Named for its surfable waves, Big Wave Bay tends to be quieter and cleaner compared to neighbouring Shek O. It’s a great spot to relax and grab a bite at the end of the Dragon’s Back hike and there’re surfboards to rent if you fancy riding the waves.
大浪湾是香港南区赤柱及石澳地区的一个海湾,位于香港岛东南部的砵甸乍山以南,石澳半岛以北。 大浪湾顾名思义以大浪闻名,秋冬两季尤甚,吸引人士前往滑浪。
Also the hiking trail of Dragon's back provide great view over the bay!
【活动主题 Purpose of the Event】
大自然很多的垃圾是因为我们在享受大自然的同时,没有带走自己的垃圾。所以邀请各位来体验一次不一样的出行。在整个过程里,我们尽量减少制造垃圾的机会(带上自己的餐具,环保购物袋),带走我们制造的垃圾,尝试一次少废弃的环保出行 。我们将分成小组,看哪个小组制造的垃圾最少
There are more and more rubbish in our beautiful nature, because when we enjoy the nature, we forgot to take our own rubbish. So this trip, we invite everyone to experience an environment trip, produce less plastic rubbish(bring your own tableware, shopping bags), take away our own rubbish, let's try how to camp in an ECO way! We will have teams, let's see which team produce the least rubbish on the trip!
【环保必备品 Eco Items】
请准备结实的用过的塑料袋做垃圾袋,购物袋,水杯和碗,筷. (你可以点击图片购买此购物袋和可折叠杯子)
Bring shopping bag, durable used bag as rubbish bag, Shopping bag, Reusable Cup, cutlery and bowls (You may purchase Shopping Tote bag and fodlable cup by click on below picture)

【餐饮和帐篷 Food&Tent】
Please discuss in your team to arrange food and tent
【洗漱 Wash&Shower】
Camp site has toilet and shower place(Cold water)