Jace: We just need a plan
lizzy: What about a glamour?
Jace: We tried that. Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it.
Clary: Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?
Alec: No
lizzy: that'd be awkward.
这里为什么Alec说"不行" ,lizzy会说"这就尴尬了",是不是Alec担心上次Magnus消耗魔力还没恢复好啊?
lizzy: What about a glamour?
Jace: We tried that. Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it.
Clary: Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?
Alec: No
lizzy: that'd be awkward.
这里为什么Alec说"不行" ,lizzy会说"这就尴尬了",是不是Alec担心上次Magnus消耗魔力还没恢复好啊?