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IP属地:安徽1楼2019-09-26 23:28回复

    IP属地:安徽2楼2019-09-26 23:32
      Attack Attributes攻击属性
      Eachattack in the game has an attribute. Attributes are broken up into four broadcategories: strike, projectile, throw, and doll.These attributes interact with each other to trigger certain effects likeinvincibility and guard point.
      Strike Attribute
      Strike attributes are broken up into three groups: head,body and foot. Generally, grounded moves are body unless theylook like they hit low (even if they don't actually need to be blocked low) andvirtually all air attacks are Head
      Strike attacks are the most common in the game andcan clash with each other.
      Projectile Attribute
      Each projectile has a durability level. Whentwo projectiles of equal durability clash, each projectile will lose one hit(so a 3 hit projectile will become a 2 hit projectile, and a 1 hit projectiledisappears). Higher level projectiles will reduce one hit of lower levelprojectiles without losing any hits.
      Projectiles cannot clash with strikes or throws.
      The frame data will list the durability levelalongside its attribute. For example, a projectile with durability level 2 willshow P2
      Throw Attribute
      The throw attribute is not exclusive to standardthrows! Some attacks, such as Tager's Atomic Collider and Noel's MuzzleFlitter, do not behave like normal throws as you can combo into them withouttriggering a Purple Throw. These moves typically have otherrestrictions in place, however. Typically throw attacks cannot hit opponents incertain states, such as crouching or airborne opponents.
      Throws generally cause both characters to becometemporarily invincible to other attacks. For example, throwing Carl whileNirvana is performing Rhapsody of Memories (the multi-punching super) willallow you to avoid Nirvana's punches!
      The throw attribute also does not necessarily implythe move is unblockable or can be jumped out of, each move is different.
      Doll Attribute
      The Doll attribute is uncommon and is usedprimarily by Carl and Relius as they have partners (Nirvana and Ignis) thatdon't technically count as projectiles, but do move independently.
      Multi-Attribute Strikes
      Some strikes actually have attributes from othercategories, like Strike-Projectile, or Strike-Throw
      A common instance of this is strikes can interactwith projectiles and take on the properties of both.
      For example, Jin's 5D is both Body attribute andProjectile attribute and has the following properties
      Can clash with strikes
      Can clash with projectiles
      Can not be cut by Hakumen's sword or absorbed by Azrael's Growler Field

      IP属地:安徽3楼2019-09-26 23:33
        Attribute Invincibility

        A white circle appears when you are attribute invincible toan attack
        Some attacks are invincible to or automaticallyguard against attacks with certain attributes. For example, Ragna's 6A has headattribute invincibility, so it functions very well as an anti-air since mostjump attacks, air specials, etc., are considered Head attribute.
        Interacting with Strikes function under an"all or nothing" system. An attack must be invincible to allof the strike attributes in order for it to work. For example, Ragna's 6A hashead attribute invincibility, but it will lose to an attack that has both headand body attribute. In previous iterations of Blazblue, this was much morecommon, however in CentralFiction most moves only have one strike attribute.
        Invincibility with multi-attribute strikes functionon a "at least one" system. An attack need only be invincible to atleast one of the attributes in order for it to work. For example, Noel's MuzzleFlitter (214A) is both Head and Throw attribute. Meaning both Terumi's 6A and6B are invincible to it since 6A is head invincible and 6B is throw invincible.
        Most attacks with attribute invincibility areinvincible only for a certain number of frames, meaning you can hit them beforeor after the attribute invincibility window. Jin's 6B is invulnerable to Footattacks and throws, but not on the first frame, meaning a Foot attribute attackactive on the first frame of 6B will hit Jin out of 6B. This is especiallyimportant with regard to anti-air attacks: anti-airs often have a bit ofstartup before they gain their Head invuln frames, so a jump attack that'salready active will Counter Hit an opponent for attempting to anti-air toolate.
        Finally (and in mild contraction to above...),Bursts have their own "Burst" attribute. Almost all attacks withinvincibility and guard point are still vulnerable to Bursts. Blocking normallyhowever, still works.
        Guard Point

        Bang using his 5D's guard point to go through Ragna's attack
        "Guard point" (also known as autoguard)allows attacks to automatically guard against other attacks. Guard point allowsa move to come out while automatically guarding the opponent's attack, so itcan be used similar to invincibility. Autoguard is inherently weaker thaninvincibility, however, as when an attack hits an invincible opponent, it is asthough the attack whiffed, meaning the attack cannot be cancelled and the attackerwill be left open during their recovery; an attack that hits autoguard isconsidered "blocked" and the attacker retains all "cancel onblock" options. This doesn't make autoguard useless, but it is not thesame as in invincibility and can even cause attacks to clash.
        Some Guard Point attacks only guard against certainattacks of certain attributes. For example, Bang's 5D does not have guard pointagainst attacks that must be blocked low and such attacks will not trigger 5D'sautoguard (they will simply hit Bang).
        Super Armor
        Very similar to guardpoint in that the armour mayonly protect against certain attributes. However instead of being blocked, eachhit against armour still acts like it has hit the armoured player and theystill recieve damage, but their attack is not interrupted. For example, Tager's6A is armoured against Projectile, Head and Body but it is still strangelypossible to end the round if Tager runs out of hitpoints while absorbing damageon the armour.

        IP属地:安徽4楼2019-09-26 23:35
          Hitbox invincibility is a property of certainmoves, where parts of the character's "body" (i.e., their hitbox), suchas their feet or upper body, disappears. This type of invincibility is separatefrom attribute invincibility and is purely a matter of hitboxes. Certainattacks remove or shrink their hurtbox, so they cannot be hit by an attack,even if their body appears to occupy that space. An example of this is Jin's3C: Jin crouches down and is able to avoid projectiles like Hishouken, as wellas attacks that hit straight forward like Azrael's 5C. This is not actualinvincibility (Jin's 3C does not make him attribute invincible to Azrael's 5C)but a function of hitbox and hurtbox placement, as well as his lowered heightduring 3C.
          Attacks that shrink a character's hurtbox under anopposing hitbox and allow the character to hit the attacker are commonly saidto "low profile" attacks; in other words, Jin's 3C low profilesRagna's 5B. Again, this is simply due to hitbox/hurtbox placement: Ragna's 5Bextends his hurtbox, while Jin's 3C shrinks his below 5B's hitbox, and theattack hitbox for Jin's 3C does not overlap his hurtbox.

          IP属地:安徽5楼2019-09-26 23:36
            Attack Level
            Mostattacks in the game deal standardized amounts of hitstun, blockstun, etc.depending on their Attack Level. Note that some moves override these defaultvalues, which will be noted in the frame data. In addition to these exceptions,some attacks knock the enemy into the air, wallbounce, crumple, etc. As ageneral rule attacks with the same Attack Level share the same sound effectsand graphical effects.
            空中防御硬直 = 地面防御硬直 + 2
            蹲姿受创硬直 = 站姿受创硬直 + 2
            致命反击 = 受创硬直/不可受身时间 + 3
            地面直防硬直 = 防御硬直 – 3
            空中直防硬直 = 防御硬直 – 6
            护盾防御硬直 = 防御硬直 + 1
            例子:空中护盾直防住一个等级4的防御硬直 = 18 + 2 + 1 – 6 = 15

            IP属地:安徽6楼2019-09-26 23:38
              Hitting Two Opponents With the Same Attack

              Ragna hitting Carl and Nirvana with 5B
              Oneattack can hit multiple targets assuming they are within range. For example oneattack can hit BOTH Carl and Nirvana.
              Normally,when an attack touches the opponent, the remaining active frames are convertedinto recovery frames. However, if there is a second hittable character, thenthe remaining active frames can still hit him!
              Thisleads to visually strange situations like Ragna's 5B hitting Nirvana, then amoment later, Carl jumps into the active frames and gets hit. This is furthercompounded by the fact that hitstop only applies to the attacker and thetarget, thus allowing the attack to hit the unaffected character with theactive frames plus the hitstop frames!
              This evenapplies to projectiles like Jin's Hishouken, but since the projectile willshatter the instant it touches an opponent, this effect is much harder to takeadvantage of.

              IP属地:安徽7楼2019-09-26 23:39
                Fatal Counter

                All hits in the combo have more hitstun/untechable time,allowing for fancy combos
                Somemoves have the Fatal Counter property. If you counter hit the opponent with a movethat has this property, all subsequent attacks in the combo will have 3 framesof additional hitstun / untechable state. This means that you can do combosthat you normally couldn't do and it also offsets the effect of hitstun decay,allowing combos to continue longer than normal.
                Forexample: Jin can combo 5C > 6C on standing Fatal hit.
                You'llknow which moves have this property because the announcer will say"fatal" and the words "Fatal Counter" will appear on theside of the screen if you land a counter hit with one.
                A fewrare attacks like Hakumen's max charge 6C are special: they will cause Fatalstatus on normal hit!
                Fatalstatus does not stack, so doing two Fatals in one combo still only adds 3frames instead of 6.
                There'sno hard and fast rule as to which moves have Fatal Counter property, you justneed to learn which ones they are for each character. They can occur on anynon-throw move, but generally moves that have slow startup and big initialdamage are likely to have this property.
                比如琴恩在FC的情况下可以让5C > 6C成立。
                FC的奖励不叠加。3 + 3 = 6帧的额外击晕?哈!做梦去吧。
                关于FC没有什么特殊的规则,这取决于角色的特性。只要不是投技就行。但是基本上好像还都是些有满起手和高伤害的招数容易带Fatal Counter的属性。

                IP属地:安徽9楼2019-09-26 23:41
                  Counter Hit Carry

                  If the first hit of 2C was a CH, the second hit of 2C willhave additional hitstun to combo into 3C.
                  Mostmulti-hit attacks (but not throws) have a property where if the first hit is acounter hit, then the remaining hits are also counter hit. This is known as theCounter Hit Carry property. This means that you can hitconfirm offmulti-hitting attacks more easily as well as do combos that might otherwise bedifficult (or impossible) without this property. Moves with Counter Hit Carryalso do the bonus damage that CH normally confers as well.
                  Forexample, if Nu gets a CH with j.C, the opponent will be unable to recover for along time even if the j.C did multiple hits. This allows Nu to combo off CH j.Cmuch easier.
                  However,note that the additional hitstop the opponent incurs on counter hit does notcarry over to the followup hits with Counter Hit Carry. This means that evenwith Counter Hit Carry, some combos are still only possible on the first hit ofan attack.
                  Anexample of this is Jin's Counter Hit 5B > 6C. 5B > 6C works if done onthe first hit of 5B, but not the second. This is due to the fact that theadditional hitstop gives you more "hitstun" to combo into the 6C.
                  Finallycounterhit carry only applies to moves that multi-hit regardless of hitting,blocking or missing. Moves that have automatic followups that activate onlywhen the first part hits (like throws, Exceed Accels and various other specialmoves) do not carry counter damage or hitstun.
                  比如,琴恩的Counter 5B > 6C。6C只有在5B第一击才能连得上。因为第一击有额外的击中时停时间。

                  IP属地:安徽10楼2019-09-26 23:42
                    Miscellaneous Hit Effects
                    Ground Hit
                    "Ground hit" is when you are hit whilestanding or crouching and suffer hitstun. When ground hitstun finishes, youwill be returned to your previous state (i.e. standing or crouching). Groundhitstun is divided into standing and crouching hitstun: standing hitstun iseasier to hit for attacks with high hitboxes (note: the animation differsslightly depending on whether you get in the upper or lower half of yourhitbox); crouching hitstun has a shorter hitbox, but lasts 2 frames longer thanstanding hitstun.
                    Furthermore, some attacks have unique propertiesthat force an opponent into a specific type of hitstun. For example, Noel's 6Bforces the opponent into crouching hitstun on ground hit.
                    Air Hit (Untechable State)

                    valid vs. invalid combo
                    Naturally enough, air hit is a hit state when hitwhile airborne. The main difference from ground hits is that you can onlyreturn to a regular aerial state if you recover, or "tech" out, afterthe attack's untechable window passes -- if you don't tech out, the opponentwill be able to combo you and create an "invalid combo".
                    Sometimes people prefer not to tech and allow theopponent to get an invalid combo so they do not reset damage scaling. Forexample, some people decide to not air tech versus Tager's Atomic Collider andlet the invalid combo continue rather than tech and get hit by the AtomicCollider and reset the damage scaling.
                    If you continue to not tech, then you'll simplyfall to the ground at which point you can emergency tech or roll.
                    Forcing air state
                    There are lots of moves that force the airbornestate in some way or another, meaning they behave the same regardless ofwhether they hit someone grounded or airborne. They typically come in two forms
                    "Launchers" typically launching the opponent upwards
                    "Sweeps" everyone's 3C attack as well as some others, they usually don't knock the opponent very high, but are often cancelled into an air combo of some kind, these are special in that they force the "downed" state to the combo, enabling some moves that require you to down your opponent first (For example, Ragna's "Not over yet!" 22C move)

                    IP属地:安徽11楼2019-09-26 23:44
                      Freeze is a unique hitstate - you'll be surroundedby ice, and be stuck in hitstun for a fixed amount of time. The amount of timedepends on each attack, and after the effect has elapsed, you'll automaticallyrecover. Additionally, if you're frozen in mid-air and land while frozen, youwill then be treated as standing. This allows for air combos that go tofreezing, to a high/low mixup.
                      Movesthat can freeze have two additional values: Freeze Count and FreezeDuration
                      Freeze Count: Determines the number of times that an opponent may be frozen in a single combo. Jin's normal Drive attacks have Freeze Count 1 so they can only be the first Freeze in a combo, else they just do regular hitstun. However, EX Specials (214D, 236D, 623D, etc.) have very high Freeze Counts (10) effectively ignoring the Freeze Count limit.
                      Freeze Duration: This value determines how long the opponent will be frozen in place after being hit by a move that freezes. Freeze Duration is not affected by hitstun decay or bonus hitstun from a Fatal Counter starter; in other words, Freeze Duration is always the same.
                      Additional Freeze Details
                      · If an opponent is crouching or airborne when frozen, theywill be forced into a standing state. This makes freeze useful for setting upresets.
                      · If an attack hits Jin while the opponent is frozen, theopponent will recover from the freeze effect immediately.
                      · Opponents will automatically break free from the freezeeffect if they are hit by a non-freezing attack, if Jin goes over the FreezeCount limit, and after the Freeze Duration expires.
                      可以冰冻的招数有两个额外的数值:冰冻次数 和 冰冻时长
                      冰冻次数:决定对手在单次连段中可以被冻住的次数。琴恩的普通D的次数是1所以只能在连段中冻住对手一次,额外的次数只会造成一般的受创硬直。 但是,EX必杀技(214D,236D,623D等)会有很高的冰冻次数(10),完全无视了冰冻限制。

                      IP属地:安徽13楼2019-09-26 23:45
                        Ground Slide
                        Slide is a hitstate where the character isknocked/slammed into the ground and then slides towards the corner. Note thatalthough the slide state is ground untechable, if the air untechable timeexpires, then you'll be able to use wake-up options except for Quick Tech.
                        Once you stop sliding, you'll transition to a hardknockdown state, whereupon you'll be unable to do anything for 19F. After that,all wake-up options will be available to you, including Neutral Tech.
                        Hard Knockdown
                        A knockdown that can be combined with any other hitthat disables Emergency Teching on air hit. This usually allows forlonger combos and more time to setup an offense. An example of this is Ragna'sCrush Trigger on air hit.
                        Guard Crush
                        Guard Crushes puts the opponent into a stunnedstate where you can them combo them for free. More details on Guard Crush arelocated here.

                        IP属地:安徽14楼2019-09-26 23:46


                          IP属地:安徽15楼2019-09-26 23:48

                            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端16楼2019-09-27 09:41

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