I especially appreciate and resonate with your class motto. The quote from Angela Davis which says you have to act as if it's possible to radically transform the world and you have to do that all the time.

I'm here to tell you that you actually do get to transform the world every day by your actions. Samll steps lead to big accomplishments. Your life isn't some big break like everybody says it is, you are waiting on the big break. It's actually about taking one significant life transforming step at a time. So you can pick a problem, literally, any problem. The list is long because there's gun violence and economic inequality and there's media bias and the homeless opportunity and the addicted need treatment and the dreamers need protection and the prison system needs to be reformed. The social safety net needs saving, misogyny needs to stop
And the truth is, you can't fix everything. But what you can do here and now is make a decision because life is about decision. And the decision is that you will use your life in service. You will be in service to life and you will speak up, you will show up, you will stand up, you will sit in, you will volunteer, you will vote, you will shout out, you will help, you will lead a hand, you will offer your talent and your kindness however you can. And you will radically transform whatever moment you're in which leads to bigger moments.
Because the truth is, success is it's a process. So I would like to say that many times there are things that look like failure in your life. And I want to clear up because for years at every graduation I've said "there's no such thing as failure". Well, it is. I've said it's no such thing as failure. It's life pointing you into a different direction. It does. It indeed does. But in the moment when you fail. It really feels bad. And it's embarrassing, and it's bad...
And it's going to happen to you if you keep living. But I guarantee you, it also will pass and you will be fine. Why? because everything is always working out for you. When every story is about struggle... I had to have a talk with myself and say. What is the really about? What is this here to show you? My favorite question when in crisis. "What is this here to teach or show me?"
Jeff Weiner, one of my friends and founder of Linkedin says failure is what's going to humble you. Helps you realize how fleeting success can be. At least, traditional measures of success. Because you realize that to some extent, how it is just beyond your control and you invest less in it, in term of the way you define yourself success in term of achieving objectives, in terms of manifesting a mission in terms of manifesting a vision, that's all good. Especially, if what you do can create good in the world. Being true to myself, using the energy of my personality to actually serve the purpose of my soul.
And that purpose I'm here to tell you gets revealed to you daily. It is not just one thing, it's the thread that is connecting the dots of everything that you do. So when I first started television at 19, as I said, I was happy to have a job. But later, through experience, trial, error, some failures recognized that my true purpose was to be an inspiration and a force for good to allow people to see the best of themselves through the work and the stories that we were able to tell. And so, that becomes my legacy. "Your legacy is every life that you touch" And that, I repeat everywhere because it's true. It's not one thing, it's everything. And the most important thing is how you touch other people's lives.
Every day, you're carving out the path, even when it looks like you're not. All of your actions are creating equal and opposite reactions which is the third law of motion in physics. What you put out is coming back, how you think and what you do is already being done unto you. That is my religion. I live by that. And so, that is created a very blessed and spectacular life for me. And I want the same for you.
I especially appreciate and resonate with your class motto. The quote from Angela Davis which says you have to act as if it's possible to radically transform the world and you have to do that all the time.

I'm here to tell you that you actually do get to transform the world every day by your actions. Samll steps lead to big accomplishments. Your life isn't some big break like everybody says it is, you are waiting on the big break. It's actually about taking one significant life transforming step at a time. So you can pick a problem, literally, any problem. The list is long because there's gun violence and economic inequality and there's media bias and the homeless opportunity and the addicted need treatment and the dreamers need protection and the prison system needs to be reformed. The social safety net needs saving, misogyny needs to stop
And the truth is, you can't fix everything. But what you can do here and now is make a decision because life is about decision. And the decision is that you will use your life in service. You will be in service to life and you will speak up, you will show up, you will stand up, you will sit in, you will volunteer, you will vote, you will shout out, you will help, you will lead a hand, you will offer your talent and your kindness however you can. And you will radically transform whatever moment you're in which leads to bigger moments.
Because the truth is, success is it's a process. So I would like to say that many times there are things that look like failure in your life. And I want to clear up because for years at every graduation I've said "there's no such thing as failure". Well, it is. I've said it's no such thing as failure. It's life pointing you into a different direction. It does. It indeed does. But in the moment when you fail. It really feels bad. And it's embarrassing, and it's bad...
And it's going to happen to you if you keep living. But I guarantee you, it also will pass and you will be fine. Why? because everything is always working out for you. When every story is about struggle... I had to have a talk with myself and say. What is the really about? What is this here to show you? My favorite question when in crisis. "What is this here to teach or show me?"
Jeff Weiner, one of my friends and founder of Linkedin says failure is what's going to humble you. Helps you realize how fleeting success can be. At least, traditional measures of success. Because you realize that to some extent, how it is just beyond your control and you invest less in it, in term of the way you define yourself success in term of achieving objectives, in terms of manifesting a mission in terms of manifesting a vision, that's all good. Especially, if what you do can create good in the world. Being true to myself, using the energy of my personality to actually serve the purpose of my soul.
And that purpose I'm here to tell you gets revealed to you daily. It is not just one thing, it's the thread that is connecting the dots of everything that you do. So when I first started television at 19, as I said, I was happy to have a job. But later, through experience, trial, error, some failures recognized that my true purpose was to be an inspiration and a force for good to allow people to see the best of themselves through the work and the stories that we were able to tell. And so, that becomes my legacy. "Your legacy is every life that you touch" And that, I repeat everywhere because it's true. It's not one thing, it's everything. And the most important thing is how you touch other people's lives.
Every day, you're carving out the path, even when it looks like you're not. All of your actions are creating equal and opposite reactions which is the third law of motion in physics. What you put out is coming back, how you think and what you do is already being done unto you. That is my religion. I live by that. And so, that is created a very blessed and spectacular life for me. And I want the same for you.