Attribute Invincibility
A white circle appears when you are attribute invincible toan attack
Some attacks are invincible to or automaticallyguard against attacks with certain attributes. For example, Ragna's 6A has headattribute invincibility, so it functions very well as an anti-air since mostjump attacks, air specials, etc., are considered Head attribute.
Interacting with Strikes function under an"all or nothing" system. An attack must be invincible to allof the strike attributes in order for it to work. For example, Ragna's 6A hashead attribute invincibility, but it will lose to an attack that has both headand body attribute. In previous iterations of Blazblue, this was much morecommon, however in CentralFiction most moves only have one strike attribute.
Invincibility with multi-attribute strikes functionon a "at least one" system. An attack need only be invincible to atleast one of the attributes in order for it to work. For example, Noel's MuzzleFlitter (214A) is both Head and Throw attribute. Meaning both Terumi's 6A and6B are invincible to it since 6A is head invincible and 6B is throw invincible.
Most attacks with attribute invincibility areinvincible only for a certain number of frames, meaning you can hit them beforeor after the attribute invincibility window. Jin's 6B is invulnerable to Footattacks and throws, but not on the first frame, meaning a Foot attribute attackactive on the first frame of 6B will hit Jin out of 6B. This is especiallyimportant with regard to anti-air attacks: anti-airs often have a bit ofstartup before they gain their Head invuln frames, so a jump attack that'salready active will Counter Hit an opponent for attempting to anti-air toolate.
Finally (and in mild contraction to above...),Bursts have their own "Burst" attribute. Almost all attacks withinvincibility and guard point are still vulnerable to Bursts. Blocking normallyhowever, still works.
Guard Point
Bang using his 5D's guard point to go through Ragna's attack
"Guard point" (also known as autoguard)allows attacks to automatically guard against other attacks. Guard point allowsa move to come out while automatically guarding the opponent's attack, so itcan be used similar to invincibility. Autoguard is inherently weaker thaninvincibility, however, as when an attack hits an invincible opponent, it is asthough the attack whiffed, meaning the attack cannot be cancelled and the attackerwill be left open during their recovery; an attack that hits autoguard isconsidered "blocked" and the attacker retains all "cancel onblock" options. This doesn't make autoguard useless, but it is not thesame as in invincibility and can even cause attacks to clash.
Some Guard Point attacks only guard against certainattacks of certain attributes. For example, Bang's 5D does not have guard pointagainst attacks that must be blocked low and such attacks will not trigger 5D'sautoguard (they will simply hit Bang).
Super Armor
Very similar to guardpoint in that the armour mayonly protect against certain attributes. However instead of being blocked, eachhit against armour still acts like it has hit the armoured player and theystill recieve damage, but their attack is not interrupted. For example, Tager's6A is armoured against Projectile, Head and Body but it is still strangelypossible to end the round if Tager runs out of hitpoints while absorbing damageon the armour.