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Rod Thorn: Jason Kidd was everything we weren’t
By Net Income Apr 6, 2018, 3:00pm EDT
罗德·索恩表示:我们不是万能的,杰森 - 基德是

1楼2018-04-08 07:39回复
    When Jason Kidd and Rod Thorn enter the Naismith Hall of Fame together in September, there will be more stories about the Nets Golden Age, those years when Kidd took the Nets from the depths to the heights of the NBA. Most of those stories will more likely be told by Thorn, who is a natural story-teller, than the stoic Kidd.
    当基德Jason Kidd和罗德 - 索恩Rod Thorn在九月一起进入奈史密斯名人堂时the Naismith Hall of Fame,将会有更多关于篮网黄金时代的故事,那是基德Jason Kidd将篮网从深处带到NBA高处的那些年。桑恩告诉, 这些故事中的大部分更可能会由一个自然人讲故事告知,而不是坚忍的基德Kidd。

    2楼2018-04-08 07:41
      Michael Scott of The Athletic got a head start on those stories Friday when he published excerpts from an interview he did with the former Nets GM and most of those stories were about Kidd’s arrival in New Jersey and how it changed the organization as well as the on-court product.
      该运动杂志The Athletic的迈克尔·斯科特周五在这些新闻报道中先一步获得了,当时他发表了他与前任篮网队总经理接受采访时的摘录,其中大部分故事都是关于基德Kidd到达新泽西的情况以及它如何改变组织以及如何改变 - 場上产品。

      3楼2018-04-08 07:41
        Scotto got Thorn to talk about how he saw Kidd fitting in with the Nets, how he was strong in all the areas where the Nets had been weak in his first year as GM, when the Nets won 26 games and weren’t exactly a model of good basketball.
        斯科特让索恩Thorn 谈论他如何看待基德Kidd与篮网队的配合,他在篮网作为总经理的第一年所在的所有领域表现如何强大,篮网赢得了26场比赛,并且不是样板良好的篮球隊。

        4楼2018-04-08 07:42
          As for the current regime trying to retrace those glory days, Thorn thinks Sean Marks and Kenny Atkinson are doing an “admirable” job, noting that its not so much who they’ve brought in but what they’ve done off the court.
          至于目前的系统试图追溯那些辉煌的岁月,索恩Thorn认为肖恩 - 马克斯Sean Marks和肯尼 - 阿特金森Kenny Atkinson 正在做一个“令人钦佩”的工作,并指出与其带领的是谁,而不是他们在场外做了什么。

          5楼2018-04-08 07:42
            “I think they’ve changed the thinking around that organization. It’s much more positive now. They’ve got some good young talent, and they’ve done it even though they haven’t had their own first-round draft picks. They’ve made some good deals and have some good young players. I think that either next year or the year after they’re going to be good. I just like the way they’ve gone about it and the attitude they have there in what they’ve tried to do under pretty trying circumstances.”
            “我认为他们已经改变了围绕该组织的想法。 现在更积极了。 他们有一些优秀的年轻球员,即使他们没有自己的首轮选秀权,他们也做到了。 他们已经做了一些很好的交易,并有一些优秀的年轻球员。 我认为,要么明年或后年,他们会变得很好。 我只是喜欢他们对事情的态度以及他们在艰难环境下试图做事情的态度。“

            6楼2018-04-08 07:43
              Hall of Fame exec Rod Thorn reflects on making moves with the Nets, the Jason Kidd trade, and what Brooklyn’s future looks like - Michael Scotto - The Athletic New York.
              名人堂执行官罗德·索恩Rod Thorn反映了与篮网队,贾森 - 基德Jason Kidd的交易以及布鲁克林的未来是什么样子 - 迈克尔 - 斯科托 - 纽约运动杂志报導.

              7楼2018-04-08 07:43
                Hall of Fame exec Rod Thorn reflects on making moves with the Nets, the Jason Kidd trade, and what Brooklyn's future looks like
                By Michael Scotto 6h ago
                名人堂执行官罗德·索恩Rod Thorn反映贾森基德Jason Kidd的交易,以及布鲁克林篮网的未来是什么样子

                8楼2018-04-08 07:47
                  Thorn discussed the Jason Kidd trade, hiring coach Bryon Scott, how the Nets selected Kenyon Martin No. 1 overall instead of two other players, the Eddie Griffin trade, Kidd’s free agent flirtation with the San Antonio Spurs and more.
                  索恩Thorn讨论了贾森基德Jason Kidd 的交易,聘请教练布莱恩斯科特,篮网如何选择肯扬 - 马丁1号,而不是其他两名球员,埃迪 - 格里芬交易,基德与圣安东尼奥马刺队的自由球员戏弄等等。

                  10楼2018-04-08 07:49
                    Thorn, who was elected as a contributor to the game, joined Kidd in the Hall of Fame class that was announced last week.

                    12楼2018-04-08 07:53
                      The New Jersey Nets had a 386-434 record, including back-to-back NBA Finals appearances, three Eastern Conference semifinals appearances, and one first-round playoff exit during Thorn’s tenure from the 2000-01 through 2009-10 seasons. Thorn guided the Nets to the...
                      新泽西篮网队有386-434场比赛的记录,其中包括背靠背的总决赛出场,三次东部半决赛出场,以及索恩Thorn从2000-01赛季到2009-10赛季的第一轮季后赛退场。 索恩會引导篮网去哪儿......

                      14楼2018-04-08 07:55
                        6 reasons why the Bucks fired Jason Kidd
                        This divorce was coming based on a number of different factors.
                        By Kristian Winfield Jan 23, 2018, 9:37am EST

                        15楼2018-04-08 08:01
                          1. Bucks management didn’t believe the team could win with Kidd
                          Just look at what general manager Jon Horst said during his media availability:
                          只要看看总经理乔恩·霍斯特Jon Horst在媒体时可使用性的话:

                          16楼2018-04-08 08:02
                            “We believe this gives our team the best opportunity to have the most success this season, the success that we expect, and going forward long-term,” Horst said Monday evening. “You have short windows in the NBA to build toward contention and actually contend, and we didn’t wanna waste time in putting our team in the best position to do that.”
                            霍斯特周一晚间表示:“我们相信这给了我们球队本赛季最成功的机会,我们期望成功的最佳机会以及长期的成功。” “在NBA有很短的时间来争夺和争夺冠军,实际上抗衡,让我们的球队处于最佳状态,我们不想浪费时间。”

                            17楼2018-04-08 08:03
                              2. Milwaukee’s defense was awful
                              3. He kept making excuses for the Bucks’ age
                              3. 他还一直不停地为雄鹿的年龄找借口
                              The Bucks had a tendency to fall into the iso-ball trap, and that can happen when you have a superstar as talented as 23-year-old Antetokounmpo.
                              But Antetokounmpo is the only player in the starting lineup under age 25, which would make Kidd’s comments about the team’s age after a recent loss and inexperience a bit inaccurate.

                              18楼2018-04-08 08:05