作者为这把武器取名霓虹骑士3——邪恶血脉 "One Rider Falls, Another Rider Rises." The next installment of the Neon Rider saga is here with Bad Blood for the P90! As the titular protagonist of the first two Neon Riders is gunned down, a new mysterious individual steps in to pick up where the last rider left off. Swift vengeance will ensue. 我简单翻译一下,作者在介绍中写道:一个骑士倒下,另一个骑士就会站起来。这是霓虹骑士系列的第三部作品。短片的开头,前两部作品当中霓虹骑士主角就被杀害了,然而,一位新的骑士捡起了他的头盔,即将为他复仇。