Remove: changelog &medias links (already in kolossus launcher)
Add: link to changelog‘only in future version’ display popup
Add: popup warning onTAB key indispo popup
Add: If LW is in deadlydevirt and that scyphozoa cannot/do not choose to xanafy him neither steal itsDNA, they should fight
Improve: Clock forPermaXanaLW should be purple with its own “reload” timer
Fix: On gameStartup,sound volume is not back to the latest savedPreferences soon enough (sogenerally too loud on startup)
https://forum.unity.com/threads/audiomixer-setfloat-doesnt-work-on-awake.323880/Add : Quit current gameconfirmationpopup
Add: Item interaction ininventory: clicking to open book + page turns + autoPages importer + autobookmarking
Add: overlay descriptionon hovering ‘?’ button
Add: fullscreen switch(and text) for inventory item observation (disable other shortcuts)+ fixmanip fullscreen
Add: New books icons
Add: one more slot forvbuild window
Add: complete book fornavskids
Add: complete book forskidbladnir
Add: complete book forcarthage
Add: complete book forgarageSkid
Add: Book texturevariation system
Improve: Make simulationmandatory (must display green exclamation and no other build command must beentered in between)
If simulation notconsidered as OK, build.compile should fail and ask for simulation + to retest
Add: Skidbladnir 3dmodel
Add: VirtualBuild forgarageSkid + appear/disappearFX + elevator appear/disappear FX
Add: WindowSkidbladnirDocking shield + fx and sphere effects + fx call on damage + to retest
Add: Virtual build forskidbladnir & navskids+ finalize status (and timer on docking shield -ready to start of the windows)
Add: WindowVehicleAssembler + square FX + skidbladnir assembly animation +negaSquareFX
Add: Dedicated dockingstatus and events for seaVehicles
Improve: 3d Garage skidroom + materials adaptation
Add garageSkidCap tocarthageAnneauSkid changing mesh and remove it from carthageDomeSecondaireOuter
Add: autoNavskidManagerto make them appear/disappear in construction and depending on docking status + to retest
Add: skidbladnirmainAxis change recognition
Add: Window SkidbladnirControl(first pass)+ Ok anim on init skid control window
Add: Skid vmap model -color change orange before finalization to blue + FX on first appear
Add: Window Multiscanspecial window - [Capture superscan window] tower combo activation to finishskid + to retest
Fix: Finalization -sending energy doesn’t properly stop countdown (make it only reset to 60)
Improve: new transmitfunctions & commands, with redistribute mode - energy is not consumed butneed to be present
Add: Moves intoGarageSkid & Skid monsterattacks positions / elevator usage +to retest
Add: Get on pod com cardaction - disable +to retest
Improve: triggercollider, minicards for skid and navskids inside sector
Improve: skid - separatemain axis from arms axis in auto status recognition
Improve: advanced menucredits
Improve: newvmap.mode.lyoko/ vmap.mode.skid & transmit.mode.lyoko / transmit.movde.skidcommands (lyoko always as default)
Add: multiScan reusetimer in clock window
Improve: in case ofskidbladnir and navskids, do not display navskids minicards
Readme transm, build,skid updates + note about how shield works when docked