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“Depression” is a word we hear often, because it can be used in different ways. The word “depression” has three major definitions.“沮丧”是我们经常听到的一个词,因为它可以用不同的方式。“沮丧”一词有三个主要的含义。
1. Depression1.抑郁
A feeling of extreme unhappiness or discouragement.极度不快乐或沮丧的感觉。
My mother went through a depression after my father’s death.我父亲去世后,我母亲患上了抑郁症。
2. Depression2.萧条
A severe economic recession; when an economy is suffering.严重的经济衰退;经济受挫时。
The Great Depression in the United States was a difficult time to find work, and support a family.美国的经济大萧条时期,很难找到工作,养家糊口。
3. Depression3.下陷
Something that is pushed down, sunken, or hollow on the surface.表面被推倒、凹陷或低洼的东西。
We were planning to build a house on this property, but now we have noticed a big depression on the land, that might lead to flooding.我们本来打算在这块地上盖一栋房子,但现在我们注意到地上有一个大坑,这可能导致洪水泛滥。
Below are a few synonyms to this commonly used word, depression, and examples of how to use them, so you can start practicing using them today!下面是这个常用词“抑郁”的一些同义词,以及如何使用它们的例子,所以你可以从今天开始练习使用它们!
1. Depression1.沮丧
Feeling an extreme sadness.感到极度悲伤。
The woman felt dejected after her beloved dog died.她心爱的狗死后,这女人感到悲痛欲绝。
After the events of the previous day, I woke up feeling an extreme dejection.前一天的事情发生后,我醒来时感到极度沮丧。
Feeling emotionally low of hope or confidence.情绪上缺乏希望或信心。
I want to have hope, but after 12 rejection letters, I’m beginning to feel a merciless despondency.我也想怀有希望,但在收到12封拒绝信后,我开始感到一种绝望的灰心丧气。
Together, with love and support, we’ve gotten past the moment of despondency after last year’s events.在爱和支持下,我们一起度过了去年那件事后的沮丧时刻。
Completely being without hope.完全没有希望。
Do not despair; you need to have hope for each and every day!不要绝望,你需要每天都有希望!
The music had so much despair to the tune and melody.这个音乐在曲调和旋律上都流露出深深的绝望。
Feeling emotional darkness.[/en感觉情绪消极阴暗。
[en]Walking through that dark, thick forest, I couldn’t help but feel a kind of gloom being there alone.
It was a rainy, dark, gloomy day, but sometimes, those are my favorite.那是一个阴雨连绵,黑暗阴沉的日子,但有时,这些恰恰是我最喜欢的天气。
Not having hope.没有任何希望。
It’s true, after a certain amount of rejections, I began to feel hopeless, but now in retrospect, I see the benefits of the situation.的确,经过一定数量的拒绝之后,我开始感到绝望,但现在回想起来,我看到了这种情况的好处。
Hopelessness will benefit no one if you let it consume you.如果你任由绝望吞噬你,没有人会受益。
A physical, mental, or emotional distress.身体、精神或情感上的痛苦。
There was so much misery during the war, but as a community, we always maintained hope.战争期间有很多苦难,但作为一个共同体,我们始终坚守着希望。
Misery is a dangerous emotion if you let it stay with you for too long.如果你让它停留太久,痛苦就成了一种危险的情绪。
An emotion of severe sadness or distress caused by loss or disappointment.因失去或失望而引起的极度悲伤或痛苦的情绪。
After my friend’s funeral, the sorrow stayed with me for months and years after.在我朋友的葬礼之后,悲伤在我心里持续了数月甚至数年。
The film was sorrowful, but so beautiful in its message.这部电影很悲伤,但表达的内容却很美。
2. Depression2.萧条
A period of economic decline in a nation or city.一个国家或城市的经济衰退期。
The recession resulted in a lot of lost homes and businesses.经济衰退导致许多房屋和企业都承受损失。
The big question is what will happen to all of the recent college graduates, during this recession?最大的问题是,在经济衰退期间,所有的大学毕业生都会怎么样?
3. Depression3.凹陷
An empty space within a solid object.固体物体内的空位。
My dentist found a deep cavity in one of the molars of my teeth.我的牙医在我的一颗臼齿上发现了一个深洞。
The car made a heavy noise as it drove over the large cavity in the road.汽车驶过马路上的大洞时会发出很大的噪音。[/cn
A small hollow made by pressure.由压力形成的小洞。
I dropped my phone, and was so upset to find an ugly dent on its side, when I picked it up.我把手机掉在地上,当我捡起它时,发现手机侧面有一个难看的凹痕,我很难过。
The car parked next to mine was too close, and its driver dented my side door when opening theirs.[/en停在我旁边的车离我太近了,司机打开侧门时把我的侧门撞凹了。
A deep dip in something.在某物上的深浸。
The scar on my right arm has left an indentation that always reminds me of the day I had my bicycle accident.我右臂上的伤疤留下了一个凹痕,它总是让我想起发生自行车事故的那一天。
My boyfriend bought me a silver necklace with an indentation of a heart.我男朋友给我买了一条有心形凹痕的银项链。

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