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Photoshop CS6 无法完成请求,因为没有足够的内存(RAM)


photoshop 64位最大能支持到多大内存? win 7 64位系统安装photoshop 64位能支持到多大内存?2009年的Adobe官方回答是如果用64位的photoshop 和64位的操作系统,那么系统能识别多少内存 ps就能用多少内存。
This table lists the amount of RAM available to Photoshop with the different versions of Windows:
Photoshop Version Windows Version Manximum amount of RAM that Photoshop can use
32-bit 32-bit 1.7 GB
32-bit 64-bit 3.2 GB
64-bit 64-bit as much RAM as you can fit into your computer.
The default RAM allocation setting is 70%. This setting should be optimal for most users. To get the ideal RAM allocation setting for your system, change the RAM allocation in 5% increments and watch the performance of Photoshop in the Performance Monitor. You must quit and restart Photoshop after each change to see the change take effect.
2、按照网上建议,改变暂存盘、历史记录、Camera Raw高级、清除PS缓存等

IP属地:广西1楼2017-08-29 18:58回复