malec吧 关注:1,112贴子:1,731



by Pendragon2601【侵删】
In continuation of 2x07, Alec and Magnus spend some intimate time together. During this
time, Alec grows to learn just how much he has in common with Magnus.
I wrote this a while ago on my account and I wanted to see what people on
this site thought of it. I'm quite proud of it. I tried to keep Magnus and Alec as in character
as possible but as realistic as possible as well, considering it is Alec's first time. Please let
me know what you think. I hope you like it. :)

来自Android客户端1楼2017-06-06 11:07回复
    Alec couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. He wanted to pinch himself to check that
    he wasn’t just in one of those vivid dreams he had been having ever since their first date.
    When Alec had arrived at Magnus’ apartment earlier in the evening, he had only one goal on his
    mind. He had been thinking of having sex with Magnus for a while now, definitely thinking that it
    was the right time in their relationship. He may not have known Magnus for long, but with
    everything that they had been through together already, Alec knew he could trust Magnus. He
    was special.

    来自Android客户端2楼2017-06-06 16:51
      He opened his eyes slightly to look at Magnus as the warlock kissed him on his bed, almost
      pinning him down with his body as his necklace lightly brushed against Alec’s collarbone, their
      clothes stripped hours ago. Alec trailed his hands up the sides of Magnus’ waist, pleasantly
      surprised but not disturbed to find that the warlock had no navel, pulling him closer until they
      were touching skin to skin.
      Alec closed his eyes again as he started to trail kisses along Magnus’ throat. Magnus let out a
      breathy sigh and Alec inwardly grinned.
      “Alexander…” Magnus groaned, his hands desperately clenching Alec’s wrists in a bid to control
      the urge to just take him. “Alexander, you need to tell me…by Lilith. How do you want to do
      Alec paused in thought, his lips frozen against Magnus’ collarbone. “How..? Don’t you just go by
      instinct? Because that was what I was going by really…”
      “Oh, trust me Alexander. Your instincts are really good.” Magnus let go of Alec’s wrists and
      leaned up on his elbows as he looked down, watching an adorable befuddled look appear on
      Alec’s brow. He ran a hand through Alec’s already messy hair and placed a small kiss underneath
      his ear. “I don’t mind being the top or the bottom. I’m good either way if that’s what you want.
      It’s up to you with what you feel comfortable with but you need to tell me.”
      There was a moment of stillness as Magnus watched Alec silently debate in his mind about what
      to do next. Suddenly, Alec’s arm wrapped around Magnus’ back as Alec swiftly flipped them
      over, hitching Magnus’ thigh over his hip and started kissing down his chest. Magnus chuckled
      with a wide grin and closed his eyes in bliss. “Well I guess that answers my question. Oh! By
      Lilith, I could get used to this… Ow, ow, ow! No biting.”

      来自Android客户端4楼2017-06-06 16:53
        “Sorry,” Alec replied sheepishly, pressing a soothing kiss on the side of Magnus’ hip.
        “Come here,” Magnus said, his hands pawing at Alec’s shoulders. Alec crawled up the bed and
        gently laid on top of Magnus, not wanting to crush him with his weight as his hips rested between
        his lover’s thighs. Magnus took hold of Alec’s hands, placing one on his hip and the other on his
        shoulder blade. “Okay, now kiss me here.” Magnus touched his right shoulder, tilting his head to
        the left.
        “Okay,” Alec mumbled as he pressed his lips against Magnus’ skin. “There?”
        “Good, now kiss me here…now here…now – okay, you’ve got it.” Magnus arched his back with
        a moan, his fingers gripping Alec’s hair not too gently. Alec gripped Magnus’ hip tightly and
        started to rock his hips, following his instinct like before as he continued kissing Magnus’ neck.
        He watched the warlock tip his head back and arched his back beneath him with a shuddering
        breath, his eyes fluttering shut. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Keep going.”
        Alec grinned and let out a small laugh against Magnus’ throat before leaning up and hotly kissing
        Magnus’ mouth.
        Their kisses soon descended into gasps and then turned into moans as they let their hands wander
        over each other’s bodies, exploring and discovering all of the places they liked to be touched. It
        was completely new territory for Alec. He had never done anything like this before and was
        determined to learn everything he could from Magnus. He wanted Magnus to feel good. He
        wanted to prove that he was worth being with. Even if he would never admit it out loud, Alec did
        wonder why Magnus was interested in him at all.
        The storm outside seemed to be growing more reckless as sheets of rain pummelled against the

        来自Android客户端5楼2017-06-06 16:53
          windows but Alec couldn’t care less. Tightening his hands on Magnus’ waist, Alec moaned
          quietly against Magnus’ mouth when suddenly Magnus pulled away and pressed a hand to his
          chest, already slightly damp with sweat. Alec looked down at him questioningly as Magnus
          reached out to the bedside drawer and rummaged through its contents before slipping a small
          silver packet into Alec’s hand. Alec opened his hand to find a condom and flushed with

          来自Android客户端6楼2017-06-06 16:54
            Magnus chuckled quietly with a smile. “I’m guessing you forgot to buy some on the way here.”
            Alec let his head drop against Magnus’ chest with a groan. “Yeah, sorry. It completely slipped my
            “Understandable. Don’t worry, it happens all the time.” Magnus laughed, flippantly waving his
            hand. Alec looked at Magnus’ smiling face, taking in his messy hair, the smudged makeup around
            his eyes, and suddenly felt calmer. The way that Magnus was looking at him made him feel like
            he could do anything. He felt his chest tighten with an odd but very pleasant feeling, one he hadn’t
            really felt before. Magnus nodded towards the condom and raised an eyebrow. “Do you want
            some help with that?”
            “I think I’ll be okay.”
            “Good.” Magnus leaned in and press a soothing kiss to Alec’s mouth. He pulled away a minute
            later and looked at Alec seriously. “Be gentle, it’s been a while…”
            Alec nodded. Pressing one last kiss to Magnus’ lips, they shifted more comfortably under the
            covers of Magnus’ bed. Magnus lay back against the numerous pillows by the headboard as Alec
            shifted down his body, pausing in thought when he got to his waist. Alec flushed at Magnus, a
            question on the tip of his tongue.
            “Um, what about the uh…you know the…to make it easier to…” Alec mumbled quietly gesturing
            wildly with his hands. Magnus smirked as he tapped the condom twice with one of his manicured
            nails. Alec caught on. “Oh, right.”
            Magnus laughed resting one hand behind his head whilst his other hand stroked the side of Alec’s
            face sweetly. “Oh I am going to have so much fun teaching you about sex.”
            “Shut up,” Alec replied good-naturedly with a roll of his eyes.
            “Why don’t you come up here and make me, Shadowhunter?” Magnus teased with a challenging
            look in his eye. Alec felt a smile grow on his lips as he quickly slipped the condom on and took
            hold of Magnus’ hand.

            来自Android客户端7楼2017-06-06 16:54
              Just as they were about to join together, Alec looked up into Magnus’ eyes and bit his lip in
              worry. “I don’t want to hurt you, so tell me if I do and I’ll stop and –” Alec fell silent as he was
              suddenly pulled into a soft kiss, feeling Magnus’ legs tighten around his hips.
              “Relax, Alexander, I trust you.” Magnus sighed against Alec’s lips, one of his hands cupping the
              back of his neck. Alec slowly nodded, taking a deep breath as he gently held Magnus’ hand
              before he pushed his hips into Magnus’ own. Alec felt Magnus tense beneath him, a small grimace
              of pain flashing across his face.
              “Are you okay? I’m not hurting you, am I?” Alec whispered, his body trembling as he fought the
              urge to feed his own selfish desire. A shattering noise startled Alec with a jolt as a light bulb
              exploded above them. Magnus let out a moan against Alec’s chest from the movement, his
              fingernails digging into the back of Alec’s neck. “What was that?!”

              来自Android客户端8楼2017-06-06 16:55

                来自iPhone客户端9楼2017-06-08 09:09

                  IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端10楼2017-06-10 21:48

                    IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端11楼2017-08-04 23:28

                      来自Android客户端12楼2017-08-05 13:01

                        来自Android客户端13楼2017-10-05 23:14

                          IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端15楼2017-12-12 01:00
                            谢谢介绍 这篇很好看啊! 很多字母...哈哈 不过很喜欢他们间的互动

                            IP属地:马来西亚来自Android客户端16楼2018-06-11 13:48

                              17楼2018-06-11 16:26