【由于此次更新与上一个测试版的内容几乎没有区别,以下内容通过整理测试版与同期正式版内容得到,均仅为正式版中的变化】 · OSX 64 bit support 支持64位OSX系统。 Driftwood Oar's damage is now the same as the Oar 浮木桨的攻击力改为与木桨相等。 Fixed some rendering bugs 修复一些渲染时的问题。 Fixed the top speed when using multiple masts. 修复使用了多个船帆时的速度上限相关问题。 Hammering the Winged Sail will now drop the correct items. 用锤子摧毁张开的船帆会正确掉落物品。 Hammering the Mast will now play the correct animation. 用锤子摧毁船帆会出现正确的动画。 Waves won't spawn outside of water. 浪不会出现在水域之外了。 Fixed wave splash FX 修复波浪溅起水花的特效相关问题。 Malbatross Feathers, Feathery Canvases and Down Feathers can now be burnt or fuel in fires. 信天翁羽毛、羽毛帆布和羽绒可以作为燃料了。 Fish shoals no longer get attached to boats as they sail by 鱼群不会被船吸走了。 Fixed Steering Wheel inspect strings 修复查看舵轮时的语句。 Fixed a save/load bug for Sea Stacks 修复一个保存和加载海蚀柱时的错误。 Birds no longer get wet when they land on water. 落在海面上的鸟不会打湿了。 Driftwood and Driftwood Oar are waterproof. 木桨和浮木桨都是防水的了。 Telelocator Staff will no longer teleport aquatic creatures onto land. 传送法杖不会将水生生物传送到陆地上了。 Physics and rendering optimizations 优化物理处理和渲染效果。 Hot Springs will now go to their empty state when mined. They will refill when the moon phase changes (matching when the Celestial Fissures change their intensity) 温泉被挖掘后会变为空的,并会在月圆时变回满的(与月之裂隙的变化相对应)。 Added sound fx to the Hot Springs 新增温泉的音效。 Repaired boat leaks no longer block placing structures 修补船上漏洞留下的补丁不会影响建筑摆放了。 Fixed a bug where the boat steering sounds would play indefinitely. 修复船上掌舵的声音不会停止的问题。 Fixed drawing on Mini Signs for creatures that can only be picked up once trapped or caught 修复试图在小木牌上画上只有被抓住才能捡起的生物时的相关问题。 Fixed Wilson's quotes for inspecting the Portable Crock Pot 修复威尔逊查看便携式烹饪锅的语句中的错误。
【4楼是同期新闻】 · Salty Dog: 盐狗: Welcome to the brine shoals. Filled with the new salt rock resource, survivors looking to stretch the life of their food with this new spice will need to brave the dreaded Cookie Cutters. And watch out for the Malbatross. Getting on it's bad side will be a weight around anyone's neck. 欢迎来到盐滩!其中含有全新的盐矿,但想要用它来拓展食谱的幸存者们需要挑战隐藏在其中的可怕的Cookie Cutter。另外要当心信天翁,要是把它惹烦了,你的脖子就危险了。 Facing these new dangers and coming home with the goods will make you a real salty dog! 战胜这些困难,把战利品带回家,你就是一个真正的老水手! Available now on Steam and Consoles. 此次更新全平台都已上线。 · Key Features: 关键内容: The Malbatross is exploring the ocean looking for its next feast. 信天翁会在海洋中搜寻它的食物。 Salt Formations have sprung up in the deep ocean but beware of what else lurks in these briny pools. 盐柱出现在了深海之中,但要当心潜伏在其中的危险。 Preserve your food with Salt Crystals or craft a Salt Box to keep your ingredients fresh. 将食品保存在盐晶体或盐箱中可以保鲜。 Warly adds a new seasoning spice to his repertoire: Seasoning Salt. 沃利的食谱中有了全新的调味品:调味盐 Existing worlds will be automatically updated with the new content. 旧世界会自动整合得到新内容。 · Hallowed Nights will be returning in a couple weeks and with it our Survivors will meet a new friend. We'll have more details soon, but we thought you might enjoy this little sample from our next short. 万圣节之夜的活动也会在几周后归来,同时我们的幸存者还会迎来一位新朋友。我们会尽快公布更多信息,但愿你们会喜欢这个新短片中的节选画面:
· Update Notes (371739) 更新内容: Changes: 内容修改: Glowcap and Mushlight now last twice as long as before. 两种蘑菇灯的持续时间改为原本的两倍。 Bug Fixes: 问题修复: Increased volume on lightning strikes 增大了闪电的声音。 Renamed Warly's salt spice to Seasoning Salt 沃利的盐调料改名为“调味盐”。