When P'Num came out one more time. He shouted "Can I hear voices from you, girls! Everybody was screaming as best a s they could. :)" P'Num was wearing the red Mickey Mouse t-shirt (so cute..)
He danced a lot and that made us feel so up .. haha and when he sang he always looked at the sign "Sornram.com and gave thump up like he wanted to say that we 're so cool."
After singing, P'Num chatted a bit with the audiences, the girls by the stage shouted P'Num P'Num so he tured to them and said "Jaaaaa" (in Thai it's sweet way of saying yesssss) that made them screamed again.. :) P'Num said he wanted to hear the voices of beautiful girls so everyone (especially girls from Sornram Fan Club ) screamed again soooo loud... Then P'Num said that he hasn't visited Bann Pong for long time ago. Last time he came he was 25 years old. Somebody said "And now you are .... years old" So P'Num said "first I tought I was going to give you my phone number but I changed my mind.." girls screamed again... P'Num said thank you to everyone to support and watched lakorn from channel that he ha nothing to give back. There was a little girl tried to give him flowers so he asked her to come up on the stage and give her a souvenir sornram fan club t-shirt. Then He said "Can I have a hug?" then he gave that litlle girl a hug. Many girls were so jealous.
After that he recieved more flowers from the other woman and said that this one might not be able to come up on the stage, 10 guards can't help her up so he took the other souvenir shirt and wiped the sweat on his face and gave to that woman. The woman said she will never wash it...
The last t-shirt P'Num was looking for the lucky one and he found a little girl so he asked her mom to bring her to the stage. He helped to lift the girl up and said to the girl "Do you have your mom and your dad weights together" (cos the girl is very chubby.) so the staff had to help him to lift the girl up.. He asked what was her name and she said her name was Look Keaw. Then P'Num asked Look Keaw if she brought the present that she carried in her hand for him. Look Keaw said that it was for Yardthip.. SO he said "it's okay, you give this to P'Yard but I 'll give you this t-shirt and take photo so when you grow up your mom can tell you that you take photo with Sorapong Chatree" (Who is a very handsome superstar from the old time until now.. ) Then P'Num gave a gentle kiss on the girl's cheek.. jealous jealous
On the way back, P'Num was walking pass a group of men who were sitting and drinking.
When one of them saw P'Num, he said "Hern Fah Hern Fah, I like you so much."
In Nakorn Pathom where we took a break for the van, there was a group of men (again or maybe the same group) sitting and drinking. Sornram fanclub's girls , We were chatting non-stop so P'Num stood up and said the that group "Sorry sorry krub, my fanclub is chatting a bit loud." They shouted back "It's alright, Only have Sornram, we forgive everything. hahaha . Hern fah"
The End...(英文结束中~~~)