不好意思,前边居然出现了typo。 再贴一遍,谢谢大家。 ______________________________________________ 春事阑珊芳草歇, 客里风光,又过清明节。 小院黄昏人忆别, 落红处处闻啼鴂。 Sweet grasses repose, the spring is on the wane, Qing Ming Day finds me away from home again. Parted loved ones in mind, in the small yard at sunset, Cuckoos wail, and scattered are shed flowers scarlet. 咫尺江山分楚越, 目断魂销,应是音尘绝。 梦破五更心欲折, 角声吹落梅花月。 It seems world away when separated by cubits of land and river, Strained eyes, grieving soul, with no letters whatsoever. A punctured predawn dream left my heart nearly broken, Horns played the tune of Plum Flower under the moon fallen.