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IFSCL 3.6.X 3.7.X 预告


IP属地:北京1楼2018-03-12 17:52回复
    FSCL 3.6.X 增加了一个紫色的时钟“permaxanalw”,用于提示Skid制作所需的剩余时间。
    IFSCL 3.6.2 因为要修复DirectX的兼容性(针对32位系统和DirectX 9 for XP)和不同版本之间显示的不一致性,已经暂缓上线。(原定于2018年2月28日上线的,推迟到4月,IFSCL 3.7.X推迟到8月)
    3.6.0 (3.6.X)
    ‘Modern developmentbehaviours, Improved vbuild, WayTower window, LW Start options, Skid creation,Garage Skid creation, Interactive Book system, Revamp main menu, SkiddockingShield, MultiActivationWindow, Skid control (early) ’
    Update Engine Unity2017.f3 - deprecating directX9 and windows XP
    (fallback: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/07/10/deprecating-directx-9/)
    New working behaviour:Switch to Collab repository system
    New working behaviour:Kolossus Cross Launcher Integration + to retest
    New working behaviour:Use Unity Debug dashboard analytics
    Windows 32 bits systemdepreciation

    IP属地:北京2楼2018-03-12 18:24
      Improve: IncreasebuildCodes window size - remove from jeremies files - add sector selectioncommand
      Improve: Build.simissue: the errors displayed should include which sector or buildcode they’rereferring to + toretest
      Improve: Simplification:make buildCode as one of the parameters rather than the recipient for commands + to retest
      Improve: MaterCodegeneration window should be skipped/ended directly if waitTime enabled+ to retest
      Add: new animation statein structure assembler when reaching 100%+ toretest
      Add: positive soundfeedback on adding a value in virtualBuild window + to retest
      Improve: virtual corespecial closing animation (kinda inverted open anim)
      Improve: replace virtualHeartwith virtualShell to avoid confusion with core (notably with replika that don’tget dedicated core)
      Add (future): Replicateall sectors effects in holomap
      Add: system to savebuild parameters and restore them + new commands
      -> Early February, switching back from LyokoConquerorsto IFSCL development
      Add: vmap.waytowerscommand to display way tower legend window - and auto-rerouting of those waytowers when some sectors are destroyed + readme command + specific animationson states changes and appear
      Improve: first globalwindows width consistency pass, including clock which should be accorded tokadikeon/carthage
      Fix: Resolutionselections seem to appear twice in the launcher
      Improve: dynamic gameicon loading on launcher / dynamic version txt file based on player settings /autologo setup (F1 editor)
      Fix: audio slider notcompletely centered
      Add: xanafication typereadme picture
      Improve: custom gameoptions should be directly opened without intermediary menu
      Improve: Tiled main menu
      Add: Custom game optionLyokoTeamStarts ->lyokoRandom,5th,digitalSea(disabled),replikaRandom(disabled) + to retest
      Add: random start,xanafied, lyoko, earth for all lyokowarriors + complete disable states + to retest
      Add: Improve game optionEarthTeamStarts -> earthRandom,kadik,scanners, sameAsPlayer(so ‘lab’ fornow)
      Add: Option and codegarage and skid on startup (garage or garage + skid)
      Add: Option ‘MultipleXana Attacks’ can do/not do the 3 different types of attack (tower-core-garage)(if all selected) in the same timeframe + to retest

      IP属地:北京3楼2018-03-12 18:24
        Remove: changelog &medias links (already in kolossus launcher)
        Add: link to changelog‘only in future version’ display popup
        Add: popup warning onTAB key indispo popup
        Add: If LW is in deadlydevirt and that scyphozoa cannot/do not choose to xanafy him neither steal itsDNA, they should fight
        Improve: Clock forPermaXanaLW should be purple with its own “reload” timer
        Fix: On gameStartup,sound volume is not back to the latest savedPreferences soon enough (sogenerally too loud on startup)
        Add : Quit current gameconfirmationpopup
        GARAGESKID, SKID AND BOOK SYSTEM--------------------
        Add: Item interaction ininventory: clicking to open book + page turns + autoPages importer + autobookmarking
        Add: overlay descriptionon hovering ‘?’ button
        Add: fullscreen switch(and text) for inventory item observation (disable other shortcuts)+ fixmanip fullscreen
        Add: New books icons
        Add: one more slot forvbuild window
        Add: complete book fornavskids
        Add: complete book forskidbladnir
        Add: complete book forcarthage
        Add: complete book forgarageSkid
        Add: Book texturevariation system
        Improve: Make simulationmandatory (must display green exclamation and no other build command must beentered in between)
        If simulation notconsidered as OK, build.compile should fail and ask for simulation + to retest
        Add: Skidbladnir 3dmodel
        Add: VirtualBuild forgarageSkid + appear/disappearFX + elevator appear/disappear FX
        Add: WindowSkidbladnirDocking shield + fx and sphere effects + fx call on damage + to retest
        Add: Virtual build forskidbladnir & navskids+ finalize status (and timer on docking shield -ready to start of the windows)
        Add: WindowVehicleAssembler + square FX + skidbladnir assembly animation +negaSquareFX
        Add: Dedicated dockingstatus and events for seaVehicles
        Improve: 3d Garage skidroom + materials adaptation
        Add garageSkidCap tocarthageAnneauSkid changing mesh and remove it from carthageDomeSecondaireOuter
        Add: autoNavskidManagerto make them appear/disappear in construction and depending on docking status + to retest
        Add: skidbladnirmainAxis change recognition
        Add: Window SkidbladnirControl(first pass)+ Ok anim on init skid control window
        Add: Skid vmap model -color change orange before finalization to blue + FX on first appear
        Add: Window Multiscanspecial window - [Capture superscan window] tower combo activation to finishskid + to retest
        Fix: Finalization -sending energy doesn’t properly stop countdown (make it only reset to 60)
        Improve: new transmitfunctions & commands, with redistribute mode - energy is not consumed butneed to be present
        Add: Moves intoGarageSkid & Skid monsterattacks positions / elevator usage +to retest
        Add: Get on pod com cardaction - disable +to retest
        Improve: triggercollider, minicards for skid and navskids inside sector
        Improve: skid - separatemain axis from arms axis in auto status recognition
        Improve: advanced menucredits
        Improve: newvmap.mode.lyoko/ vmap.mode.skid & transmit.mode.lyoko / transmit.movde.skidcommands (lyoko always as default)
        Add: multiScan reusetimer in clock window
        Improve: in case ofskidbladnir and navskids, do not display navskids minicards
        Readme transm, build,skid updates + note about how shield works when docked

        IP属地:北京4楼2018-03-12 18:25
          Improve: update clockovering description (rttp,reboot...) + new icons
          Add two new categoriesof replikas and skidbladnir in readme
          Add: merge optionsgarageSkid/skid on startup with maze on startup as 3 parts option
          Improve: skidfinalization countdown change according to difficulty (220s -> 160s ->100s)
          Improve: Hull and Shieldgauges differenciation on navskids and skidbladnir
          Add: locate functionsfor garageSkid and special skidbladnir vmapLocate display - nolyoko -
          Add: skidbladnir damageand auto regain system (with and without docking shield) + to retest
          Add: skidControl damageanimation (shield appearing - OnDamageReceived trigger) + to retest
          Add: skidbladnirfinalizeFX+ to retest
          Improve: fastforwardcreation FX /destruction FX effects if waiting while creating/destroyinggarageSkid
          Improve: fastforwardwhile skid or navskid regen should regen completely if docked on garageSkid
          Add: skidbladnir hit,regen and expulse particles
          Improve: onredistributing energy, docking shield (hull and shield) should go up to 100%
          Add: Option and codeIngarage skid attacks
          Add: Option and codedraining scyphozoa / sending energy to expulse
          Add: Draining FX ondockingShield & Vmap
          Improve: cleanerdraining FX for vmap skidbladnir & scyphozoa
          Fix:towerField/glasses/chests 3D to fbx

          IP属地:北京5楼2018-03-12 18:25
            Prepare IFSCL ‘3.6.X’ Trailer
            Trailer: Shooting
            Trailer: First Edit
            Add: Forbid clockWait ifskidbladnir waits for finalization
            Improve: Transmit toskid mode animation
            Improve: SkidControlanimation & &panels
            Trailer: Second Edit
            Trailer: Final Pass
            News writing
            Release IFSCL ‘3.6.X’ Trailer
            Update Engine to Unity2017.3.1.p3
            TRANSMSYSTEM UPDATES--------------------
            Improve: Delete extractenergy command, replace with shutdown commands
            Improve: Combining towervirtual computing power should shutdown towers completely
            Improve: Allow any towerfor combining
            Improve: Make normal superscan able to sustainmultiple jeremie towers (+ feedback if multiple activated and new command)
            Improve: new overvehicledematerialization pipeline
            Add: changelog button onthe disclaimer
            Fix: xana should send10x times more energy when trying to activate jeremie’s tower + to retest
            Fix: desert hole: 802,28=> (reduce desert 10 slope height & extremity level)
            Fix: core continues toissue damages whereas theres only friendly LW left (which is fixed when theyleave)
            Postponed Fix: Sometimes(unclear) overvehicles does not show up on sector5 bridge => possible reasonfixed - to retest
            TestFix: mac shader -dark carthage sphere, outer shell, digitalSea,battleBubble -> readdingopenGL ES metal
            Force high texturequality on items textures inside inventory
            360 logo design(variation close from 350)
            Fix: <buildwhatever> --> build.compile --> timer start --> wait till compilecomplete --> type build.compile again --> compile windows closed &timer countdown restart. then typing compile again will make the compilewindows open again at 100% but the build windows will still show 1%
            ——CLCN制作组 机兽世界

            IP属地:北京6楼2018-03-12 18:26

              IP属地:北京7楼2018-03-12 18:27

                来自iPhone客户端8楼2018-03-12 18:49

                  来自Android客户端9楼2018-03-12 23:48

                    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端10楼2018-03-13 06:33
                      不得了 几年不见 这个东西居然还在更新。。

                      IP属地:美国来自Android客户端11楼2018-03-14 01:37

                        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端12楼2018-03-16 15:55