arrogant girl with golden hair who was the 'best' student.
          Everyone was talking about how perfect Amy was and how high the scores she had gotten.
          I sat besides An again. I had a glance at her test while pretending looking out of the window.
          30 out of 30 with a big 'smiling face' next to it.
          "Why don't you say all loud that you got score higher than Amy?"
          Finally, I asked her.
          "Must I ?"
          The conversation was ended again.
          She was perfect, wasn't she?
          I repeated to myself every time I saw her grade after I had hated and gotten boring with my ugly B-.
          What demons had she fought with that I was too blind to see?
          Anna Karenina, Le Misérables, Little Woman, Wuthering Height, Picture of Dorian Gray, Catcher of Rye, King Arthur and His Knights of The Round Table, Kite Runner, Anne Series, Hundred Years of Solitude......
          She was crazy, running crazy.
          No, she had been already.
          When I was the one who had to clean the lockers for this week, I saw that there was a locker which had been lift open by accident.
          It was An's.

          5楼2016-07-11 09:31
            "Why do you always insist on taking the hard road?"
            Once, I asked her.
            "Why do you assume I see 2 roads?"
            She replied without looking up from her notebooks.
            I saw her sitting far from the crowd of our classmates.
            As quiet as usually.
            In our last community meeting, the teacher announced the only High Honor in our grade with an unusual smile.
            I knew.
            It was the first time that I knew something others didn't.
            "An, congratulation." The teacher said while An was walking slowly towards the front table of the room.
            I saw all the strange glaces and expressions that came out from others' eyes.
            And all the talking.
            "Do we have this student in our grade?" This sentence came out from most of them.
            "I didn't even know!"
            Of course they didn't notice her before.
            She had been very quiet for the entire year.
            "An, do you have anything to say for your acceptance speech?"
            I suddenly knew what was going to happen at the same time she moved her lips.
            "Must I?"

            6楼2016-07-11 09:31

              7楼2016-07-11 09:34

                IP属地:北京来自Android客户端8楼2016-07-11 09:44

                  IP属地:北京来自Android客户端9楼2016-07-11 18:34
                    TITLE: Calls of Fox
                    Sue was a weird girl.
                    She always talked to 'nobody', but what she said to the 'air' were not soliloquies.
                    She talked as if there was a person stood besides her.
                    She didn't play with other kids when she was young; she didn't talk with her 'friends' and classmates when she grew up.
                    The 'person' she talked to everydays was named--
                    An interesting name, wasn't it?

                    11楼2016-07-12 04:38
                      "Nakigitsune, I got A- in my history this semester, am I so awsome?"
                      "Nakigitsune, today is a warm day Ah~ How about reading on the roof together?"
                      "Nakigitsune, when is your birthday? Tell me, I will prepare a present for you!"
                      Sue talked to Nakigitsune just liked she was talking to her best friend.
                      But actually and honestly, 'Nakigitsune' was.
                      No one could see him except Sue.
                      Was he a ghost?
                      God knows.
                      "You must be the best servant of Inarikami!"
                      Sue said when she met him the first time.
                      "My name."
                      The juvenile with white short hair and golden eyes
                      shining like ear of wheat said gently. The red eyeline was very suit him, she thought. He wore a black
                      armour which almost covered his face so that Sue was not able to see his emotion the armour made him looked like he was smiling.
                      Though he never smiled.
                      A lovely fox was sitting and resting on his shoulder frequently. It sometimes climbed up on the top of his head.
                      To introduce his name was the only time Nakigitsune spoke. He was at her side standing or sitting, and listening to whatever she said.

                      12楼2016-07-12 04:42
                        "Alas, Nakigitsune," one day, Sue called on his name again. She turned to face him who seemed diaphanous and would disappear the next second, but she was sure he would never leave her alone. He nodded in order to show that he was listening.
                        "I know that people had their own god that protect them, you must be my god, right?"
                        He shaked his head this time.
                        "And why you came to me?"
                        He didn't answer, just looked at her. She was not able to read his expression.
                        She didn't understand.
                        Sue's parents were worried about her situation. They asked an Onmyoji to come to watch her.
                        "She has no problem definately." After one day of observing Sue, the Onmyoji told her parents.
                        "She is quite lucky though, don't worry."
                        The parents didn't believe.
                        When they asked for the reason, the Onmyoji kept his mouth bite just liked Nakigitsune had done to Sue.
                        The Onmyoji smiled.
                        Sue had a nightmare last night. The reason she called it nightmare because it was eeire for her.
                        In the dream, she saw young men and juveniles that she didn't recognize. They all bowed to her and streched out their hands to her.
                        They wore different suits, just liked they came from different era.
                        But she could not see their face clearly.
                        They all had swords at their side. Some of them had Tachi, some of them had Tando, some of them had Uchigatana.
                        They all said:"Please come, my dear Saniwa."

                        13楼2016-07-12 04:46
                          After she had waken up from this 'nightmare', she could not go back to sleep.
                          She told Nakigitsune about the dream.
                          He didn't say anything as always.
                          He took her hand trying to lead her to somewhere. He had never done this to her before, so that she looked at him with shock.
                          His hand was cold that she had to hold it carefully. She was afraid that if she didn't hold it tied, he would be gone and she would get lost in the darkness.
                          He led her walking upstairs into the garret.
                          Why he knew about her house more than she did?
                          That was not the main point.
                          She saw that he stopped and stood in front of a sword.
                          It was an Uchigatana.
                          She picked it up and was shocked again.
                          On the scabbard, she saw a word.
                          "Nakigitsune!" She read it all loud delightedly.
                          Then she saw his body turned different-- never as diaphanous as before.
                          He held her hand and knelt in front of her.
                          This time, the hand which she was held had temperature, even it was just slight little bit, she was still able to feel.
                          His lips touched the back of her hand, liked the knight does to the princess.
                          "My master, Saniwa."
                          He finally spoke, Sue heard his vibrant tone. It was the same as she had heard 10 years before when he told her his name.
                          "I am Nakigitsune, the Uchigatana crafted by Sahyoenojo Fujiwara Kuniyoshi from Awataguchi."
                          "Welcome back to the Honmaru."
                          The surroundings were changed into a room formed in Japanese style.
                          Around her, were the people she had seen in her dream.
                          "Please keep the history as it used to be, please don't let others change it."
                          The responsibility of 'Saniwa'?
                          Ah...... That's why I am called Saniwa.
                          Sue thought and smiled.
                          I will take my responsibility, because that is what Nakigitsune had told me.
                          Because it is Nakigitsune.
                          The Nakigitsune who had been with me and will be with me always.

                          14楼2016-07-12 04:52

                            IP属地:北京来自Android客户端15楼2016-07-12 08:58

                              IP属地:北京来自Android客户端16楼2016-07-12 08:58