65. me mu-un-ur4-ur4 me cu-ju10-ce3 mu-un-jar
ETCSL英译:My elder brother, the king of all the lands,gathered up all the divine powers and placed them in my hand.
76 .nam tar-ra kiutu ed2-a-ke4 cu-ja2 mu-un-jal2
ETCSL英译:Hehas placed in my hands the decreeing of fates in the 'Place where the sunrises'.
Enki,the king of the Abzu, justly praises himself in his majesty: "My father,the king of heaven and earth, made me famous in heaven and earth. My elderbrother, the king of all the lands, gathered up all the divine powers andplaced them in my hand. I brought the arts and crafts from the E-kur, the houseof Enlil, to my Abzu in Eridug. I am the good semen, begotten by a wild bull, Iam the first born of An. I am a great storm rising over the great earth, I amthe great lord of the Land. I am the principal among all rulers, the father ofall the foreign lands. I am the big brother of the gods, I bring prosperity toperfection. I am the seal-keeper of heaven and earth. I am the wisdom andunderstanding of all the foreign lands. With An the king, on An's dais, Ioversee justice. With Enlil, looking out over the lands, I decree gooddestinies. He has placed in my hands the decreeing of fates in the 'Place wherethe sun rises'. I am cherished by Nintud. I am named with a good name byNinhursaja. I am the leader of the Anuna gods. I was born as the firstborn sonof holy An."
43. [dug4]-/ga\ ec-bar ki-bi-ce3 jar nam tar-re gal zu
who establish commands and decisions, (ec-bar=决定)
75. den-lil2-da kur-ra igi jal2-la-ka nam dug10 tar-ra-me-en
76. nam tar-ra ki utu ed2-a-ke4 cu-ja2 mu-un-jal2
I decree good destinies. He has placed in my hands the decreeing of fates in the 'Place where the sun rises(dug=to order;,to do,做;)
95. abzu-ju10 ec3 KA-a bi2-du3 nam dug3-ga bi2-tar
I have built my Abzu, a shrine, in ......, and decreed a good fate for it. (nam=命名)
191. den-ki-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re
Enki decreed its fate:(命令、计划)
209. da-nun-na-ke4-ne cag4-zu-a nam he2-em-da-ab-tar-re-ne
May the Anuna determine the destinies in your midst."(命运、计划)
211. den-ki lugal abzu-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re
Enki, lord of the Abzu, decreed its fate:
217. iri nam tar-ra den-ki-ga-me-en
City whose fate Enki has decreed,
220. den-ki lugal abzu-ke4 nam nam-mi-ib2-tar-/re\
Enki, lord of the Abzu, decreed its fate:
271. en nam tar-ra den-ki lugal abzu-ke4
Enki, the lord of the destinies, Enki, the king of the Abzu,
da-nun-na dijir gal-gal-[e]-ne nam tar-tar-ra-bi
43. [dug4] - / ga\ ec-bar ki-bi-ce3 jar nam tar-re gal zu
75. den-lil2-da kur-raigi jal2-la-ka nam dug10 tar-ra-me-en
76. nam tar-ra ki utued2-a-ke4 cu-ja2 mu-un-jal2
95. abzu-ju10 ec3 KA-abi2-du3 nam dug3-ga bi2-tar
191. den-ki-ke4 namim-mi-ib-tar-re
209. da-nun-na-ke4-necag4-zu-a nam he2-em-da-ab-tar-re-ne
211. den-ki lugalabzu-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re
217. iri nam tar-raden-ki-ga-me-en
220. den-ki lugalabzu-ke4 nam nam-mi-ib2-tar- / re \
271. en nam tar-raden-ki lugal abzu-ke4
da-nun-na dijirgal-gal- [e] -ne nam tar-tar-ra-bi
65. me mu-un-ur4-ur4 me cu-ju10-ce3 mu-un-jar
ETCSL英译:My elder brother, the king of all the lands,gathered up all the divine powers and placed them in my hand.
76 .nam tar-ra kiutu ed2-a-ke4 cu-ja2 mu-un-jal2
ETCSL英译:Hehas placed in my hands the decreeing of fates in the 'Place where the sunrises'.
Enki,the king of the Abzu, justly praises himself in his majesty: "My father,the king of heaven and earth, made me famous in heaven and earth. My elderbrother, the king of all the lands, gathered up all the divine powers andplaced them in my hand. I brought the arts and crafts from the E-kur, the houseof Enlil, to my Abzu in Eridug. I am the good semen, begotten by a wild bull, Iam the first born of An. I am a great storm rising over the great earth, I amthe great lord of the Land. I am the principal among all rulers, the father ofall the foreign lands. I am the big brother of the gods, I bring prosperity toperfection. I am the seal-keeper of heaven and earth. I am the wisdom andunderstanding of all the foreign lands. With An the king, on An's dais, Ioversee justice. With Enlil, looking out over the lands, I decree gooddestinies. He has placed in my hands the decreeing of fates in the 'Place wherethe sun rises'. I am cherished by Nintud. I am named with a good name byNinhursaja. I am the leader of the Anuna gods. I was born as the firstborn sonof holy An."
43. [dug4]-/ga\ ec-bar ki-bi-ce3 jar nam tar-re gal zu
who establish commands and decisions, (ec-bar=决定)
75. den-lil2-da kur-ra igi jal2-la-ka nam dug10 tar-ra-me-en
76. nam tar-ra ki utu ed2-a-ke4 cu-ja2 mu-un-jal2
I decree good destinies. He has placed in my hands the decreeing of fates in the 'Place where the sun rises(dug=to order;,to do,做;)
95. abzu-ju10 ec3 KA-a bi2-du3 nam dug3-ga bi2-tar
I have built my Abzu, a shrine, in ......, and decreed a good fate for it. (nam=命名)
191. den-ki-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re
Enki decreed its fate:(命令、计划)
209. da-nun-na-ke4-ne cag4-zu-a nam he2-em-da-ab-tar-re-ne
May the Anuna determine the destinies in your midst."(命运、计划)
211. den-ki lugal abzu-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re
Enki, lord of the Abzu, decreed its fate:
217. iri nam tar-ra den-ki-ga-me-en
City whose fate Enki has decreed,
220. den-ki lugal abzu-ke4 nam nam-mi-ib2-tar-/re\
Enki, lord of the Abzu, decreed its fate:
271. en nam tar-ra den-ki lugal abzu-ke4
Enki, the lord of the destinies, Enki, the king of the Abzu,
da-nun-na dijir gal-gal-[e]-ne nam tar-tar-ra-bi
43. [dug4] - / ga\ ec-bar ki-bi-ce3 jar nam tar-re gal zu
75. den-lil2-da kur-raigi jal2-la-ka nam dug10 tar-ra-me-en
76. nam tar-ra ki utued2-a-ke4 cu-ja2 mu-un-jal2
95. abzu-ju10 ec3 KA-abi2-du3 nam dug3-ga bi2-tar
191. den-ki-ke4 namim-mi-ib-tar-re
209. da-nun-na-ke4-necag4-zu-a nam he2-em-da-ab-tar-re-ne
211. den-ki lugalabzu-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re
217. iri nam tar-raden-ki-ga-me-en
220. den-ki lugalabzu-ke4 nam nam-mi-ib2-tar- / re \
271. en nam tar-raden-ki lugal abzu-ke4
da-nun-na dijirgal-gal- [e] -ne nam tar-tar-ra-bi