17.生化危机7RESIDENT EVIL 7 (CAPCOM) - 533,365 ±22,229

温馨的一家子,妈 的 害 怕
18.勇敢新世界Bold New World (Limed) - 529,486 ±22,148

19.足球经理 2018 (SEGA) - 505,000 ±21,631

20.猎人:荒野的呼唤theHunter: Call of the Wild (Avalanche Studios) - 499,909 ±21,522

另附:Early Access游戏今年的销量数据
方舟:生存进化 (Studio Wildcard) - 5,686,403 ±72,203
慢慢长夜 (Hinterland Studio Inc.) - 1,359,354 ±35,458
神界原罪2 (Larian Studios) - 1,071,337 ±31,488
基佬大乱斗 (Double Fine Presents) - 1,015,334 ±30,656
史莱姆牧场 (Monomi Park) - 963,937 ±29,871
传送门骑士 (505 Games) - 638,341 ±24,316
乐高世界 (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) - 621,128 ±23,987
油管主播的生活 (U-Play Online) - 590,339 ±23,385