Prologue (Extended) –
During the film’s prologue there was some extended dialogue between David and Weyland while David plays the piano.
David explains what Richard Wagner’s Das Rheingold –
Entry of the Gods Into Valhalla is about, telling Weyland that it is about
God’s abandoning their creations due to their displeasure with their creation’s greed and vanity,
only to realise that the Gods themselves share the same flaws.
开场 大卫谈钢琴时候 对Wagner这部 莱茵的黄金 音乐剧的看法,说了一些 神抛弃人类 说明神也有缺陷 的言论
•Walter in Greenhouse –
There is a short scene where Walter is tending to a greenhouse aboard the Covenant,
whistling to himself as he does so. There’s a brief dialogue exchange where
Mother tells Walter music helping plants grow is a myth. He asks why she thinks he was whistling to the plants.
沃特 在契约号的植物培养温室 吹口哨
电脑Mother 告诉沃特 音乐帮助植物生长 只是一个神话理论
沃特问她 怎么会觉得自己在对着植物 吹口哨...
(楼主:沃特 黑化 理论的一些伏笔镜头 来了吗?)
•Oram and Daniels (Extended)
– After the crew access the damage on the Covenant, Oram orders Daniels to take some time off
and “cry it out.”
His suggestion does not go down well.
契约号出现事故后, 代理船长建议女主 休息一下 把悲伤哭出来
没有得到女主的良好回应 ?
(楼主: 重要的关于 代理舰长没有任何威信的表现,直接为之后的 鲁莽行为做铺垫)
•Walter Visits Daniels
– As discussed in our Alternate/Deleted Scenes page,
there’s a brief scene where Walter visits Daniels in her quarters (after Oram removes her from active duty)
and offers her some cannabis to relax.
船长老公 变烤肉死掉, 女主回到自己的船舱 沃特尔 来给他一些大麻 让她放松一下自己。
(楼主:又一个 对沃特尔 意识觉醒论 有利的 铺垫 )
•Daniels Bedroom Flashback
– I believe this one maybe the previously discussed deleted scene with Jacob and Daniels in their apartment back on Earth,
discussing their cabin in the woods.
In the novelization it was placed before the crew awakens from cryosleep
but it may have later been moved in the edit before being removed completely.
烤肉船长 和 女主 在地球上的镜头 讨论以后一起造小木屋的镜头
•Jacob’s Funeral (Extended)
– After Daniels invites Walter to join in with Jacob’s funeral,
Walter offers to perform a funeral service. After Daniels turns him down,
Walter asks why she invited him. Daniels explains that she’s now alone in a crew made of couples and that she thought Walter might know a thing or two about being on his own.
在给烤肉船长 举行完葬礼后
沃特尔 问 女主 为什么邀请他 参加这个仪式?
女主说, 现在她在这群由夫妇组成的殖民队中的孤独感 也许只有 沃特能知晓其中的感觉
(楼主:各种 关于沃特尔 内心觉醒的伏笔 我吐了)
•Ledwards Fall
•Crossing the Plaza (Extended)
– In The Art and Making of Alien: Covenant, there’s a production still of the Covenant expedition survivors looking down the big hole in the middle of the plaza approaching the Citadel.
在 船员进入广场时候 有一个描写 广场上那个 地上的大圆洞 的镜头

•Daniels Thanks Walter –
While in the Citadel, Daniels takes a moment to thank Walter for diving in front of the Neomorph and saving her life. He tells her that he is “here to serve.“
在神殿中 女主 感谢 沃特尔 之前草丛中 救了他,失去了一只手 , 沃特回答:来这就是为人类服务
•Rosenthal Prayer
•Walter Reports Back
– After having had a chance to talk to David and be shown around his quarters and Shaw’s grave, Walter reports his impressions back to Oram, Daniels and Lope. He expresses his concern about David’s tangential thinking and lack of maintenance.
沃特尔 与大卫对谈 看了肖的墓地后, 回来和代理船长 报告了 他对大卫的看法 忧虑
Stairs to Eggroom (Extended)
蛋房间 镜头 加长