尹老师说吧 关注:593贴子:7,516
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IP属地:四川1楼2017-03-12 20:40回复
    . Power beyond anything you can imagine.
    . The energy that flows through all living things.
    . Oogway sat alone in a cave for thirty years
    4.我是谁? Who am I?
    . I'm lucky if I get 5 minutes before you interrupt.
    . Eventually. After you Master teaching.
    . I'm trying to turn you into you.
    8.这是哪儿? What is this place?
    9.呃! 我哥哥的菜地Aaah...mybrother's farm?
    10.哦。那如果我踩你一脚 ,你会死吗
    Ah. If I stepped on you, would you die?
    11.这就是凡界。The mortal realm.
    12.天煞回来了。Kai has returned.
    13.这片神州大地最高的统帅。Supreme warlord of all China.
    14.寡妇制造者呢?Maker of widows?
    Find Oogway's students and bring them to me.
    . There will be no one left to who will even remember your name.
    . Thank you for the compliment.
    18. 没事我回家发现你在这跟你的娃娃鸳鸯戏水...
    . Nothing? I come home to find you taking a bath with yourdolls...
    19.噢 噢我白嫩的小屁股
    . Oh, oh, oh... my tenders.
    . If I'm not the dragon Warrior, then who am I?
    . No one's gonna beat your dumpling eating record.
    . Someone's about to beat your dumpling eating record.

    IP属地:四川2楼2017-03-12 20:43
      When will you realize,the more you take ,the less you have.
      (你何时才能领悟 索取越多 收获越少 )
      There is always somethings more to learn .Even for Master.
      (学海无涯 就连师傅也是)
      You’ve grown stronger.
      All you have to lose is our respect.
      If you only do what you can do you’ll never be more than you are now.
      (如果你只做你力所能及的事 你就没法进步)
      The energy that flows through all living things.
      Oh. Mastery of chi requires Mastery of self.
      (噢 气的运用需要自我修炼)
      I’m trying to turn you into you.
      Thank you for the compliment.
      Well, good luck to you.
      (好吧 祝你好运)
      Well, don’t just stand there !Give your old man a hug!
      (别傻站着呀 快给你老爸一个拥抱)
      You guys, your real strength comes from being the best you can be.
      (伙计们 展现出自己最好的水平就是你们真正的优势)
      I’m gonna do somethings I never thought I’d be able to do.
      I have to turn you into you.
      It’s gonna take a lot more than the end of the world to keep us apart.
      He’s confused and he still has to save the world.
      (也很迷茫 但他还是选择了拯救世界)
      Sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons.
      (有时候我们所做的错事 往往是出于善意)
      You know, you weren’t the only one who was lying.
      (要知道 说谎的人不知你一个)
      I lose you once. I am not going to lose you again.
      (我失去过你一次 我不能再次失去你了)
      He will meet the same fate as you. No.
      (他会落得和你一样的下场 不可能)
      Well, now I will destroy everything he has created.
      (好吧 那我就毁了他所创造的一切)
      Dad, you don’t have to worry about losing me ever again, Okay?
      (老爸 你再也不用担心会失去我了 好吗)
      It is an honor to meet you, Master Panda.
      (很荣幸见到你 熊猫大师)
      Anything else we should try in here, Son?
      (还有什么好玩的可以试试吗 儿子)
      Feeling the burn.
      You’re gonna be so awesomely proud!
      Sounds suspicious to me.
      It’s like looking in a fat mirror.
      Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of my son.
      (太谢谢你了 把我的儿子照顾得那么好)

      IP属地:四川来自Android客户端3楼2017-03-12 21:37