;#SingleInstance force
;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
;SendMode, Input
VarSetCapacity(SupportedBRightness, 256, 0)
VarSetCapacity(SupportedBRightnessSize, 4, 0)
VarSetCapacity(BRightnessSize, 4, 0)
VarSetCapacity(BRightness, 3, 0)
hLCD := DllCall("CreateFile"
, Str, "\\.\LCD"
, UInt, 0x80000000 | 0x40000000 ;Read | Write
, UInt, 0x1 | 0x2 ; File Read | File Write
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0x3 ; open any existing file
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0)
if hLCD != -1
DevVideo := 0x00000023, BuffMethod := 0, Fileacces := 0
NumPut(0x03, BRightness, 0, "UChar") ; 0x01 = Set AC, 0x02 = Set DC, 0x03 = Set both
NumPut(0x00, BRightness, 1, "UChar") ; The AC bRightness level
NumPut(0x00, BRightness, 2, "UChar") ; The DC bRightness level
, UInt, hLCD
, UInt, (DevVideo<<16 | 0x126<<2 | BuffMethod<<14 | Fileacces) ; IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, UInt, &Brightness
, UInt, 3
, UInt, &BrightnessSize
, UInt, 0)
, UInt, hLCD
, UInt, (DevVideo<<16 | 0x125<<2 | BuffMethod<<14 | Fileacces) ; IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_SUPPORTED_BRIGHTNESS
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, UInt, &SupportedBrightness
, UInt, 256
, UInt, &SupportedBrightnessSize
, UInt, 0)
ACBRightness := NumGet(BRightness, 1, "UChar")
ACIndex := 0
DCBRightness := NumGet(BRightness, 2, "UChar")
DCIndex := 0
BufferSize := NumGet(SupportedBRightnessSize, 0, "UInt")
MaxIndex := BufferSize-1
loop, %BufferSize%
ThisIndex := A_Index-1
ThisBRightness := NumGet(SupportedBRightness, ThisIndex, "UChar")
if ACBRightness = %ThisBRightness%
ACIndex := ThisIndex
if DCBRightness = %ThisBRightness%
DCIndex := ThisIndex
if DCIndex >= %ACIndex%
BRightnessIndex := DCIndex
BRightnessIndex := ACIndex
BRightnessIndex += IndexMove
if BRightnessIndex > %MaxIndex%
BRightnessIndex := MaxIndex
if BRightnessIndex < 0
BRightnessIndex := 0
NewBRightness := NumGet(SupportedBRightness, BRightnessIndex, "UChar")
NumPut(0x03, BRightness, 0, "UChar") ; 0x01 = Set AC, 0x02 = Set DC, 0x03 = Set both
NumPut(NewBRightness, BRightness, 1, "UChar") ; The AC bRightness level
NumPut(NewBRightness, BRightness, 2, "UChar") ; The DC bRightness level
, UInt, hLCD
, UInt, (DevVideo<<16 | 0x127<<2 | BuffMethod<<14 | Fileacces) ; IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS
, UInt, &Brightness
, UInt, 3
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, Uint, 0)
DllCall("CloseHandle", UInt, hLCD)
F8::Send {Volume_Up 1} ;
F7::Send {Volume_Down 1} ;
F6::Send {Volume_Mute} ;
F9::Send {Media_Prev 1} ;
F11::Send {Media_Next 1} ;
F10::Send {Media_Play_Pause};
;#SingleInstance force
;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
;SendMode, Input
VarSetCapacity(SupportedBRightness, 256, 0)
VarSetCapacity(SupportedBRightnessSize, 4, 0)
VarSetCapacity(BRightnessSize, 4, 0)
VarSetCapacity(BRightness, 3, 0)
hLCD := DllCall("CreateFile"
, Str, "\\.\LCD"
, UInt, 0x80000000 | 0x40000000 ;Read | Write
, UInt, 0x1 | 0x2 ; File Read | File Write
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0x3 ; open any existing file
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0)
if hLCD != -1
DevVideo := 0x00000023, BuffMethod := 0, Fileacces := 0
NumPut(0x03, BRightness, 0, "UChar") ; 0x01 = Set AC, 0x02 = Set DC, 0x03 = Set both
NumPut(0x00, BRightness, 1, "UChar") ; The AC bRightness level
NumPut(0x00, BRightness, 2, "UChar") ; The DC bRightness level
, UInt, hLCD
, UInt, (DevVideo<<16 | 0x126<<2 | BuffMethod<<14 | Fileacces) ; IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, UInt, &Brightness
, UInt, 3
, UInt, &BrightnessSize
, UInt, 0)
, UInt, hLCD
, UInt, (DevVideo<<16 | 0x125<<2 | BuffMethod<<14 | Fileacces) ; IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_SUPPORTED_BRIGHTNESS
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, UInt, &SupportedBrightness
, UInt, 256
, UInt, &SupportedBrightnessSize
, UInt, 0)
ACBRightness := NumGet(BRightness, 1, "UChar")
ACIndex := 0
DCBRightness := NumGet(BRightness, 2, "UChar")
DCIndex := 0
BufferSize := NumGet(SupportedBRightnessSize, 0, "UInt")
MaxIndex := BufferSize-1
loop, %BufferSize%
ThisIndex := A_Index-1
ThisBRightness := NumGet(SupportedBRightness, ThisIndex, "UChar")
if ACBRightness = %ThisBRightness%
ACIndex := ThisIndex
if DCBRightness = %ThisBRightness%
DCIndex := ThisIndex
if DCIndex >= %ACIndex%
BRightnessIndex := DCIndex
BRightnessIndex := ACIndex
BRightnessIndex += IndexMove
if BRightnessIndex > %MaxIndex%
BRightnessIndex := MaxIndex
if BRightnessIndex < 0
BRightnessIndex := 0
NewBRightness := NumGet(SupportedBRightness, BRightnessIndex, "UChar")
NumPut(0x03, BRightness, 0, "UChar") ; 0x01 = Set AC, 0x02 = Set DC, 0x03 = Set both
NumPut(NewBRightness, BRightness, 1, "UChar") ; The AC bRightness level
NumPut(NewBRightness, BRightness, 2, "UChar") ; The DC bRightness level
, UInt, hLCD
, UInt, (DevVideo<<16 | 0x127<<2 | BuffMethod<<14 | Fileacces) ; IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS
, UInt, &Brightness
, UInt, 3
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, UInt, 0
, Uint, 0)
DllCall("CloseHandle", UInt, hLCD)
F8::Send {Volume_Up 1} ;
F7::Send {Volume_Down 1} ;
F6::Send {Volume_Mute} ;
F9::Send {Media_Prev 1} ;
F11::Send {Media_Next 1} ;
F10::Send {Media_Play_Pause};