越来越期待麋鹿的新歌了 三小时前发出来的!!!居然有中文字!!!!大家期待不?由灿的声音问的三条问题导入真的很好很苏🖤灿自问自答不过他的回答没有字幕所以我就把我听到的打出来
Who are you coming into Miroh?
We are Stray Kids, the owner of the Clé Roll the dice.
Where is the beginning of yours?
Our beginning is District 9, we break the frame, escape from the system,and go beyond the fixed line. Toward STAY!
What brought you here?
We came to listen to the Victory Song. So Ring(?). This 胜战歌(韩文)
我就不翻译了 大家好好期待一下吧!!!
顺便问问大家最期待谁的表现呢?我最期待Felix了 一分多钟的片 Felix有独自的镜头说了句“Listen to the 胜战歌“
Who are you coming into Miroh?
We are Stray Kids, the owner of the Clé Roll the dice.
Where is the beginning of yours?
Our beginning is District 9, we break the frame, escape from the system,and go beyond the fixed line. Toward STAY!
What brought you here?
We came to listen to the Victory Song. So Ring(?). This 胜战歌(韩文)
我就不翻译了 大家好好期待一下吧!!!
顺便问问大家最期待谁的表现呢?我最期待Felix了 一分多钟的片 Felix有独自的镜头说了句“Listen to the 胜战歌“