Here u can find many answers to frequently asked questions :
1) Why and how has this project started ?
This project was intentionally meant as an in-house family & friends project.
Since we noticed many people and online petitions about a certain "vanished" game,
we try to create an alternative, free for everyone to play.
We can not say this enough, this is not a remake or clone project anymore,
this is a complete new game and will take upto 2 years to complete.
On the way throughout the time everyone can play for free all the time, the game will grow
by each update and more things will be added every update, we will listen to player input.
We have a big edge over game companies, we are gamers ourselves, this game is be made by gamers for gamers.
We dont have a certain time shedule or rush to finish this, we will use all the time that is needed!
2) How long will the project take ?
This project will start off as an alpha game so people will be able to play right from the start,
however this will start with ( very ) basic things and we will grow along the way.
As for a timeline, this is difficult to state as "when" is a game finished ?
We will approach it like : Full map, advanced movement, shooting, looting & basebuilding, ...
if all those are ( stable ) in place, we can consider it as non-alpha game anymore and we look at 1 or 2 years.
Will this be the end ? No, the game needs to keep evolving & expand overtime as long possible,
we try to create something that lasts for a long time.
AI ( life ), Quests and more are on the roadmap, some might be added earlier then expected for some reason,
we will always give an "estimated" time but no real guarantees.
3) Will there be Skins in the game ?
Yes, there will be skin options in the game later on.
We are thinking of a "tier" or "achievement" system among other things for earning them,
someone with ( example ) 1000 kills receives a more impressive "Assasin" skin or something.
We also consider to offer to people their own "personal" skin, an unique one which u only can own,
people can give us information, screens, colors etc to work towards this, even your own face ingame "could"
be an option, in how far this has to be reviewed GDPR wise and copycat wise, we dont want imposters like on FB ;)
4) Game mechanics and allround feeling :
We have massively many hours in other survival games and with many experienced beta testing players at hand,
we will do everything to get as close possible to the playability we all desire.
We have all the time to evolve and test this out, we have no deadlines.
5) Weapons & Recoil :
There will be :
.308 Sniper / AR15 / AK47 / Shotgun / Magnum / 9mm Handgun
HE Grenade / Gas grenade / Smoke grenade / Stun grenade
The recoil and shooting system will be without any doubt pretty intensive testing stuff to accomplish,
but we are looking forward to it and with help of the community aswell we should be able to cover this.
There will be "bullet drop" aswell, we are aiming for a particular system in mind.
6) Will there be a "Basebuilding" system ?
Yes!, we will have things like deck foundations, big shelters, small shelters, walls & upper walls, gates, etc.
7) Will there be Shacks ?
Yes, small and bigger shacks.
8) Raiding system :
EID's, Ethanol and Gasoline will be in the game, effects like placing multiple EIDs or Ethanols catching some shelters
togheter that will "spread" in fire aswell, these will look quite impressive but balanced ;)
9) Loot system :
The loot will be a common one, but towards the future we might ( in consultation with the players ) expand
it a bit more, it all will depends how the game progresses in the future to keep things interesting.
10) Will there be "chests" and a stash ?
Yes, it is our opinion that such things are not to be missed in the game, we even think a small "unraidable" Stash will benefit
the smaller groups and Solo players to try to play on more higher pop servers or higher skilled ones.
It might even helps clans a bit too to safely "store" a bit of BOOM among members in case of emergencies.
It wont be "too big" but enough for Solo's, we aim it at them for helping a bit out as that is a big problem in many other games.
There will also be "chests", we will look at the size with the community, maybe less amount of "space" would benefit
spreading of chests and getting a base actually more "used" or protected as a base.
We are not sure yet, we need the community for that and this will be discussed later on for sure.
11) Extra addons & ideas for the game :
We got many suggestions through Discord and we had many of our own aswell, but we are seriously considering adding things
that the game could expand or benefit in any positive or more detailed way, this all with feedback of the players.
Every building etc. in this game will be open for entering, an "Open World" should be as such.
Things like a working escalator or elevator in the Hospital ( to create a bit extra realism and fun-factor )
Here u can find many answers to frequently asked questions :
1) Why and how has this project started ?
This project was intentionally meant as an in-house family & friends project.
Since we noticed many people and online petitions about a certain "vanished" game,
we try to create an alternative, free for everyone to play.
We can not say this enough, this is not a remake or clone project anymore,
this is a complete new game and will take upto 2 years to complete.
On the way throughout the time everyone can play for free all the time, the game will grow
by each update and more things will be added every update, we will listen to player input.
We have a big edge over game companies, we are gamers ourselves, this game is be made by gamers for gamers.
We dont have a certain time shedule or rush to finish this, we will use all the time that is needed!
2) How long will the project take ?
This project will start off as an alpha game so people will be able to play right from the start,
however this will start with ( very ) basic things and we will grow along the way.
As for a timeline, this is difficult to state as "when" is a game finished ?
We will approach it like : Full map, advanced movement, shooting, looting & basebuilding, ...
if all those are ( stable ) in place, we can consider it as non-alpha game anymore and we look at 1 or 2 years.
Will this be the end ? No, the game needs to keep evolving & expand overtime as long possible,
we try to create something that lasts for a long time.
AI ( life ), Quests and more are on the roadmap, some might be added earlier then expected for some reason,
we will always give an "estimated" time but no real guarantees.
3) Will there be Skins in the game ?
Yes, there will be skin options in the game later on.
We are thinking of a "tier" or "achievement" system among other things for earning them,
someone with ( example ) 1000 kills receives a more impressive "Assasin" skin or something.
We also consider to offer to people their own "personal" skin, an unique one which u only can own,
people can give us information, screens, colors etc to work towards this, even your own face ingame "could"
be an option, in how far this has to be reviewed GDPR wise and copycat wise, we dont want imposters like on FB ;)
4) Game mechanics and allround feeling :
We have massively many hours in other survival games and with many experienced beta testing players at hand,
we will do everything to get as close possible to the playability we all desire.
We have all the time to evolve and test this out, we have no deadlines.
5) Weapons & Recoil :
There will be :
.308 Sniper / AR15 / AK47 / Shotgun / Magnum / 9mm Handgun
HE Grenade / Gas grenade / Smoke grenade / Stun grenade
The recoil and shooting system will be without any doubt pretty intensive testing stuff to accomplish,
but we are looking forward to it and with help of the community aswell we should be able to cover this.
There will be "bullet drop" aswell, we are aiming for a particular system in mind.
6) Will there be a "Basebuilding" system ?
Yes!, we will have things like deck foundations, big shelters, small shelters, walls & upper walls, gates, etc.
7) Will there be Shacks ?
Yes, small and bigger shacks.
8) Raiding system :
EID's, Ethanol and Gasoline will be in the game, effects like placing multiple EIDs or Ethanols catching some shelters
togheter that will "spread" in fire aswell, these will look quite impressive but balanced ;)
9) Loot system :
The loot will be a common one, but towards the future we might ( in consultation with the players ) expand
it a bit more, it all will depends how the game progresses in the future to keep things interesting.
10) Will there be "chests" and a stash ?
Yes, it is our opinion that such things are not to be missed in the game, we even think a small "unraidable" Stash will benefit
the smaller groups and Solo players to try to play on more higher pop servers or higher skilled ones.
It might even helps clans a bit too to safely "store" a bit of BOOM among members in case of emergencies.
It wont be "too big" but enough for Solo's, we aim it at them for helping a bit out as that is a big problem in many other games.
There will also be "chests", we will look at the size with the community, maybe less amount of "space" would benefit
spreading of chests and getting a base actually more "used" or protected as a base.
We are not sure yet, we need the community for that and this will be discussed later on for sure.
11) Extra addons & ideas for the game :
We got many suggestions through Discord and we had many of our own aswell, but we are seriously considering adding things
that the game could expand or benefit in any positive or more detailed way, this all with feedback of the players.
Every building etc. in this game will be open for entering, an "Open World" should be as such.
Things like a working escalator or elevator in the Hospital ( to create a bit extra realism and fun-factor )