【地下城与恶魔dlc(Dungeons and Daemons DLC.)成就】
Hurt me plenty:Find and leave the brazier of Bizzlebob aflame.剧情过后进入地图,左下角有一个人型靶子,它身后的墙可以用石头破坏,会出现一个密室,用电点亮火盆就可以解锁这个成就。需要注意的是,这会同时开启游戏的困难难度。
I don't believe in Orcs:Get to the Old Library without killing any Orcs.在不杀死任何兽人的前提下到达就图书馆-the old library.给自己套好带石头元素的元素盾一路跑过去就行。
Just a breeze of blue cheese:Finish the chapter without any player dying.在没有任何玩家死亡的前提下通关普通难度。
Hey, mach-arena!:Finish the chapter on hard difficulty without any player dying.在没有任何玩家死亡过的前提下通关困难难度。
Not what they signed up for:Disrupt the service of 37 minions by the means of spinning saws.利用boss房间角落的四个锯杀死37个小兵。注意如果玩家死亡,会重新计数。所以这成就非常难,我就没能完成。不过据说可以开多人游戏,把友军推上去也会计数。
Is that the wurst you can do?:Defeat the Wurstmacher.击杀boss,通关游戏。
Tenderized!:Finish the chapter on hard difficulty.困难难度下通关。
Enduring the Tide:Survive the entire onslaught at the end of Courtyard.在进boss房间前不是开了一个机关门么,那门还有好几层,一层一层落下。这期间会有数波怪物袭来。把他们全部清理掉就会解锁这个成就。如果没有解锁,那就是没清干净。想办法把怪物们冻住会方便很多。
Being the Tide:Survive the entire onslaught at the end of Courtyard on hard difficulty.同上面的成就一样,只是要求在困难难度下完成。
Don't mach such a mess:Defeat the Wurstmacher without destroying any spinning saws.在不损坏任何一个锯的前提下击杀boss。