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10 tips for growing lavender


tips for successful growing:
1, Give the plants 6 hours or more of full sun each day.
2, Apply very little water. Most people overwater.
3, Grow in well-drained areas or raised beds. If you have heavy or clay soil, grow lavender in pots.
4, If your soil is sandy, mix in some gravel to improve drainage.
5, Make sure you have good air flow around the plants if you have high humidity.
6, Don’t mulch or use any topping that will bring moisture to the plants. “It is best to use small pea gravel on top of the soil."
7, Don’t use a sprinkler system.
8, Plant lavender with other drought-tolerant plants.
9, Don’t fertilize; it's not necessary.
10, Prune back the plants in the late fall.
When choosing your plants, keep in mind that lavender is native to the Mediterranean, where the winters are cool and moist and the summers are hot and dry.
If you garden in the north, look for cold-tolerant varieties or grow in containers you can bring indoors for the winter. Provide plenty of light while the plants are inside.
In the humid South, try Spanish lavender, also sometimes called French or butterfly lavender. Give the plants good air circulation to help avoid disease.

来自Android客户端1楼2017-11-02 11:22回复